编辑: 飞翔的荷兰人 2016-12-26
第二届中国(虎门)国际女装网上 设计大赛征稿启事 The 2nd China (Humen) International Online Women'

s Wear Design Contest Wanted Design Works

一、主办机构 主办单位:广东省服装服饰行业协会 广东省服装设计师协会 广东省东莞市虎门镇人民政府 《服装设计师》杂志社 承办单位:广东服装研究设计中心有限公司 东莞市虎门服装设计师协会 虎门太平网 支持单位:中国服装设计师协会 网络支持:中国服装设计师协会网、中国服装网、广东服装行业流通信息平台、虎门太平网、虎门服装网、富民时装网;


穿针引线服装论坛 I.

ORGANIZATION Sponsors: Guangdong Garments &

Garment Article Industry Association Guangdong Fashion Designers Association People'

s Government of Humen Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province Undertaker: Guangdong Fashion Research &

Design Center, Ltd.,Co. Dongguan Humen Garment Designer Association Humen Taiping Website Supporter: China Fashion Association




3、服装设计爱好者. II. QUALIFICATION Foreign and domestic professional fashion designers(including HK, Macau and Taiwan territory) Foreign and domestic fashion school'

s teachers and students Fashion Design Amateurs


1、本大赛以 和谐篇章 为主题, 以人为本,和谐共赢 是当今社会的一大趋势,该目标同样体现在女装行业中.要求作品 舒适实用、时尚创新 ,体现2013或2014国际女装流行趋势,设计作品要有商业价值和具备主导市场的潜力,必须为女装,设计完整的系列化及服饰配套,每个系列5套.



4、附加该参赛设计作品的整体设计思路一份,格式为Word文本格式 ,字数不低于500字.


6、 所有参赛作品版权归大赛组委会所有,组委会有权宣传、出版、制作、展示全部参赛作品. III. DEMANDS ON WORKS 1. The theme of this contest is Harmonious Chapter . Nowadays social trend includes People foremost, win altogether with accord development , which is also embodied in women'

s fashion industry. The works must be designed for the aim of Comfort, Practicality Fashion and Creativity and to reflect 2013/2014 latest fashion with notable innovation, commercial value and market potential. The range is women'

s wear with complete series and accessories. Each series includes

5 suits. 2. The works must be colored drawings (E-version). A series of apparel drawn on drawing (1050*800pixel) with your name and works name written on left top. The picture format must be JPG or GIF, hand drawing or computer drawing. 3. A Clothing Specification / Working Sheet (same format as the apparel drawings) must be attached with scanned samples of fabric &

material. 4. Also attach an article of design inspiring thought (DOC) of your works with about
