编辑: NaluLee 2019-07-30
(照片) 姓名 尚青 教授 姓名:尚青 职务:硕士生导师 河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院 制药工程系系主任 Email:shangqing@hebust.

edu.cn Tel: 0311-81668393 荣誉称号:河北省中青年骨干教师 教育背景: ?1980~1984:河北化工学院化工系 大学本科 专业:有机化工 学士 ?1997~1999:石油大学(北京) 研究生 专业: 硕士 ?2006~2006:北京语言大学进修英语 ?2008~2009:美国堪萨斯大学访学 研究方向:药物制剂 工作经历: ?1984~1997:河北轻化工学院化工系 讲师 ?1998~2006:河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院 副教授 ?2007~至今:河北科技大学制药系 教授 开设课程: 《制药反应工程》、《表面活性剂基础与应用》、《药物合成反应》、《制药工艺学》 研究方向: 新型药物制剂、助剂 教学成果及获奖: 科研成果及获奖: 近5年科研课题: 纵向课题:

1、《不同溶解性药物微球控释理论及体外释放研究》,2011年立项,河北省自然科学基金委项目,项目编号: C2011208111,课题负责人.


3、《新型口蹄疫疫苗佐剂联合研究》,2013年立项,石家庄市科学技术局项目,项目编号:147200116A, 课题负责人. 横向课题:

1、新型口蹄疫疫苗佐剂的联合研究 2013年立项.

2、奥氮平口崩片的研究 2013年立项.

3、盐酸度洛西汀肠溶片 2014年立项.


5、注射用利培酮微球 2014年立项. 近年发表的论文及著作: 1. Shang Q ,Wang X ,Apley M ,Kukanich SB ,Berkland C*. PPF microsphere depot sustains NSAID blood levels with infusion-like kinetics without 'burst' JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS?35(3):231-238?JUN?2012 (SCI收录) 2. Shi YL ,Zheng T,Shang Q*. Preparation of acrylic/acrylate copolymeric surfactants by emulsion polymerization used in pesticide oil-in-water emulsions JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE?123(5):3117-3127?MAR 5?2012 (SCI收录) 3. Shang Q* ,Zheng T ,Zhang YH ,Yin JF ,Shi YL. Preparation of abamectin-loaded porous acrylic resin and controlled release studies IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL?21(10):731-738?OCT?2012 (SCI收录) 4. Zhang Yue-Hong ;

Shang Qing* ;

Zheng Ting ;

Liang Yuan-Yuan ;

Chen Tong. Preparation of pH-sensitive hydrogels for oral delivery of protein. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, iCBEB 2012, 2012, 437-440?. (EI收录) 5. Shang Q, Zhang YH, Chen T, Liang YY, Shi YL. Preliminary studies on pH-sensitive hydrogels and in vitro release profiles of two model drugs. JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION ?24(12):1459-1471?AUG 1?2013 (SCI收录) 6. Yongli Shi, Suying Ma, Ruiqiong Tian, Yingge Zhao, Qian Jiao,Xu Ma and Qing Shang*. Synthesis, characterization and release profiles of nanoparticles self-assembled from poly (PEGMA-co-MMA-co-acryloyl-β-CD) copolymers. Surface and interface analysis DOI 10.1002/sia.5704(SCI收录)

7 Shang Q* ,Shi YL ,Zhang YH ,Zheng T ,Shi HY. Pesticide-conjugated polyacrylate nanoparticles: novel opportunities for improving the photostability of emamectin benzoate POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES?24(2):137-143?FEB?2013 (SCI收录) 8. Ruiqiong Tian, Yuanyuan Liang, Xiaoyun Zhang, Yuqin Cui, Yingge Zhao, Jing Zhang, Xiaoyang Liang, Tong Chen, Qing Shang* & Xiaona Lin Synthesis and performance of pH-sensitive hydrogel microspheres and in vitro evaluation as potential drug carriers. Microsystem Technologies ?DOI 10.1007/s00542-014-2355-9 9. Chen Tong;

Liang Yuan Yuan;

Zhao Ying Ge;

Zhang Xiao Yun;

Qi Tong Sheng;

Shang Qing*. The release characteristics of different model drugs from medicated PLGA microspheres ?Advanced Materials Research,v 936,Materials Science and Engineering Technology, 2014, 746-750? (EI收录) 10. Liang Yuan Yuan ;

Chen Tong ;

Cui Yu Qin ;

Tian Rui Qiong ;

Qi Tong Sheng ;

Shang Qing*. Synthesis and performance of ph-sensitive hydrogel microspheres and in vitro evaluation as potential drug carriers ?Advanced Materials Research,v 936,Materials Science and Engineering Technology, 2014, 751-756?3. (EI收录) 11. Yongli Shi, Suying Ma, Ruiqiong Tian, Yingge Zhao, Fangyu Cai, Ranran Li & Qing Shang*. Manufacture, Characterization and Release Profiles of Insulin-Loaded Mesoporous PLGA Microspheres Materials and Manufacturing Processes Accepted author version posted online:

17 Nov 2014. (SCI收录) Name:Shang Qing Concurrent Academic Posts:Graduate teacher School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology Email:shangqing@hebust.edu.cn Tel: 0311-81668393 Honorary Title: 河北省中青年骨干教师? Education background: ?1980~1984:Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Hebei Chemical Engineering. Degree: Bachelor ?1997~1999:China University of Petroleum. Field of Study: Organic chemical engineering Degree: Master ?2006~2006:Beijing Language and Culture University. learning english ?2008~2009:University of Kansas. Visiting Scholar Experience: ?1984~1997:College of Hebei Chemical Engineering, Lecturer ?1998~2006:School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology. Associate professor ?2007~present:School of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology. Professor Courses: 《Pharmaceutical reaction engineering》、《Application of the principle of Surfactant》、 《Drug synthetic reactions》、《pharmaceutical technology》 Research interest: Drug Delivery Systems Teaching achievements and awards: Scientific research achievements and awards: Academic Achievement:

1、The vitro release studies of different solubility drug microspheres. 2011,Hebei Province Natural Science Fund Committee,project number:C2011208111,Principal Investigator.

2、The research of uniform size acetyl amino abamectin PLGA microspheres.2011,Hebei provincial department of human resources and social security, Principal Investigator.

3、The research for new type vaccine adjuvants of foot and mouth disease.2013,Shijiazhuang Municipal Science and Technology Bureau,project number:147200116A,Principal Investigator.

4、Olanzapine mouth slides piece of research. 2013, Project from the pharmaceutical company Principal Investigator.

5、The study of duloxetine hydrochloride enteric-coated?tablets. 2014, Project from the pharmaceutical company. Principal Investigator.

6、The development of special emulsion preparation technology .2014, Project from the pharmaceutical company. Principal Investigator.

7、The research of risperidone microsphere for injection. 2014, Project from the pharmaceutical company. Principal Investigator. Papers in refereed journals: 1. Shang Q ,Wang X ,Apley M ,Kukanich SB ,Berkland C*. PPF microsphere depot sustains NSAID blood levels with infusion-like kinetics without 'burst' JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS?35(3):231-238?JUN?2012 (SCI) 2. Shi YL ,Zheng T,Shang Q*. Preparation of acrylic/acrylate copolymeric surfactants by emulsion polymerization used in pesticide oil-in-water emulsions JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE?123(5):3117-3127?MAR 5?2012 (SCI) 3. Shang Q* ,Zheng T ,Zhang YH ,Yin JF ,Shi YL. Preparation of abamectin-loaded porous acrylic resin and controlled release studies IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL?21(10):731-738?OCT?2012 (SCI) 4. Zhang Yue-Hong ;

Shang Qing* ;

Zheng Ting ;

Liang Yuan-Yuan ;

Chen Tong. Preparation of pH-sensitive hydrogels for oral delivery of protein. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, iCBEB 2012, 2012, 437-440?. (EI) 5. Shang Q, Zhang YH, Chen T, Liang YY, Shi YL. Preliminary studies on pH-sensitive hydrogels and in vitro release profiles of two model drugs. JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION ?24(12):1459-1471?AUG 1?2013 (SCI) 6. Yongli Shi, Suying Ma, Ruiqiong Tian, Yingge Zhao, Qian Jiao,Xu Ma and Qing Shang*. Synthesis, characterization and release profiles of nanoparticles self-assembled from poly (PEGMA-co-MMA-co-acryloyl-β-CD) copolymers. Surface and interface analysis DOI 10.1002/sia.5704(SCI)

7 Shang Q* ,Shi YL ,Zhang YH ,Zheng T ,Shi HY. Pesticide-conjugated polyacrylate nanoparticles: novel opportunities for improving the photostability of emamectin benzoate POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES?24(2):137-143?FEB?2013 (SCI) 8. Ruiqiong Tian, Yuanyuan Liang, Xiaoyun Zhang, Yuqin Cui, Yingge Zhao, Jing Zhang, Xiaoyang Liang, Tong Chen, Qing Shang* & Xiaona Lin Synthesis and performance of pH-sensitive hydrogel microspheres and in vitro evaluation as potential drug carriers. Microsystem Technologies ?DOI 10.1007/s00542-014-2355-9 9. Chen Tong;

Liang Yuan Yuan;

Zhao Ying Ge;

Zhang Xiao Yun;

Qi Tong Sheng;

Shang Qing*. The release characteristics of different model drugs from medicated PLGA microspheres ?Advanced Materials Research,v 936,Materials Science and Engineering Technology, 2014, 746-750? (EI) 10. Liang Yuan Yuan ;

Chen Tong ;

Cui Yu Qin ;

Tian Rui Qiong ;

Qi Tong Sheng ;

Shang Qing*. Synthesis and performance of ph-sensitive hydrogel microspheres and in vitro evaluation as potential drug carriers ?Advanced Materials Research,v 936,Materials Science and Engineering Technology, 2014, 751-756?3. (EI) 11. Yongli Shi, Suying Ma, Ruiqiong Tian, Yingge Zhao, Fangyu Cai, Ranran Li & Qing Shang*. Manufacture, Characterization and Release Profiles of Insulin-Loaded Mesoporous PLGA Microspheres Materials and Manufacturing Processes Accepted author version posted online:

17 Nov 2014. (SCI)
