编辑: Mckel0ve 2013-02-25
The Rat put out a neat little brown paw, gripped Toad firmly by the scruff of the neck, and gave a great hoist and a pull;

and the water-logged Toad came up slowly but surely over the edge of the hole, till at last he stood safe and sound in the hall, streaked with mud and weed to be sure, and with the water streaming off him, but happy and high-spirited as of old, now that he found himself once more in the house of a friend, and dodgings and evasions were over, and he could lay aside a disguise that was unworthy of his position and wanted such a lot of living up to.

河鼠伸出一只整洁的褐色小爪子,紧紧揪着蟾蜍的颈皮,使劲往上拽.浑身滴水的蟾蜍于是慢慢地但稳稳地上了洞沿,安然无恙地站到了门厅里.他身上自然满是污泥和水草,可他又像往日一样快活得意,因为他知道,自已又来到老友家,再也不用东躲西藏了,那套不合身份丢人现眼的伪装,也可以扔掉了. '

O, Ratty!'

he cried. '


ve been through such times since I saw you last, you can'

t think! Such trials, such sufferings, and all so nobly borne! Then such escapes, such disguises such subterfuges, and all so cleverly planned and carried out! Been in prison―got out of it, of course! Been thrown into a canal―swam ashore! Stole a horse―sold him for a large sum of money! Humbugged everybody―made '

em all do exactly what I wanted! Oh, I AM a smart Toad, and no mistake! What do you think my last exploit was? Just hold on till I tell you----'

鼠兄啊! 他喊道, 自打和你分手以后,我过的什么日子,你简直没法想象!那么多的考验,那么多的苦难,我全都英勇地承受住了!接着是绝处逢生,乔装打扮,计谋策略,全是我一手巧妙地设计出来又付诸实施的!因为我给他们关进了监狱,不过我自然逃了出来!又给扔进了水渠,可我游上岸了!又偷了一匹马,卖了一大笔钱!我骗过了所有的人,叫他们乖乖地听我的吩咐!你瞧,我是不是一只聪明能干的蟾蜍?没错!你知道我最后一场冒险是什么?别忙,听我给你讲―― '


said the Water Rat, gravely and firmly, '

you go off upstairs at once, and take off that old cotton rag that looks as if it might formerly have belonged to some washerwoman, and clean yourself thoroughly, and put on some of my clothes, and try and come down looking like a gentleman if you CAN;

for a more shabby, bedraggled, disreputable-looking object than you are I never set eyes on in my whole life! Now, stop swaggering and arguing, and be off! I'

ll have something to say to you later!'

蟾蜍, 河鼠说,态度严肃又坚定, 你马上给我上楼去,脱掉身上这件破布衫,这衣裳像是一个洗衣妇穿过的_好好洗刷干净,换上我的衣服,再下楼来,看能不能像个绅士的样子.我这辈子还没见过一个比你更寒碜、邋遢、丢人现眼的家伙!好啦,别吹牛,别争辩,快去吧!呆会儿,我有话对你说! Toad was at first inclined to stop and do some talking back at him. He had had enough of being ordered about when he was in prison, and here was the thing being begun all over again, apparently;

and by a Rat, too! However, he caught sight of himself in the looking-glass over the hat-stand, with the rusty black bonnet perched rakishly over one eye, and he changed his mind and went very quickly and humbly upstairs to the Rat'

s dressing-room. There he had a thorough wash and brush-up, changed his clothes, and stood for a long time before the glass, contemplating himself with pride and pleasure, and thinking what utter idiots all the people must have been to have ever mistaken him for one moment for a washerwoman. 蟾蜍起初不愿就此住口,还想回敬他几句.坐牢的时候,他就老是被人支来使去,他受够了,现在又来了,而且支使他的是一只老鼠!不过.他偶然从帽架上的镜子里,瞥见了自己的尊容,一顶褪色的黑色女帽,俏皮地歪扣在一只眼上,他立刻改变了主意,二话没说,乖乖地上了楼,钻进了河鼠的穿衣室.他彻头彻尾洗刷了一遍,换了衣服,久久地站在镜子跟前,沾沾自喜地欣赏着自己,心想,那帮家伙竟会错把他当成一个洗衣妇,真是一群白痴! By the time he came down again luncheon was on the table, and very glad Toad was to see it, for he had been through some trying experiences and had taken much hard exercise since the excellent breakfast provided for him by the gipsy. While they ate Toad told the Rat all his adventures, dwelling chiefly on his own cleverness, and presence of mind in emergencies, and cunning in tight places;
