编辑: 喜太狼911 2019-10-23
一路通有限公司 OnePort Limited eRO 登记及查询热线 : 3669-1407 致:货运代理、货主及运输公司 入口货柜电子提柜措施於

2019 年全面实施 香港货柜码头商会("HKCTOA")於2018 年1月宣布其商会会员包括亚洲货柜码头有限 公司("ACT")、中远-国际货柜码头(香港)有限公司("CHT") 、香港国际货柜码头有限 公司 ("HIT") 、葵涌

3 号货柜码头 ("CT3") 及现代货箱码头有限公司 ("MTL") 已决 定於

2019 年全面实施入口货柜提柜电子化流程,推动数码化以提升香港港口物流业界的 营运效率.

一路通有限公司("一路通")配合码头措施并提供电子提柜单(eRO)服务, 为鼓励各持份者尽早登记,以便有足够时间过渡至电子操作方式,凡於

2018 年12 月31 日前成功登记的新用户,可享

2018 至2019 年无限次免费使用 eRO 服务,请立刻 浏览 http://reg.oneport.com,并填妥网上表格进行登记. eRO服务旨在简化现今香港港口入口提柜的流程,以电子放行取替传统以纸张文件为凭 的形式.eRO服务的电子平台,为船公司、货运代理、货主、运输公司、码头及外围场提 供快捷方便、而又安全的途迳,提交及发放入口货柜提柜文件和指示,以促进无纸化放 柜.与传统纸张流程相比,电子提柜单服务废除了繁复的纸张程序,同时增加了即时更新 资讯的功能,大幅缩短整体提柜所需时间.对货运代理、货主及运输公司更有莫大裨益, 其优点包括: 服务优点(货运代理/ 货主) - 毋须再安排速递到船公司/货运代理服务柜台提交及领取提柜文件正本;

- 免除遗失文件正本的风险及其后补领的行政工作与时间;

- 船公司/货运代理在电子提柜单平台上传送电子提柜单,大幅缩短送递文件正本的 时间及成本. 服务优点(运输公司) - 毋须再把文件正本从一司机传递到另一司机手中,提高调配运输资源的弹性;

- 获得第一手更新的运输指示(如提重期更改、回吉地点更改等);

- 减省快递和信箱服务的直接开支;

- 在码头可享无纸入闸及取柜. 如要查询 eRO 服务及其登记步骤,请致电一路通 eRO 服务热线(

电话:3669-1407). 一路通有限公司 二零一八年十月八日 一路通有限公司,香港葵涌一号码头货仓大厦第一期九楼,传真:3102-9005 OnePort Ltd, 9/F, Warehouse Bldg Phase I, Berth One, Kwai Chung, Fax: 3102-9005 一路通有限公司 OnePort Limited eRO Registration & Enquiry Hotline: 3669-1407 8th October, 2018. To: Forwarders, Consignees & Trucking Companies Electronic Release for Import Containers to be Fully Implemented in

2019 In January 2018, Hong Kong Container Terminal Operators Association ("HKCTOA") announced that its members C including Asia Container Terminals Limited ("ACT"), COSCO- HIT Terminals (Hong Kong) Limited ("CHT"), Hongkong International Terminals Limited ("HIT"), Hong Kong Container Terminal

3 ("CT3") and Modern Terminals Limited ("MTL") C will fully implement electronic release for import containers in

2019 as one of the key projects on digitalization to improve operational efficiency of the port of Hong Kong. To facilitate its implementation, OnePort Limited ("OnePort") has developed Electronic Release Order (eRO) service which benefits all stakeholders who take part in the import process. To encourage immediate signup and allow time for transition to the new electronic practice, we are now offering unlimited use of eRO service in

2018 &

2019 to those who sign up before 31st December 2018. Please visit http://reg.oneport.com and fill out the online registration form. eRO service digitizes the archaic paper-ridden import process in the port of Hong Kong. It provides huge collaborative benefits for liners, forwarders, cargo owners, truckers, terminals and depots with fast, convenient, secured online exchange of import documents and instructions for paperless release of laden containers at container terminals. As compared with paper-based process, the digitized eRO service significantly speeds up the overall collection process by removing non-value added papers administration and providing timely dissemination of information among all parties. Forwarders, consignees and trucking companies receive many benefits through eRO with some being highlighted below: Benefits for Forwarders & Consignees - Relief from time-consuming courier of physical documents to liners/ forwarders;

- Elimination of the risk of losing physical documents and subsequent reworks;

- Time saving through online delivery of container release orders from liners/ forwarders. Benefits for Trucking Companies - Flexibility of trucking resources since passing on physical documents from one driver to another is no longer required;

- First-hand and up-to-date changes of trucking instructions (e.g. change of free storage period, change of empty return location, etc.) from liners;

- Direct savings from courier and letter box services;

- Paperless check-in at terminal's gate. Should you have any questions on eRO or its registration, please contact our eRO hotline at 3669-1407. OnePort Limited 一路通有限公司,香港葵涌一号码头货仓大厦第一期九楼,传真:3102-9005 OnePort Ltd, 9/F, Warehouse Bldg Phase I, Berth One, Kwai Chung, Fax: 3102-9005
