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24 Love thine enemy 爱你的敌人(陈继龙 编译) May 18th

2006 | WASHINGTON, DC From The Economist print edition AMERICA'

s churches are nothing if not nimble[1].

You might think that they would be up in arms[2] about The Da Vinci Code(1) . Dan Brown'

s novel has sold well over 40m copies in

44 languages;

the film version of the novel, which is being r_around the world on May 19th, will reach millions more;

and yet Mr Brown'

s message is about as heretical as you can get. The Da Vinci Code holds that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and fathered a daughter;

that the Bible was put together by a fourth-century Roman emperor with a thing against women;

that the Catholic Church is a criminal conspiracy. 美国的教堂脑筋极为灵活.( nothing if not 一般用于强调某人或某物的品质 尤其…… , 极为…… )也许你以为他们将与《达・芬奇密码》干戈相向了.丹・布朗这部小说十分畅销,已经被翻译成44种语言,印数超过4000万册;



天主教堂隐藏着一个犯罪阴谋. Roman Catholics are c_up in arms. The Vatican has urged the faithful to boycott the film. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a documentary and a website, Jesusdecoded.com. The American Society for the Defence of Tradition, Family and Property is organising prayer-vigils[3] at cinemas. The film is the most flagrant[4] example of American anti-Catholicism, some say, since the Know Nothings(2) of the 19th century. 罗马天主教肯定是要怒目以对的.梵蒂冈罗马教廷已经敦促信徒们抵制这部电影.美国天主教主教集会发布了一部纪录片,并推出一个网站(http://www.Jesusdecoded.com).美国传统、家庭与财产保护协会正组织在电影院举行静坐守夜抗议活动.有人说,该片是自19世纪的 一无所知党 以来,美国反天主教最为明目张胆的例证. But many other Christians, particularly evangelicals[5], are taking a different approach. For them the film provides a golden opportunity to get people talking about Christian subjects. Some churches are giving away tickets along with Starbucks v_to encourage post-film discussion. The Campus Crusade for Christ has printed 1m copies of its guide to the code. This Sunday, thousands of preachers across the country will be addressing Mr Brown'

s book. 不过,其他许多基督教徒,尤其是福音信仰者的反应却迥然不同.他们认为,这部影片为争取基督教成为人们的中心话题提供了一个千载难逢的机遇(译者按: golden opportunity 意为 绝好的机会 ).有些教会正把电影票与星巴克咖啡优惠券一起到处派发,用以鼓励人们开展观后讨论.基督校园支持会印制了100万份 密码指南 .本周日,全美数以千计的牧师还将诵读这本小说. One reason why evangelicals are embracing Mr Brown is that shunning proved such a disaster with Martin Scorsese'

s The Last Temptation of Christ in 1988. All the outrage and m_simply made Christians look bigoted[5] and silly, and brought a tedious film much publicity. But there are two more positive reasons. 福音信仰者之所以接受布朗,其原因之一是1988年马丁・斯高塞瑟的《基督最后的诱惑》已经证明,回避就意味着灾难.义愤填膺也好,示威游行也罢,到头来基督教徒反而给人一种顽固愚昧的印象,并且促使一部原本单调乏味的电影名声大作.不过,还有两个更为积极的因素在起作用. First, the churches are determined to engage with popular culture. Today'
