编辑: AA003 2017-09-14

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202012 王宁练、赵良菊、张世强、黄昌、刘建红 黄土高原人工植被恢复过程中土壤物理碳组分稳定性特征及其微生物响应机制(41601578) 国家自然科学基金青年基金

20 201701-

201912 赵发珠、白红英、王军强、秦进、张思远 植被恢复对土壤团聚体碳稳定性及微生物响应机制研究(2018T111089) 中国博士后第11批特别资助

15 201701-

202012 赵发珠 大气POPs被动采样中雾霾效应研究 (41807342) 国家自然科学基金青年基金

24 201901-

202112 瞿程凯、张强、李贺、赵慧莹、张逸博 有机污染物对水生生物毒性及作用机理研究 陕西省千人计划青年项目

90 201808-

202408 郭家骅 黄河源玛曲段末次冰消期以来极端洪水事件研究 国家自然科学基金青年基金

25 201901-

202112 张玉柱、何毅、靳秦建、胡胜、杨冬冬 获奖情况(10项以内,限填厅局级二等奖及以上奖励) 获奖项目名称 奖励名称 奖励 等级 授奖单位 时间 获奖者名单 (列出前5位) 生态脆弱区生态修复与社会发展的双赢模式及其应用研究 陕西高等学校科学技术奖 一等 陕西省教育厅 2015.2 曹世雄、高扬、王俊、陈丽、陈源泉 论著情况(15项以内) 论著名称 刊物、期、页、影响 因子(出版社) 时间 收录情况 作者(著者) (列出前5位) Soil carbon fractions in response to straw mulching in the Loess Plateau of China Biology and Fertility of Soils 54, 423-436 (IF:3.808) 2018.3 SCI (农林科学Top期刊,中科院一区) Wang, J., Fu, X., Sainju, U.M., Zhao, F. Soil nitrogen fractions under long-term crop rotations in the Loess Plateau of China Soil and Tillage Research 186, 42-51 (IF:3.824) 2019.1 SCI (农林科学Top期刊,中科院一区) Fu, X., Wang, J.*(通讯作者,下同), Sainju, U.M., Liu, W. Changes of soil microbial and enzyme activities are linked to soil C, N and P stoichiometry in afforested ecosystems Forest Ecology and Management, 427: 289-295 (IF:3.169) 2018.7 SCI (农林科学Top期刊,中科院一区) Zhao F.Z., Ren C.J., Han X.H., Yang G.H., Wang J. Changes in soil microbial community are linked to soil carbon fractions after afforestation. European Journal of Soil Science, 69(2):370-379 (IF: 3.187) 2018.2 SCI (农林科学Top期刊,中科院一区) Zhao Fazhu, Ren Chenjie, Zhang Lu, Han Xinhui, Yang Gaihe Optical remote sensing of surface water: detection, extraction and monitoring - a review Reviews of Geophysics, 56, 333-360 (IF:13.529) 2018.5 SCI (地学Top期刊,中科院一区) Huang, C., Chen, Y., Zhang, S., Wu, J. Nonmonotonic and spatial\temporal dynamic slope effects on soil erosion during rainfall\runoff processes Water Resources Research 53(2), 1369-1389 (IF:4.361) 2017.5 SCI (地学Top期刊,中科院一区) Wu, S., Yu, M., Chen, L. Modeling rainfall\runoff and soil erosion processes on hillslopes with complex rill network planform. Water Resources Research, 54. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR023837 (IF:4.361) 2018.12 SCI (地学Top期刊,中科院一区) Wu, S., Chen, L., Wang, N., Yu, M., Assouline, S. Assessment of the Risks of Mixtures of Major Use Veterinary Antibiotics in European Surface Waters Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 8282-8289 (IF:6.653) 2016.7 SCI (环境与生态Top期刊,中科院一区) Guo, J., Selby, K., Boxall, A. Do Pharmaceuticals Pose a Threat to Primary Producers? Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 45:2565-2610 (IF:7.683) 2015.6 SCI (环境与生态Top期刊,中科院一区) Guo, J., Boxall, A., Selby, K. Response of Soil Carbon Fractions and Dryland Maize Yield to Mulching Soil Science Society of America Journal 82, 371-381 (IF:1.920) 2018.3 SCI (农林科学Top期刊,中科院二区) Wang, J., Fu, X., Zhao, F., Sainju, U.M., Soil Carbon Fractions in Response to Long-term Crop Rotations in the Loess Plateau of China Soil Science Society of America Journal 81, 503-513 (IF:1.920) 2017.5 SCI (农林科学Top期刊,中科院二区) Fu, X., Wang, J*., Sainju U.M., Liu W.-Z. Grazing intensity influence soil microbial communities and their implications for soil respiration Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 249: 50-56 (IF:3.541) 2017.10 SCI (环境与生态Top期刊,中科院二区) Zhao F.-Z., Ren C.-J., Shelton S., Wang Z.-T., …,Wang J* Residues of hexachlorobenzene and chlorinated cyclodiene pesticides in the soils of the Campanian Plain, southern Italy Environmental Pollution, 231, 1497-1506 (IF:4.358) 2017.12 SCI (环境与生态Top期刊,中科院二区) Qu, C., Albanese, S., Lima, A., Li, J., Doherty, A.L. Characterization of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated PBDEs in soils and plants from an e-waste area, China Environmental Pollution, 184, 405C413 (IF:4.358) 2014,
