编辑: XR30273052 2019-07-01
武汉大学第二临床学院研究生导师网页介绍 龙行华 专业技术职称 副教授 主任技师 院内行政职务 无 国外访学经历 美国印第安纳大学1996-2001 所在二级学科名称 临床检验诊断学 所在三级 学科名称 无 导师主要研究方向


2、表观遗传学在肿瘤早期诊断与治疗中的作用 主要学术兼职 (职务及聘任时间) 暂无 主要社会兼职 (职务及聘任时间) 暂无 联系方式 办公室电话 027-67813517 Email 1951688392@qq.

com 近五年科研情况 近五年发表SCI及统计源以上期刊论文共 20篇(SCI收录14篇, 单篇论文最高SCI影响因子5.5分,累计影响因子34.263 分) 目前承担的项目共

0 项 近五年有代表性的论文、专著和获奖项等 序号成果(论文、专著、获奖项目)名称 成果鉴定、颁奖部门及奖励类别、等级或发表刊物与出版单位、时间 备注如:是否SCI(影响因子)

1 Association Between MGMT Promoter Methylation and Breast Cancer: a Meta-Analysis. Cell Physiol Biochem.2017 5.500

2 Differential Expression Profiles of the Transcriptome in Breast Cancer Cell Lines Revealed by Next Generation Sequencing. Cell Physiol Biochem.2017 5.500

3 miR-145 overexpression triggers alteration of the whole transcriptome and inhibits breast cancer development. Biomed Pharmacother.2018 3.457

4 Differential microRNA expression profiles in tamoxifen-resistant human breast cancer cell lines induced by two methods. Oncol Lett.2018 1.664

5 Differential microRNA profiles between fulvestrant-resistant and tamoxifen-resistant human breast cancer cells. Anticancer Drugs.2018 1.869

6 The Clinicopathological Significance of MicroRNA-155 in Breast Cancer BioMed Research International,

2014 2.583

7 Association of BRCA1 promoter methylation with sporadic breast cancers: Evidence from

40 studies. Scientific Reports,2015 5.228

8 Association of three SNPs in TOX3 and breast cancer risk: Evidence from

97275 cases and

128686 controls. Scientific Reports2015.8 5.228

9 Androgen receptor, EGFR, and BRCA1 as biomarkers in triple-negative breast cancer BioMedResearch International2015.1 3.234

10 Associations between AT-rich Interactive Domain 5B gene Polymorphisms and Risk of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.2014.8

11 Quantitative assessment of the association between APC promoter methylation and breast cancer. Oncotarget,2016

12 Aberrant GSTP1 promoter methylation is associated with increased risk and advanced stage of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of

19 case-control studies. BMC Cancer,2015 3.265

13 SATB1 is Correlated with Progression and Metastasis of Breast Cancers: A Meta-Analysis. Cell Physiol Biochem,2016 4.652

14 Clinicopathological significance of forkhead box protein A1 in breast cancer: A meta-analysis. Exp Ther Med,2016 1.28

15 miR-34b/c启动子区基因多态性与肿瘤易感性的Meta分析 国际肿瘤学杂志2015.1

16 三阴性乳腺癌与BRCA1基因突变风险相关性的Meta分析 国际肿瘤学杂志2015.1

17 miR-27a基因多态性与乳腺癌易感性的Meta分析 检验医学与临床2014.11

18 三阴性乳腺癌新辅助化疗前Ki-67表达与病理完全反应相关性的Meta分析 检验医学与临床2014.10

19 PTEN蛋白表达与乳腺癌患者临床病理学特征相关性的Meta分析 重庆医学,2016

20 小讲课在医学检验实习带教中的实践与展望 检验医学与临床,2016
