编辑: 于世美 2019-10-17

MB.2.1 Level 9, Avaya House,

123 Epping Road, North Ryde NSW


15 155

084 058 AFSL

416279 RISK DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ELECTRONIC TRADING TERMS AND CLIENT AGREEMENT 风险披露声明书 电子交易条款和客户协议 本协议中文版只供参考.如果产生争议或对该协议及所述条款有异 议时,合同双方同意将英文版本作为解释该协议和在法院解决和该 协议相关争端的唯一正式版本. V.MB.2.1 Level 9, Avaya House,

123 Epping Road, North Ryde NSW

2113 2 Risk Disclosure Statement 风险披露声明书 This notice is provided to you (the Client or you ) because you are considering dealing with MultiBank Australia Pty Ltd trading (hereinafter the Company or MultiBank Australia or Multibank ) in Foreign Exchange Contracts, Contracts for Difference, deposits and payments products and other Derivatives Contracts ( Transactions ) either on a margin basis or otherwise. 向您( 客户 )发布该通知是因为您正在考虑与 MultiBank(以下简称 公司 )进行外汇合约、差价合约、存款、有 偿产品和其他衍生品合同( 交易 )的交易. This notice cannot and does not disclose or explain all of the risks and other significant aspects involved in dealing in these Transactions and was designed to explain in general terms the nature of the risks particular to dealing in these Transactions and to help the Client to take investment decisions on an informed basis. 该通知无法也没有披露或解释所有进行该等交易风险和其他重要要点.该通知旨在大致解释出风险的本质,尤其是 进行该等交易的风险,从而帮助客户在知晓的情况下做出投资决定. Prior to applying for an account you should consider carefully whether trading in these Transactions is suitable for you in the light of your circumstances and financial situation. Margin FX and CFDs involve different levels of exposure to risk and, in deciding whether to trade in such instruments, you should be aware of the following points 在申请开户前,客户应仔细考虑这些交易是否适合他的情况和经济状况.保证金外汇和差价合约(CFDs)有着不同 程度的风险,所以在决定是否进行该等交易时,您应注意以下几点: ? Trading in Margin FX and CFDs ( OTC Derivatives ) carries a high degree of risk. The gearing or leverage involved in trading OTC derivatives means that a small initial margin payment can potentially lead to large losses. The geared nature of derivatives also means that Margin FX and CFDs trading can carry greater risks than conventional share trading, which is generally not geared. ? 保证金外汇和差价合约( 场外交易衍生品 )的交易具有很高的风险.进行 OTC 衍生品交易的 财务杠杆率 或 杠杆 意味着小额初始保证金的支付可能会导致巨大的损失.衍生品的杠杆性质 是指保证金外汇和差价合约交易比常规的非杠杆股票交易承担着更大的风险. ? A relatively small market movement can lead to a proportionately much larger movement in the value of your investment, and this can work against you as well as for you. ? 就算出现市场较小的波动都可能对您的投资价值产生很大的影响,并且这可能会对您产生不利. ? Most OTC derivatives are off-exchange derivatives. This might be considered to involve greater risk than an on-exchange derivative as there is no exchange market on which to close out an open position C you are only able to open and close your positions with us. V.MB.2.1 Level 9, Avaya House,

123 Epping Road, North Ryde NSW

2113 3 ? 大多数 OTC 衍生品属于场外衍生品.相对于场内衍生品,其风险更大,这是因为没有一个外 汇市场可以允许您自行开仓或平仓.您只能通过我们进行开仓或平仓. ? Foreign markets will involve different risks to Australian markets. The potential for profit or loss from OTC derivatives relating to a foreign market or denominated in a foreign currency will be affected by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates. It is possible to incur a loss if exchange rates change to your detriment, even if the price of the instrument to which the OTC derivatives relates remains unchanged. ? 国外市场和澳大利亚市场所面临的风险大不相同.与国外市场相关或以外国货币计价的 OTC 衍生品的潜在收益或损失都将受外汇汇率的影响.尽管与 OTC 衍生品相关的工具价格未变, 但如果汇率对您不利,您还是可能遭受损失. ? Margin FX and CFDs are contingent liability transactions which are margined and require you to make a series of payments against the purchase price, instead of paying the whole purchase price immediately, and they may only be settled in cash. ? 保证金外汇和差价合约属于临时债务交易,它需要有保证金并要求您以买价进行一定支付,而 非立即支付全部购买金额.同时,它们只能通过现金进行结算. ? You may sustain a total loss of the margin that you deposit with us to establish or maintain a position. If the market moves against you, you may be called upon to pay substantial additional margin at short notice. If you fail to do so within the required time, your position may be liquidated at a loss and you will be liable for any resulting deficit. You will be deemed to have received a notice requiring the payment of such funds, even if you are not at home or do not receive the messages we leave for you, if the notices are delivered to your nominated contact points. ? 您可能需要承担您支付给我们的用于建仓或开仓的保证金的全部损失.如果市场形势对您不利, 您可能会被要求马上支付大量额外保证金.如果您未在规定时间内做到,您的账户可能会因为 亏本而被清算,而且您也须为导致的赤字而承担责任.即使您不在家或者未收到我们给您的留 言,当要求支付该等资金的通知送达您指定的联络地址时,您将被认为已收到该通知. ? Even if a Margin FX and CFD is not margined, it may still carry an obligation to make further payments in certain circumstances over and above any amount paid when you entered into the contract. ? 即使保证金外汇和差价合约无需保证金,但在特定情况下,您可能仍有义务支付比签订合同时 所付的金额更高的款项. ? Under certain trading conditions it may be difficult or impossible to liquidate a position. This may occur, for example, at times of rapid price movement if the price rises or falls in one trading session to such an extent that trading in the underlying market is suspended or restricted. ? 在特定交易情况下,要清算头寸可能很困难或者不可能.比如,当价格在某个交易时段上升或 下跌的幅度使得该交易在标的市场上被暂停或限制,在这样的快速价格浮动的情况下,以上情 况可能发生. ? Placing a Stop Order will not necessarily limit your losse........
