编辑: xiong447385 2015-09-29

how they have taken advantage of their host'

s behavior, food habits, metabolic pathways, living conditions, religious practices;

how they have developed stages to cope with climatic conditions in the abiotic environment, or those incident to living in and being transmitted from one greatly different host to another, as in the case of vector-borne organisms, or those with intermediate stages. 教材: 参考书(Reference book): 赵慰先等,1994,《人体寄生虫学》(第二版),人民卫生出版社. F.E.G. 珂克斯主编,温廷桓等译校:《现代寄生虫学》,科学出版社,1987. 基因组学,杨金水编著;

北京:高等教育出版社,2002 基因组;

(英) T. A. 布朗著;

袁建刚, 周严, 强伯勤主译. 北京:科学出版社,2002 Darid A. Erasmvs:The Biology of Trematology. by Edward Arnold (Publishers) Limited,

25 Hill Street. London, Wix 311. 1972. L. H. Chappell: Phyiology of Parasites, Blackie. Glasgow and London, 1980. Gerald D. Schmidt and Larry S. Roberts 1........
