编辑: QQ215851406 2016-02-20

法国电影作曲家再获奥斯卡提名 It's award season in the film world. Almost most of the attention is always on contenders forbest actor or best film. There are many other awards to be won for sound, special effects andof course, music. The big stars in these fields are often rather overlooked, like the Frenchcomposer Alexandre Desplat who's been nominated by the Oscar's academy six times in thepast

80 years. Now you may not have heard of him, I bet you have heard of some of the filmshe's written music for, though, The Queen, The King's Speech , Argo. This year, he isnominated for creating Philomena, the real life story of an Irish woman's mission to track downher child stolen and adopted overseas. So is this his year? 现在是电影各大奖项揭晓的时节,几乎所有注意力都集中在最佳演员和最佳影片这两大奖项.其他奖项还涉及声音、特效,当然,还有音乐.这些奖项的幕后英雄通常都为人所忽视.在过去的80年中,法国作曲家亚历山大・德斯普拉曾6次获得奥斯卡提名.你可能没听说过他,但你一定听说过由他作曲的电影,比如《女王》,《国王的演讲》,《逃离德黑兰》等.今年,他凭借电影《菲洛米娜》被再次提名.这部电影改编自真实的故事,讲述的是一位爱尔兰妇女寻找被强迫带走并收养于海外的孩子的故事.那么今年,德斯普拉会获得奥斯卡金像奖吗? "I became a film composer. And I heard music in films that were driving, emphasizing theemotions. And not only that, but these pieces of music, not only they've served the film, butwhen I go home, I could listen to it as a piece of music, as a pure piece of music and there issomething there but that's really special. Good music works with good pictures." "我现在是一名电影作曲家.电影中的音乐对我来说是能够操纵并增强人类情感的.另外,这些音乐不仅服务于电影,而且可以被作为纯粹的音乐供人们回家去听,这种音乐有种特别的感觉.好的音乐可以很好地搭配好的画面." "Let's wonder about that, I mean, do you ever say to a director, 'look, I understand exactlythe emotion you are trying to evoke with these sequence of pictures, and I'm telling you thebest thing to use for that is Mozart or Beethoven or some another, rather than something I'vewritten'?" "我有一个疑问,您有没有对导演说过,'我很理解你这一系列画面想要激发的情感,我告诉你,最好配上莫扎特、贝多芬或其他大师的音乐,而不是我写的那些音乐'." "When I saw the King's Speech by Tom Hooper, Beethoven Second Movement of the SeventhSymphony, it was just perfect. It was just perfect. And it was just nothing I could do toreplace that piece. So I said to Tom, 'Tom, this piece you will keep because it's just gorgeousand it makes the movie better. So I'm not gonna compete with Ludwig van, you know.'" "我看汤姆・霍伯导演的《国王的演讲》时,觉得贝多芬第七交响曲第二乐章特别合适,配合画面堪称完美,再没有更好的选择了.所以我对汤姆说,'汤姆,你得用这段音乐,因为它太好听了,而且让电影也更好看了.我不会跟路德维希・冯・贝多芬竞争的.'" "And how often do you watch pictures and in desperation sit there on your own thinking, Imean, do you ever get writers' block?" "那您会不会经常坐在那儿,看着画面苦思冥想?我的意思是,您有没有遇到所谓作曲家的瓶颈期?" "No. The brain and the writing brain, I guess, the section where the writing comes from, if it'sexcited every day, it's like it's a muscle, that you just, you know, keep. And if you feed itregularly with readings and music you listen to, that just feed your artistic sensitivity. "没有.大脑,创作的大脑,灵感来源的区域,如果每天都能处于兴奋状态,那么它就会像人的肌肉一样,就在那里.如果你经常阅读或听音乐,那么你的艺术敏感性就会得到提升."
