编辑: 此身滑稽 2019-09-06

一、学校和学科概况 清华大学深圳研究生院成立于2001年,坐落在深圳市南山区西丽大学城.

清华大学深圳研究生院是清华大学和深圳市合作创建的高层次人才培养基地和科技创新基地,直属清华大学,为清华大学唯一的异地办学机构,是清华大学教育改革的试验田和创建世界一流大学的重要组成部分. 信息科学与技术学部微电子学科是研究生院重点发展的学科之一,由清华大学微电子学研究所王志华教授担任学科带头人,多年来一直致力于面向信息系统、医疗电子等领域的芯片设计关键技术研究.近三年来累计承担与微电子专业相关的各类科研项目十余项,项目总经费超过2000万元.未来五年内,研究生院拟就智能传感、低功耗集成电路设计和系统封装开展深入研究,建设具有国际先进水平的集成电路技术研究中心.

二、招聘岗位及岗位职责 为适应未来五年微电子学科的快速发展,清华大学深圳研究生院拟在微电子领域内招聘全职教授、副教授、讲师(助理教授)若干名.招聘岗位及岗位要求如下:

1、全职教授1名,岗位职责包括: (1)争取和主持国家级、地方级重大科研项目,开展高质量的科研工作;




2、副教授2名,岗位职责包括: (1)争取和主持国家级、地方级科研项目,开展高质量的科研工作;




3、讲师(助理教授)1名,岗位职责包括: (1)争取和参与国家级、地方级科研项目,开展高质量的科研工作;




三、招聘条件: 应聘者需具有电子、微电子或相关专业博士学位,在教学科研方面有很强的兴趣和能力,与行业有紧密联系.在模拟或混合信号电路、生物医疗电路与系统、密码电路与系统、传感器接口、系统集成和封装等领域有相关研究经验者尤佳.

1、教授应聘条件: (1)在相关学科领域作出创造性学术成就和重大贡献,在海内外享有很高学术声誉,具有重大学术影响. (2)现在或曾经在国内外一流学术组织或机构中担任重要学术职务. (3)对本学科建设具有创新性构想和战略性思维,具有带领本学科在其前沿领域赶超或保持国际先进水平的能力. (4)具有较强的团结协作、拼搏奉献精神和相应的组织、管理、领导能力,善于培养青年人才,注重学术梯队建设,能带领一支创新团队协同攻关. (5)能胜任本学科至少一门核心课程和一门选修课程的讲授任务.

2、副教授应聘条件: (1)在教学科研第一线工作,取得过国内外同行公认的突出成就. (2)现在或曾经在国内外一流学术组织或机构中工作,有较深的学术造诣. (3)学术思想活跃,与国内外同行有着广泛的学术联系,并有一定的知名度,能了解和把握本学科领域的世界发展前沿;

(4)具有良好的团队精神和领导能力,能独立带领科研团队进行协同攻关. (5)具有严谨的治学态度,良好的师德风范,能胜任本学科至少一门核心课程和一门选修课程的讲授任务.

3、讲师(助理教授)应聘条件: (1)国内外知名大学微电子或相关专业博士毕业,有至少一年以上的海外学习或工作经历. (2)熟悉所从事领域的发展动态,在本学科有国际影响力的杂志上发表高水平学术论文3篇以上,或有正式出版的学术著作. (3)具有发展潜力和创新精神,对本学科建设具有创新性构想和战略性思维. (4)有良好的团队精神和组织能力,具备指导硕士研究生的能力或具有协助指导硕士研究生的经验. (5)具有严谨的治学态度,良好的师德风范,能胜任本学科至少一门选修课程的讲授任务.

四、待遇和支持条件 (1)提供具有竞争力的工资待遇和科研项目津贴.其中,教授年薪30-40万人民币,副教授年薪22-32万人民币,讲师(助理教授)年薪18-25万人民币. (2)按照我院相关规定提供必需的科研工作条件和科研启动经费. (3)可按规定享受深圳市高层次人才的政策优惠.从海外引进的高层次人才,可申请深圳市 孔雀计划 认定,通过认定者可享受深圳市发放的80万至150万元的奖励补贴和一系列政策优惠待遇.

五、应聘方式 有意应聘者请把下列材料发送至:hr@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn.邮件标题请注明 应聘微电子学科教师 . (1)清华大学应聘人员申报材料(面试材料),见附件;



(4)一份来院工作计划及展望,以及需要我院提供的工作条件描述. 邮寄地址:广东省深圳市南山区西丽大学城清华校区A209 联系人:昝乐曼 E-mail:hr@sz.tsinghua.edu.cn 联系

电话:+86-755-26036365 Job opportunity 1, University and Discipline The Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, was jointly founded by Tsinghua University and the Shenzhen Municipal Government for cultivating top level professionals and carrying out scientific and technological innovations. Directly affiliated with Tsinghua University in Beijing, the Graduate School plays an important role in Tsinghua'

s commitment to achieve international prominence. The new campus is located in the University Town of Shenzhen, set amidst the natural beauty of Xili Lake and the Tanglang Mountain. Microelectronics is a key discipline in the Graduate School, directed by Prof. Zhihua Wang from Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua Univsity. It has been focusing on key technologies of chip design in fields of information systems and medical electronics, etc. In the recent three years, it has undertaken over ten research projects related to Microelectronics with funding of more than $20,000,000. In the coming five years, the Graduate School aims at building an international advanced research center for IC technology, with in-depth research on smart sensing, low-power IC design and system packaging. 2, Positions and Responsibilities In order to meet the rapid development of the microelectronics discipline in the next five years, the Graduate School invites applications for faculty positions at the rank of Professor, Associate Professor and Lecturer (Assistant Professor). Below are job positions and responsibilities:

1 Professor, whose responsibilities include: (1) Strive and preside over major national and local-level research projects, and conduct high-quality research work;

(2) Open and teach at least one high-level digital, analog or RF circuit design compulsory core curriculum and one optional curriculum of the microelectronics discipline for graduate students, and advise graduate students to carry out their research work;

(3) Aiming at the international leading edge, construct and strengthen the echelon of the microelectronics discipline, and expand the academic influence of the discipline;

(4) Carry out industrial cooperation, and promote practical applications of laboratory techniques.

2 Associate Professors, whose responsibilities include: (1) Strive and preside over national and local-level research projects, and conduct high-quality research work;

(2) Open and teach at least one high-level digital, analog or RF circuit design compulsory core curriculum and one optional curriculum of the microelectronics discipline for graduate students, and advise graduate students to carry out their research work;

(3) Aiming at the international leading edge, participate in the echelon construction of the microelectronics discipline, and improve the academic standards of the discipline;

(4) Carry out industrial cooperation, and promote practical applications of laboratory techniques.

1 Lecturer (Assistant Professor), whose responsibilities include: (1) Strive and participate in national and local-level research projects, and conduct high-quality research work;

(2) Teach at least one optional curriculum of the microelectronics discipline for graduate students, and assist to advise graduate students to carry out their research work;

(3) Aiming at the international leading edge, participate in the echelon construction of the microelectronics discipline, and improve the academic standards of the discipline;

(4) Carry out industrial cooperation, and promote practical applications of laboratory techniques. 3, Qualifications Applicants should have a PhD degree with demonstrated strength in research, a commitment to teaching and a desire to link with industry in electronics/microelectronics or a closely related field. We are particularly interested in qualified applicants with relevant research experience in areas relating to analog or mixed-signal circuits, bio-medical circuits and systems, encryption circuits and systems, sensor interface, system integration and packaging. For Professor applicants, they are expected to: (1) have made creative achievements and significant contributions in the relevant academic discipline, and have a good academic reputation and important academic Influence internationally;

(2) have held or be holding an important academic position in domestic or foreign first-class academic organization or institution. (3) have innovative ideas and strategic thinking in the construction of the discipline;

be capable of heading the discipline to catch up or maintain the international advanced level in its frontier fields;

(4) have a good sense of teamwork, dedication and diligence, and a strong capacity of organization, management, and leadership;

be good at cultivating young people and constructing academic echelon;

be capable of leading an innovative team to conduct collaborative research;

(5) be capable of teaching at least one core curriculum and one optional curriculum of the discipline. For Associate Professor applicants, they are expected to: (1) stick to the frontier of research and teaching and have made outstanding achievements recognized by international peers;

(2) have worked or be working in domestic or foreign first-class academic organization or institution with good accomplishments;

(3) have an active mind and a good academic reputation, and keep extensive links with domestic and foreign peers and have a good knowledge of the development of the world'

s leading edge in the discipline;

(4) have good teamwork and leadership skills, and be able to head the research team for collaborative research. (5) have rigorous scholarship and good morality, and be capable of teaching at least one core curriculum and one optional curriculum of the discipline. For Lecturer (Assistant Professor) applicants, they are expected to: (1) graduate from domestic or foreign well-know university with at least one year of overseas study or work experience;

(2) be familiar with the development of the discipline, and have more than ........
