编辑: xiong447385 2019-07-31
中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS IB0330) 名称: 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 地址:上海市苍梧路381号 类型:A 签发日期:2016年01月13日 有效期至:2019年01月22日 附件1 认可的授权签字人及领域 序号 姓名授权签字领域 备注1印慧用能单位节能检验项目


CNAS IB0330) NAME:Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research ADDRESS:No.381, Cangwu Road, Shanghai, China Type:A Date of Issue:2016-01-13 Date of Expiry:2019-01-22 SCHEDULE

1 ACCREDITED SIGNATORIES AND SCOPE № Name Authorized Scope of Signature Note

1 Yin Hui Energy saving of energy consuming unit.

2 Liu Shuhui Energy saving of energy consuming unit(except for water consuming unit). 中国合格评定国家认可委员会 认可证书附件(注册号:CNAS IB0330) 名称: 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 地址:上海市苍梧路381号 类型:A 认可依据:ISO/IEC 17020以及CNAS特定认可要求 签发日期:2016年01月13日 有效期至:2019年01月22日 附件2 认可的检验能力范围 序号 检验领域 检验项目 依据的检验标准/方法 限制范围或说明 序号 名称


1 用能单位

1 节能量核定 《企业节能量计算方法》GB/T 13234-2009 《上海市公共建筑节能改造重点城市示范项目节能量审核办法(试行)》沪建交(2013)1336号2综合能耗核定 《综合能耗计算通则》GB/T2589-2008 《固定资产投资项目节能评估和审查暂行办法》中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会令 第6号3合理用电检验 《评价企业合理用电技术导则》GB/T 3485-1998

4 合理用热检验 《设备热效率计算通则》GB/T 2588-2000

1 用能单位

4 合理用热检验 《评价企业合理用热技术导则》GB/T3486-1993 《热力输送系统节能监测》GB/T 15910-2009

5 能源审计 《企业能源审计技术通则》GB/T17166-1997 《用能单位能源计量器具配备和管理通则》GB17167-2006 《公共机构能源资源计量器具配备和管理要求》GB/T 29149-2012 《国家机关及大型公共建筑能源审计导则》建科(2007)249号 《公共建筑能源审计标准》DG/TJ08-2114-2012 《建筑节能工程施工质量验收规程》DGJ 08-113-2009

6 限制、淘汰设备检验 《用能单位限制、淘汰设备检查规范》SQI/JD-FC-01.C0

7 照明检验 《建筑照明设计标准》GB 50034-2013 《用能单位照明检查规范》SQI/JD-FC-02.C0

8 电能质量分析 《用能单位电能质量检查规范》SQI/JD-FC-03.C0

2 用水单位

1 节水型企业检验 《节水型企业评价导则》GB/T 7119-2006 《用水单位水计量器具配备和管理通则》GB 24789-2009

2 建设项目节水检验评估 《节水型产品通用技术条件》 GB/T 18870-2011 《民用建筑节水设计标准》GB 50555-2010

3 用能设备

1 经济运行检验 《三相异步电动机经济运行》 GB/T 12497-2006 《交流电气传动风机(泵类、空气压缩机)系统经济运行通则》GB/T 13466-2006 《离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵与旋涡泵系统经济运行》GB/T 13469-2008

3 用能设备

1 经济运行检验 《通风机系统经济运行》GB/T 13470-2008 《风机机组与管网系统节能监测》GB/T 15913-2009 《泵类液体输送系统节能监测》GB/T 16666-2012? 《工业锅炉经济运行》GB/T 17954-2007 《空气调节系统经济运行》GB/T 17981-2007 《电加热锅炉系统经济运行》 GB/T 19065-2011 《锅炉节能技术监督管理规程》TSG G0002-2010 《工业锅炉能效测试与评价规则》TSG G0003-2010 《动力用空气压缩机(站)经济运行与节能监测》DB31/T 54-1999 《蒸汽锅炉房安全、环保、经济运行管理》DB31/176-2010 《燃油(气)工业锅炉经济运行管理指标》DB31/T664-2012 《有机热载体锅炉经济运行管理要求》DB31/T898-2015

2 空调系统节能及管理检验 《蒸汽压缩循环冷水(热泵)机组第1部分:工业或商业及类似用途的冷水(热泵)机组》GB/T 18430.1-2007 《空调通风系统运行管理规范》 GB 50365-2005 《大型商场、超市空调制冷的节能要求》SB/T 10427-2007 《制冷机组及热泵机组节能效果评价方法》SJB 001-2004 《集中式空调(中央空调)系统节能运行与管理技术要求》DB31/T255-2003 《集中式空调(中央空调)系统节能评价值及其计算方法》DB31/T529-2011 CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION SERVICE FOR CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE OF ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE (Registration No. CNAS IB0330) NAME:Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research ADDRESS:No.381, Cangwu Road, Shanghai, China Type:A Accreditation Criteria: ISO/IEC

17020 and relevant requirements of CNAS Date of Issue:2016-01-13 Date of Expiry:2019-01-22 SCHEDULE

2 ACCREDITED INSPECTION SCOPE № Field of Inspection Type and Range of Inspection Standard, Method and Procedures Restriction or Note № Name I Energy saving of energy consuming unit

1 Energy consuming unit

1 Verification of energy saved 《Calculating methods of energy saved for enterprise》GB/T 13234-2009 《The energy audit method of the key city of public buildings energy saving transformation in Shanghai City(Trial)》Shanghai diplomatic establishment(2013)No.

1336 2 Verification of the comprehensive energy consumption 《General principles for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption》GB/T2589-2008

1 Energy consuming unit

2 Verification of the comprehensive energy consumption 《Interim measures for the assessment and review of energy efficiency of fixed assets investment projects》NO.6 National Development and Reform Commission of People's Republic of China

3 Inspection of the rationality of electricity usage 《Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of electricity usage in industrial enterprise》GB/T 3485-1998

4 Inspection of the rationality of heat usage 《The general principles for calculation of thermal efficiency of equipment》GB/T 2588-2000 《Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of heat usage in industrial enterprise》GB/T3486-1993 《Monitoring and testing for energy saving of heat-transmission and distribution system》GB/T 15910-2009

5 Energy audit 《General principle of energy audit on industrial and commercial enterprise》GB/T17166-1997 《General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in organization of energy using》GB17167-2006 《Requirements for equipping and managing of measuring instruments of energy and resource in public institutions》GB/T 29149-2012

1 Energy consuming unit

5 Energy audit 《State organs and large public buildings energy audit guidelines》 Jianke(2007)No.

249 《Standard for energy audit for public buildings》DG/TJ08-2114-2012 《Code for acceptance of energy efficient building construction》DGJ 08-113-2009

6 Inspection of restrictions and eliminate equipment 《The inspecting specification of the energy using organization for the restrictions and eliminated equipment》SQI/JD-FC-01.C0

7 Inspection of lighting 《Standard for lighting design of buildings》GB50034-2013 《The inspecting specification of the energy using organization for the lighting equipment》SQI/JD-FC-02.C0

8 Power quality 《The inspecting specification of the energy using organization for the power quality》SQI/JD-FC-03.C0

2 Water consuming unit

1 Inspection of water saving enterprises 《Evaluating guide for water saving enterprises》GB/T 7119-2006 《General provisions on equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of water in organization of water using》GB 24789-2009

2 Inspection of water-saving design of construction projects 《Technical conditions for water saving products and general regulation for management》GB/T 18870-2011 《Standard for water saving design in civil building》GB 50555-2010

3 Energy consuming equipment

1 Inspection of economical operation 《Three-phase induction motors economic operation》GB/T 12497-2006 《The general principles of economic operation for AC driven fan(pump air compressor)system》GB/T 13466-2006 《Economical operation for centrifugal mixed flow axial flow and vortex pump systems》GB/T 13469-2008 《Economical operation for the fan system》GB/T 13470-2008 《Monitoring and testing for energy saving of fan's unit and distribute tube system》GB/T 15913-2009 《Monitoring and testing for energy saving of motor-pump liquid transport system》GB/T 16666-2012 《Economical operation of industrial boilers》GB/T 17954-2007 《Economic operation of air conditioning systems》GB/T 17981-2007 《Economical operation for electric boiler system》GB/T 19065-2011 《Supervision Administration Regulation on Energy Conservation Technology for Boiler》TSG G0002-2010 《Energy Efficiency Test and Evaluation Regulation for Industrial Boiler》TSG G0003-2010

3 Energy consuming equipment

1 Inspection of economical operation 《Economic operation of air compressor(station)for power and its energy saving monitoring》DB31/T54-1999 《Safety, environment protection and economical operation management of steam boiler room》DB31/176-2010 《Oil(Gas)Industrial Boilers Economy Management Indexes》DB31/T664-2012 《Economical operation of organic heat carrier boiler》DB31/T898-2015

2 Inspection of air-conditioning system energy- efficient operation and management of central air-conditioning systems 《Water chilling(heat pump) packages using the vapor compression cycle-Part 1: Water chilling(heat pump)packages for industrial & commercial and similar application》GB/T 18430.1-2007 《Code for operation and management of central air conditioning system》GB 50365-2005 《Requirement of energy saving for air conditioning and refrigeration of the department store and hypermarket》SB/T 10427-2007 《Evaluation method for energy-saving of refrigeration unit and heat pump》SJB 001-2004 《Technical requirements for energy-efficient operation and management of central air-conditioning systems》DB31/T 255-2003

3 Energy consuming equipment

2 Inspection of air-conditioning system energy- efficient operation and management of central air-conditioning systems 《Appraised value of energy saving and its calculation method for central air-conditioning systems》DB31/T529-2011
