编辑: kr9梯 2019-07-04
It's April, 18, Good Friday for millions of people worldwide.

Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS.Ten minutes of commercial-free current events. Our first story today takes us to a Texas town named West. Yesterday was exactly one year after an enormous explosion destroyed a fertilizer plant there. 今天是4月18日,对于全世界数以百万计人而言这是个不错的周五.欢迎收看CNN学生新闻.马上为你呈现的是10分钟不含商业广告的时事新闻.我们的第一站首先来到名叫韦科市的德州小镇.昨天正是这里化肥厂发生爆炸的一周年纪念. That gives you a sense of how powerful it was. It started with the fire, and while first responders were fighting it, the explosion occurred.

15 people were killed. The accident is still under investigation, but some effects on the landscape remain.

120 homes were destroyed. Another

200 were damaged. The blast registered as a magnitude 2.1 earthquake, shaking houses

50 miles away. In a town of about

2800 people, everyone in West was affected in someway. But residents have started to rebuild. The process described as being brick by brick, shingle by shingle, prayer by prayer. 你可能仍然记得那次十分强力的爆炸.它始于一场大火,第一反应者进行着灭火工作,随即爆炸发生.15人死亡.事故仍在调查之中,但影响依然存在.120幢房屋被毁.另外200幢受损.此次爆炸显示为里氏2.1级的地震,50英里之外的房屋也感到震动.在这样一个有着约2800人的小镇,每个人都感受到了某种影响.但是当地居民已经开始重建工作.这一过程是人们在祈祷中一砖一瓦,一土一木的重建自己的家园. In West it is a new day. Street by street, block by block, house by house, the town's mayor Tommy Muska likes what he sees. 在这里是崭新的一天.从街道,街区,到挨家挨户,小镇镇长汤米・穆萨卡喜欢他所看到的景象. It's a smile on my face. And we lived with dumpsters for a while. Dumpsters is progress. That humming is progress. 我的脸上终于再次出现了笑颜.我们曾在这样的废墟中生活了一阵子.现在这个的废墟正在改变.这是一种进步. The town recently hired the same economic development consultants who helped New Orleans and Galveston start over after Hurricanes Katrina and Ike. And for the first time since the town's darkest day last year, folks who live here are beginning to ask a painful question: should a new fertilizer plant be built in West? 这个小镇最近雇佣了飓风卡特里娜和艾克肆虐过后帮助新奥尔良和加尔维斯顿重新振作的同一经济发展顾问.自从去年镇上最黑暗的一天开始,住在这里的人开始不断问着自己一个痛苦的问题:这里还容得下一家新的化肥厂吗? That's a hard pill. That's going to be a hard pill to swallow for some people. 这可是件难事.对某些人而言这就如同一剂难以下咽的苦药. With the West plant gone, the mayor says farmers must travel up to

30 miles away to get the fertilizer they need. 随着这个小镇的化肥厂一去不复返,市长表示农民必须前往30英里外的地方才能得到他们所需要的肥料. You know, it's a needed industry. Somewhere in this area. Is it right here in West? I don't know. Will it be zoned where people won't build around it? Hopefully, hopefully we've learned the lesson there. Will it be safe? You bet! 你知道,这里需要工业.就在这个地区的某处.这里合适吗?我不知道.人们不想化肥厂再次出现在这个地方?希望,希望我们从那次事件中吸取了教训.会安全吗?一定,当然! While the mayor looks toward the future, he says he will never forget the
