编辑: 飞鸟 2018-07-07

leads the reform of higher vocational education and teaching;

and assesses the professional ethics and the team spirit of the contestants. According to National Occupational Standards for Chemical Inspection Workers and The Item Pool for Chemical Industrial Analysis Workers, the scope of the competition assessment is defined. ? Skills Competition of Industrial Analysis and Testing involves a wide range of industries. Including petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, health, epidemic prevention, food inspection, forestry, aerospace, automotive and other industry related analysis and inspection. Skills Competition of Industrial Analysis and Testing was initially built in 2006, from then on, was held yearly. In 2012, it was brought into the Skills Competitions of National Occupational Colleges, which is held by the Ministry of Education. The number of participants reached

54 and there were 108contestants in this Skills Competition in 2016.






八、竞赛时间安排与流程 竞赛时间安排报到时间1天,比赛时间为3天.技能操作考核现场每天安排上午、下午各一场比赛.

(一)竞赛流程 每位选手分别完成理论与仿真考核、化学分析考核、仪器分析考核3个项目.首先完成理论与仿真考核,技能考核的先后次序由院校报名顺序抽签决定.

(二)具体时间安排 具体时间安排见下表: 日期 时间 工作内容 第一天 全天 参赛队报到,安排住宿、发放参赛证 全天,部分裁判提前一天 裁判员报到,熟悉比赛评分细则 15:00~16:30 领队会议(理论与仿真考试题抽签) 18:30~21:30 裁判员培训会议 第二天 8:00~9:00 选手熟悉比赛赛场 9:00~10:00 开赛式 10:00~10:15 仿真与理论考核检录 10:20~12:00 仿真与理论考核 12:45 检录13:30~17:00 化学分析操作考核 (单号学校单号选手) 13:30~17:00 仪器分析操作考核 (双号学校单号选手) 19:30~21:30 裁判员阅卷 第三天 7:45 检录8:30~12:00 化学分析操作考核 (双号学校单号选手) 8:30~12:00 仪器分析操作考核 (单号学校单号选手) 12:45 检录13:30~17:00 化学分析操作考核 (双号学校双号选手) 13:30~17:00 仪器分析操作考核 (单号学校双号选手) 19:30~21:30 裁判员阅卷 第四天 7:45 检录8:30~12:00 化学分析操作考核 (单号学校双号选手) 8:30~12:00 仪器分析操作考核 (双号学校双号选手) 13:00~15:00 裁判员阅卷 15:00~17:00 成绩录入 17:30~19:00 闭赛式

九、竞赛试题(样题) 化学分析操作考题

(一)高锰酸钾标准滴定溶液的标定 1.操作步骤 用减量法准确称取2.0g于105~110℃烘至恒重的基准草酸钠(不得用去皮的方法,否则称量为零分)于100mL小烧杯中,用50mL硫酸溶液(1+9)溶解,定量转移至250mL容量瓶中,用水稀释至刻度,摇匀. 用移液管准确量取25.00mL上述溶液放入250mL锥形瓶中,加75mL硫酸溶液(1+9),用配制好的高锰酸钾滴定,近终点时加热至65℃,继续滴定到溶液呈粉红色保持30s. 平行测定4次,同时作空白试验. 2.计算公式 式中 c(........
