编辑: LinDa_学友 2019-10-16
目录 Contents - iii - 页数 Page 背景 Background v 统计调查结果摘要 Summary of survey findings vii 统计

图表目录表 List of tables and charts ix 引言 Introduction

1 概念及定义 Concepts and definitions

3 专题访问的主要结果 Major findings of the enquiry

5 资料的局限 Limitations

11 附录 Appendices 一 统计调查方法

1 Survey methodology

44 二 用语及定义

2 Terms and definitions

48 三 曾出版的从综合住户统计调 查搜集所得的社会资料专题 报告书

3 Previously released Special Topics Reports on social data collected via the General Household Survey

55 购买途径及邮购表格 Purchase channels and mail order form

63 背景 Background - v - 这是专题报告书系列中的第三十五号,列载透 过「综合住户统计调查」进行的专题访问所搜 集得的资料.

This is the thirty-fifth issue in a series of Special Topics Reports to present the results of the supplementary enquiries conducted via the General Household Survey (GHS). 目的 Objective 「综合住户统计调查」是一项自一九八一年八 月开始持续进行的抽样统计调查,旨在搜集有 关劳动人口、就业、失业及就业不足的资料. 另一方面,专题访问是透过「综合住户统计调 查」以非经常性的形式进行,目的是搜集政府 各决策局与部门所需有关各类社会专题的特定 统计资料. The GHS is a continuous sample survey which has been conducted since August 1981. Its primary objective is to collect information on the labour force, employment, unemployment and underemployment. On the other hand, the supplementary enquiries attached to the GHS are conducted on an ad hoc basis to collect specified statistical data on a wide range of social topics required by Government policy bureaux and departments. 本报告书所包括的专题 Topic included in this report 专题 (访问期间) Topic (Enquiry period) 在中国内地工作的香港居民 (二零零三年一月至三月) Hong Kong residents working in the mainland of China (January to March 2003) 数字进位 Rounding of figures 由於四舍五入关系,统计

图表内个别项目的数 字加起来可能与总数略有出入. There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of individual items and the total as shown in the tables and charts owing to rounding. 代号 Symbol 本报告书内所用代号的含意如下: The following symbol is used throughout the report : - 代表「零」 - denotes Nil 曾出版的专题报告书 Previously released Special Topics Reports 附录三列出过往曾出版的本系列中各号专题报 告书. The list of past Special Topics Reports published in this series is given in Appendix 3. 统计调查结果摘要 Summary of survey findings - vii - 约238

200 名香港居民於统计前十二个月 内曾在中国内地工作

1 . (表1) Some

238 200 Hong Kong residents had worked in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration1 . (Table 1) 他们中 85.1%是因工作需要而在中国内地 工作.其他较普遍提及在中国内地工作的 原因包括「工作前景较佳」、「较容易找 到工作」、「工资较高」及「在中国内地 生活费用较低」. (表2k) 85.1% of them worked in the mainland of China because of their work requirement. Other commonly cited reasons for working in the mainland of China included '

better career prospect'

, '

easier to seek jobs'

, '

higher wages'

and '

lower cost of living in the mainland of China'

. (Table 2k) 当中绝大部分(226

000 人或 94.9%)在统计 时从事的工作职位仍需其在中国内地工 作. (表1及图 1) The great majority of them (226

000 persons or 94.9%) were still required to work in the mainland of China in their present job at the time of enumeration. (Table

1 and Chart 1) 男性、三十岁及以上人士及具专上学位教 育程度的人士曾在中国内地工作的比率较 高. (表2a 及2b) The rate of having worked in the mainland of China was higher for male persons, persons aged

30 and over and persons with tertiary degree education. (Tables 2a and 2b) 当中接近五分之一在中国内地以雇主身分 工作,及72.7%以雇员身分工作. (表2c) Nearly one-fifth of them were employers while working in the mainland of China, and 72.7% were employees. (Table 2c) 他们大部分在中国内地工作时从事制造业 与批发、零售、进出口贸易、饮食及酒店 业,以及任职经理及行政级人员与专业及 辅助专业人员. (表2d 及2e) Most of them were engaged in the manufacturing sector and the wholesale, retail and import/export trades, restaurants and hotels sector while working in the mainland of China, and worked as managers and administrators as well as professionals and associate professionals while working there. (Tables 2d and 2e)

1 就「在中国内地工作的香港居民」的专题访问而 言,在中国内地(内地)工作的香港居民乃指属於 居港人口而於统计前十二个月内曾在内地工作 (不论在该十二个月期间往内地工作的次数及每 次逗留的期间)的人士.但若只到内地洽谈生意、 巡视业务,及/或出席贸易展销会、会议和业务应 酬,则不被视作在内地工作.此外,来往中港两 地的从事运输业的人士及在内地海域作业的渔民 或海员,亦不包括在内.

1 For the purpose of the enquiry Hong Kong residents working in the mainland of China , Hong Kong residents working in the mainland of China (the Mainland) referred to persons in the Hong Kong Resident Population who had worked in the Mainland during the

12 months before enumeration, irrespective of the number of times they had travelled to work in the Mainland during the 12-month period and the duration of each stay. However, persons who went to the Mainland only to conduct business negotiations and inspection of business, and/or to attend trade fairs, meetings and business-related entertainment were excluded. Transport workers commuting between Hong Kong and the Mainland, and fishermen or seamen working within the waters of the Mainland were also excluded. 统计调查结果摘要 Summary of survey findings - viii - 当中 88.0%在中国内地工作时通常在广东 省内工作,尤以深圳及东莞为最多人提及 在广东省内的通常工作地点.至於在广东 省以外的通常工作地点,则以上海及北京 为主. (表2f) 88.0% of them usually worked in the Guangdong Province while working in the mainland of China. Shenzhen and Dongguan were the most commonly cited usual places of work within the Guangdong Province, while Shanghai and Beijing were the most commonly cited usual places of work outside the Guangdong Province. (Table 2f) 整体而言,他们在统计前十二个月内曾往 中国内地工作的次数中位数为三十次,而 他们每次逗留该处的平均期间中位数为三 天. (表2h 及2i) On the whole, their median frequency of travel to work in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration was

30 times, and the median of their average duration of each stay was

3 days. (Tables 2h and 2i) 统计

图表目录表 List of tables and charts - ix - 页数 Page 表1在统计前十二个月内曾在中国内地 工作的香港居民数目 Table

1 Hong Kong residents who had worked in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration

12 表2按下列变量/分类划分的在统计前十 二个月内曾在中国内地工作的香港居 民数目: Table

2 Hong Kong residents who had worked in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration by : a. 年龄/性别 a. age/sex

13 b. 教育程度 b. educational attainment

14 c. 在中国内地工作时的就业身分 c. employment status while working in the mainland of China

15 d. 在中国内地工作时从事的行业 d. industry while working in the mainland of China

16 e. 在中国内地工作时从事的职业 e. occupation while working in the mainland of China

17 f. 在中国内地工作时通常的工作地 点f. usual place of work while working in the mainland of China

18 g. 在中国内地工作时通常的居所类 别g. usual type of residence while working in the mainland of China

19 h. 在统计前十二个月内曾往中国内 地工作的次数 h. number of times having travelled to work in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration

20 i. 每次逗留中国内地的平均期间 i. average duration of each stay in the mainland of China

21 j. 初次在中国内地工作的年份 j. year first started working in the mainland of China

22 k. 首五个在中国内地工作的原因 k. top

5 reasons for working in the mainland of China

23 l. 在中国内地工作时有否遭遇困难/ 在中国内地工作时遭遇困难的 l. whether had encountered difficulties while working in the mainland of China/aspects of difficulties encountered while working there

24 统计

图表目录表 List of tables and charts - x - 页数 Page 表3按下列变量/分类划分的在统计前十 二个月内曾在中国内地工作而在统 计时从事的工作职位仍需其在该处 工作的香港居民数目: Table

3 Hong Kong residents who had worked in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration and were still required to work there in their present job at the time of enumeration by : a. 年龄/性别 a. age/sex

25 b. 教育程度 b. educational attainment

26 c. 在中国内地工作时的就业身分 c. employment status while working in the mainland of China

27 d. 在中国内地工作时从事的行业 d. industry while working in the mainland of China

28 e. 在中国内地工作时从事的职业 e. occupation while working in the mainland of China

29 f. 在中国内地工作时通常的工作地 点f. usual place of work while working in the mainland of China

30 g. 在中国内地工作时通常的居所类 别g. usual type of residence while working in the mainland of China

31 h. 在统计前十二个月内曾往中国内 地工作的次数 h. number of times having travelled to work in the mainland of China during the

12 months before enumeration

32 i. 每次逗留中国内地的平均期间 i. average duration of each stay in the mainland of China

33 j. 初次在中国内地工作的年份 j. year first sta........
