编辑: ACcyL 2019-07-04
封面 慧桥全球伙伴 本地价值 Local Value with Global Partners 品牌内涵 慧 凝聚智慧,开拓创新,追求卓越 桥 架构科技之桥、诚信之桥 为客户、员工、股东、社会创造最大价值 Our Brand Wit Wisdom, Innovation, Excellence Joint A bridge between leading solutions and customer value 慧桥愿景 中国自动化行业最有价值的合作伙伴 WitJoint Vision: To be the most valuable partner in automation industry 脚踏实地 志存高远 我们坚持扎实的每一步,不断提升公司实力,拓展业务范围和区域,为客户提供更好的服务.

Think Big, Act Small. We take every solid step to enhance our capability, expand business scope and territory to better serve our customers. 慧桥简介 慧桥电气技术(上海)有限公司是上海慧桥电气自动化有限公司和法国索能达集团合作成立的合资公司,总部位于上海市漕河泾高新技术开发区,在香港、南京、无锡、苏州、南通、常州、合肥 、芜湖等地设有销售和服务机构. 公司专业从事电气、自动化产品分销和技术服务.慧桥电气技术与罗克韦尔自动化等众多国际知名自动化企业合作,为广大客户提供完整的自动化产品解决方案.同时,凭借公司强大的技术力量,可为客户提供基于产品和应用的增值技术服务. 上海慧桥电气自动化有限公司成立于2002年,为上海市认证的高新技术企业和ISO9001质量管理体系认证企业,旗下拥有六家子公司,业务涵盖自动化产品分销、软件研发、盘柜制造、系统集成和技术服务;

法国索能达集团是全球最大的电气产品分销企业.合资公司的成立旨在充分利用慧桥自动化本地化营运经验,引入索能达集团强大的领先管理、高效营运和资本实力,打造一个立足长三角,辐射大中国的一流的电气、自动化产品及技术服务的增值供应商. Our Company WitJoint Electrical Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is a joint venture of Shanghai WitJoint Automation Co., Ltd. and Sonepar Group, France. Headquartered in Shanghai, WitJoint Electrical Technology extends its operation country wide with sales and service offices set up in Hong Kong, Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Nantong, Changzhou, Hefei, Wuhu, etc. Partnering with many world-class automation manufacturers like Rockwell Automation, etc., we are dedicated to providing our customers with industrial automation products, services, and solutions. Our solid industrial automation technology and expertise ensure our services add value to our customers. Founded in 2002, our company now owns

6 subsidiaries with business covering automation product distribution, software and solution, panel fabrication, service and engineering. As the world top electrical distributor, Sonepar Group brings extra value to the joint venture including world-class business management and operation, financing, and global distribution network. The joint venture, WitJoint Electrical Technology, is targeting to be the first class electrical automation product and service provider in China market. 慧桥历程 Our History 2002年 慧桥电气自动化有限公司成立 获得罗克韦尔自动化低压和变频器产品分销授权 成立慧桥实业国际有限公司(香港) WitJoint Automation founded Rockwell Automation authorized distributor on industry control &

drive products WitJoint International (Hong Kong) founded 2003年 获得罗克韦尔自动化全线产品分销授权 成立工程部 成立南京办事处 被评为上海市高新技术企业 Rockwell Automation authorized full-line distributor Engineering Dept. set up Nanjing office established High-tech company certified by Shanghai government 公司年销售额过亿元 ERP系统上线 成为罗克韦尔自动化中国区最大分销商 Annual turnover exceeded
