编辑: 苹果的酸 2013-10-01

6 Quarters. His strong leadership with the Singapore RM team led to the continual attainment of targets while managing many internal changes include re-structuring, personnel changes, process and r 【Masaru Fukasawa】 企业管理人员 Masaru Fukasawa - Japan Relationship sales West Japan sales manager Drive for Results --- Only

1 sales manager in lenovo Japan to delivered over 100% sales results in Topline growth for

2 consecutive QTR. Caring Manager --- Made very effective coaching skill and drove management system to turn around low performer into 【Caroline Teague】 企业管理人员 Caroline is a Product Specialist working at the Sydney office of Lenovo Caroline achieved an outstanding 200% in 1Q from A/NZ largest commercial retention accounts, which include the likes of Westpac Bank, PwC and Deloitte. Her previous

2 quarters achieved a blended result of 124%. Caroline was awarded with the ANZ CEO awa 【Jesper Gerlach】 企业管理人员 I'

m Jesper Gerlach and i work at Lenovo Denmark as a farmer account manager for mid market. I should be a Torchbearer because of my dedication to my work and customers and my commitment to contributing to a great and positive work environment. 【Riitta Karjalainen】 企业管理人员 I'

m Riitta Karjalainen from Lenovo Finland. I'

m working as a sales manager and my customers are from public sector. The biggest and the most important customer is Finnish Defence. And it'

s also very interesting to work with them. I'

m married and have a fa This is once in a lifetime experience to be part of this olympic torchbearing around the world. And athletics and all kind of sport has always been an important hobby to me. 【Max Block】 商人 I'

m Max Block and working as Key Account Manager for Lenovo Germany in Relationship Sales. I am married and we have to son'


6 and

3 years old. I am working for Lenovo since the start in Germany and have come from IBM. I have been nominated to be a Torchbearer because of my sales peformance. I am playing handball for nearly

20 years now and I am fond of sports, especially when the games take place. One of my dreams has always been to go to the olymic games some day. I h 【司景辉】 编辑 现任北京娱乐信报社总编辑.1985年毕业于北京大学哲学系,曾在北京日报任记者、副主任.1998年至2007年任北京晨报社副总编辑、常务副总编辑. 从事新闻工作22年,长期从事报纸采编业务工作,具有较为丰富的业务及管理经验. 【吴剑】 工程师 男,1982.9.27出生于中国奥运第一枚金牌获得者许海峰的家乡-安徽,从小对奥林匹克充满向往.参加工作后,更快、更高、更强的奥运格言作为自己的座右铭,现工作在联想公司客户联络中心. 06.7加入联想.作为Think业务第一批工程师,见证了06年10.8联想Think服务成功切换.精研技术、锐意进取,成为了部门的技术一把手.并最终在部门的技术大赛中脱颖而出,获得Think组冠军. 【周彬】 来源:护跑手 学生 学院辩论赛最佳辩手、系团总支学生会优秀干部、系篮球队一员、系体育部部长 【唐凌】 来源:护跑手 学生 西南财经大学06级本科生,爱好田径和唱歌,希望能够在火炬护跑过程中圆满完成任务.从我开始,用我的行动,感染我身边的每一个人,08奥运,全民奥运 传递城市:四川省广汉市 传递时间:8月4日 联想火炬手:6位 联想护跑手:1位 【杨柳】 记者 毕业于四川大学日语系.曾在业余体校训练8年,大学毕业后在成都电视台新闻综合频道担任4年体育编辑,后在成都电视台影视文艺频道担任2年文化娱乐节目记者和编辑,2006年进入华西都市报专刊部工作至今. 在业余体校进行过长达8年的田径训练,参加过多次市级比赛及元旦越野跑并获奖,国家三级运动员.在成都电视台做体育节目编辑期间,经历悉尼奥运会、北京申奥成功、雅典奥运会这一系列激动人心的奥运历史时刻. 【刘芳】 事业单位行政管理者 读师范出身,大学本科学历,公共行政硕士学位,中共党员,高级政工师,25年工龄,长期从事管理工作.做过教师,曾在区团委、区属职能部门、集团公司、社区、区纪委担任过领导工作. 热爱生活,踏实工作,认真做事,干一行,爱一行,较快适应现职工作;
