编辑: 梦里红妆 2012-12-07
参考译文 特朗普叫停博通收购高通 BBC News with Debby Russ BBC新闻.

The European Union has said Britain can count on its support as it responses to a nerve agent attack on its soil. The UK said it was highly likely Russia was responsible. The European Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskies said the EU would show solidarity with Britain. 欧盟表示,或许会支持英国,因为英国回应了神经毒剂对其土壤的破坏.英国表示,俄罗斯很有可能对此负责.欧盟专员Valdis dombrovsky表示,欧盟将向英国进行声援. Moscow has denied accusations that it was involved in an attack on a former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. A British government minister told BBC that the country was considering a wide range of sanctions against Moscow. 莫斯科否认了有关参与了对前双面间谍谢尔盖・斯克里帕和女儿尤利娅的袭击的指控.一位英国政府部长告诉BBC,英国正在考虑对莫斯科采取广泛的制裁措施. Two Singaporean companies have denied accusations in a legal UN report that they violated sanctions on North Korea. The two firms were alleged to have sold luxury goods to the North including wine and spirits as recently as last year. 两家新加坡公司在联合国的一份法律报告中否认了违背对朝鲜的制裁.据称,这两家公司去年就向朝鲜出售了包括葡萄酒和烈酒在内的奢侈品. A planned takeover of the American computer chip company Qualcomm by a Singapore based rival has been halted by President Trump. He put down to security concerns. The rival Broadcoms says there is no such risk. 总部位于新加坡的博通公司计划收购美国电脑芯片公司高通,但已被特朗普总统叫停.特朗普考虑到安全问题.竞争对手Broadcoms表示没有这种风险. A South African court has temporarily blocked plans by the power company Eskom to sign

27 renewable energy deals. Unions argued they would lead to the closure of coal fired plants putting 30,000 jobs at risk and pushing up prices. 南非一家法院暂时阻止电力公司Eskom签署27项可再生能源协议的计划.工会表示,这些举措会关闭燃煤工厂,使3万个工作岗位面临风险,并推高能源价格. The American Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is in Afghanistan in a previously unannounced visit. He told reporters there were signs that some members of the Taliban were interested in talks with the Afghan government. 美国国防部长吉姆・马蒂斯在阿富汗进行了一次事先即兴访问.他对记者说表示,有迹象表明,一些塔利班成员有兴趣与阿富汗政府进行谈判. The Gulf State of Qatar is to screen all adults for two diabetes, almost

1 in

5 people there have the condition which increases the risk of stroke or heart attack and it's a major cause of blindness. 海湾国家卡塔尔将对所有成年人进行2型糖尿病筛查,因为那里近1 / 5的人患有中风或心脏病发作的危险,而这是导致失明的主要原因. Thieves have stolen an ancient sharks' tooth from the world's heritage site in Western Australia, the eight centimeters tooth came from the giant megalodon species which is believed to die out round 2.5 million years ago. It disappeared from the remote Ningaloo Coast National Park. 小偷们从澳大利亚西部的世界遗产遗址偷走了一颗古老的鲨鱼牙齿,这颗8厘米长的牙齿来自于250万年前的巨型巨齿鲨.它从遥远的宁洛海岸国家公园消失了. BBC News BBC新闻. 听力原文 BBC News with Debby Russ The European Union has said Britain can count on its support as it responses to a nerve agent attack on its soil. The UK said it was highly likely Russia was responsible. The European Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskies said the EU would show solidarity with Britain. Moscow has denied accusations that it was involved in an attack on a former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. A British government minister told BBC that the country was considering a wide range of sanctions against Moscow. Two Singaporean companies have denied accusations in a legal UN report that they violated sanctions on North Korea. The two firms were alleged to have sold luxury goods to the North including wine and spirits as recently as last year. A planned takeover of the American computer chip company Qualcomm by a Singapore based rival has been halted by President Trump. He put down to security concerns. The rival Broadcoms says there is no such risk. A South African court has temporarily blocked plans by the power company Eskom to sign
