编辑: lqwzrs 2018-12-03
2014年11月"每月一译"试题 Translate the following passage into Chinese (263 words).

In this refulgent summer, it has been a luxury to draw the breath of life. The grass grows, the buds burst, the meadow is spotted with fire and gold in the tint of flowers. The air is full of birds, and sweet with the breath of the pine, the balm-of-Gilead, and the new hay. Night brings no gloom to the heart with its welcome shade. Through the transparent darkness the stars pour their almost spiritual rays. Man under them seems a young child, and his huge globe a toy. The cool night bathes the world as with a river, and prepares his eyes again for the crimson dawn. The mystery of nature was never displayed more happily. The corn and the wine have been freely dealt to all creatures, and the never-broken silence with which the old bounty goes forward, has not yielded yet one word of explanation. One is constrained to respect the perfection of this world, in which our senses converse. How wide;

how rich;

what invitation from every property it gives to every faculty of man!In its fruitful soils;

in its navigable sea;

in its mountains of metal and stone;

in its forests of all woods;

in its animals;

in its chemical ingredients;

in the powers and path of light, heat, attraction, and life, it is well worth the pith and heart of great men to subdue and enjoy it. The planters, the mechanics, the inventors, the astronomers, the builders of cities, and the captains, history delights to honor. 2014年11月"每月一译"优秀译文 一等奖 潘绮婷11翻译3班 于此夏光之绚烂,之于生之吐息,已然成奢.百草丰茂,万花齐放,花之色泽,似火似金,映衬于百草之中.鸟儿争鸣空中,松树、基列香树、绿草之甜蜜芬芳弥漫天地.寂夜,之于人心,非唯有阴郁,亦带沁人之阴凉.星光越明澈之夜空,倾泻其近乎脱俗之清辉.人之于上述之景,宛若孩童;

天地含如上之景,宛若玩具.凉夜以大河之姿浸透天地,以其双目迎接另一绯红黎明.自然之奥秘以未有之快乐示人.万物随意共享稻谷与美酒,此老者,乐善好施也,仍默然前行,不落丝毫辩解之词.人,迫而敬天地之无缺,吾感于此得以释放.广大乎,富饶乎,天地以其财赋人,以增其能,励哉!地之多产富饶,洋之供船续航,山之藏金蕴石,天地之林、禽兽、化学元素,光、热、磁、生命之能与理,引无数能者为之折腰,为之喜爱.耕者、机械师、发明家、天文学家、城市建设者、船长,书其无上荣耀于历史. 一等奖 林晓敏11翻译1班 在这灿烂的夏天,想要勾画生命的气息已成为一种奢侈.草儿生长,花蕾绽放,金灿似火的花儿点缀着草原.鸟儿成群结队,弥漫着松树甜甜的气息,吉列德的香气以及刚收割的稻草的芳香.夜幕的降临并没有带来心中的伤感.夜空澄澈透亮,繁星闪烁着灵魂的光芒.星空下的人儿就像一个小孩,巨大的星球就像他的玩具.平静的夜晚像河流一样冲刷着整个世界,准备好欣赏染红天际的黎明.自然的奥妙展现得淋漓尽致,大自然慷慨的献上谷类和红酒,她默默付出,一言也没有多加解释.连我们的感官都在敬佩大自然是多么的完美.世界多么广阔!土地如此富饶!大自然在向每一个人发出邀请.土壤肥沃、海面平静、矿石山峦、森林繁茂、各类动物、化学元素、以及光、热、引力和生命的能量和道路,这一切都是那么的值得伟人们去用心征服和精心享受.所有的这些都让人们心甘情愿臣服于它、享受它.无论是农民、化学家、发明家、宇航员、建筑家还是船长都让历史引以为荣.
