编辑: 向日葵8AS 2019-07-29
立法会 立法会 立法会 立法会 Legislative Council 立法会 CB(3)695/99-00 号文件

2000 年年年年3月月月月17 日内务委员会会议文件 日内务委员会会议文件 日内务委员会会议文件 日内务委员会会议文件 定於 定於 定於 定於

2000 年年年年3月月月月29 日立法会会议上提出的质询 日立法会会议上提出的质询 日立法会会议上提出的质询 日立法会会议上提出的质询 (议员可能在正式预告期限前作出修改) 提问者: (1) 司徒华议员 (书面答覆) (2) 刘汉铨议员 (书面答覆) (3) 何秀兰议员 (书面答覆) (4) 李华明议员 (书面答覆) (5) 杨耀忠议员 (书面答覆) (6) 李永达议员 (书面答覆) (7) 邓兆棠议员 (书面答覆) (8) 梁耀忠议员 (书面答覆) (9) 何锺泰议员 (书面答覆) (10) 李国宝议员 (书面答覆) (11) 张文光议员 (书面答覆) (12) 刘慧卿议员 (书面答覆) (13) 刘江华议员 (书面答覆) (14) 李华明议员 (书面答覆) (15) 刘慧卿议员 (书面答覆) (16) 刘江华议员 (书面答覆) (17) 李启明议员 (书面答覆) (18) 杨耀忠议员 (书面答覆) (19) 蔡素玉议员 (书面答覆) (20) 陈婉娴议员 (书面答覆) 注意 注意 注意 注意: : : :2000 年年年年3月月月月29 日立法会会议将不设要求口头答覆的质询 日立法会会议将不设要求口头答覆的质询 日立法会会议将不设要求口头答覆的质询 日立法会会议将不设要求口头答覆的质询.

. . . 注:NOTE : # 议员将采用这种语言提出质询#Member will ask the question in this language 初初初初稿稿稿稿Drug abuses by the youth # (1) 司徒华议员(书面答覆)关於青少年吸食毒品及滥用精神科药物(以?统称 滥用药物 )的情况,政府可否告知本会:(?)过去3年,以3岁为?年龄组别划分,21岁以?的青少年滥用各类药物每年的?数,以及当?在学青年所占的?数分别为何;





若有,评估结果为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿Composition of boards of supplementary medical professions # (2) 刘汉铨议员(书面答覆)政府可否告知本会:(?)现时根陡ㄖ搅埔堤趵(第359章)第5条成立的各个专业委员会,成员属有关专业?士的占有关委员会成员?数的百分比为何,以及哪个委员会由有关专业?士出任主席;


若有计划,详 情及实施时间表为何;

若 没有计划,原因为何,以及当局如何防止外行?领导内行?的现象出现?初初初初稿稿稿稿非本港居民遭扣留情况#(3) Hon Cyd HO (Written reply) Will the Government inform this Council: (a) of the number of persons who did not have the right of abode in Hong Kong and were detained on

1 March

2000 pending deportation, after serving a sentence handed down by the court, and a breakdown of this figure by the reason and legal basis for detention as well as the length of detention periods as follows: (i)

2 days or less;

(ii) 3-7 days;

(iii) 8-14 days;

(iv) 15-30 days;

(v) 31-60 days;

(vi) 61-180 days;

(vii) 181-365 days;

and (viii) over a year;

(b) whether it will consider publishing the above statistics on a regular basis;

if not, of the reasons for that;

and (c) whether it will adopt measures to avoid such detentions or shorten the detention periods in the light of Article 9(1) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which recognises no one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention;

if not, of the reasons for that? (有待修订 有待修订 有待修订 有待修订) (to be revised) 初初初初稿稿稿稿Gambling activities in the public areas of PRH estates # (4) 李华明议员(书面答覆)关於经常有?在公共租住屋( 公屋 )的公众休憩设施围内进行赌博活动,对公屋居民造成滋扰的问题,政府可否告知本会:(?)过去3年,当局接获有?在公共屋的公众?方围内进行赌博活动的投诉个案数目,以及当局向参与该类赌博活动的?士提出检控的个案数字;



及(?)会否考虑采取其他措施,例如更改公屋的休憩设施的设计,以 遏止该类活动;

若 会,详情为何;

若否,原因为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿#(5) 杨耀忠议员(书面答覆)现时,生署及香港医学会各自设有热电话,分别供市民查询假日普通科门诊服务及在假日维持诊症服务的私家医生的资料.就此,政府可否告知本会:(?)过去3年,?述两条热每年接获的查询次数分别为何;

及(?)有何措施鼓励更多市民使用该两条热?(5) Hon YEUNG Yiu-chung (Written Reply) At present, the Department of Health and the Hong Kong Medical Association each operate a telephone hotline for the public to enquire about general out-patient services available on holidays and information regarding private medical practitioners who maintain consultation services during holidays respectively. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council of: (a) the respective numbers of enquiries made through the above two hotlines in each of the past three years;

and (b) the measures to encourage more people to make use of the two hotlines? 初初初初稿稿稿稿Proposal to grant subsidies to District Council members for purchasing IT equipment and services # (6) 李永达议员(书面答覆)政府可否告知本会,为协助区议员运用资讯科技处理区议会事务及与市民沟通,当局会否向他们提供资金及定期津贴,供他们购置个?电脑及周边器材,以及设立个?网站和定期更新网站内容之用;


若否,原因为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿Publishing Government annual reports etc in CD-ROM form rather than paper form # (7) 邓兆棠议员(书面答覆)政府可否告知本会:(?)过去3年,各个政策局及部门分别出版了多少分年报、特刊及公众谘询文件,每分刊物的印刷数量及有关开支为何;




若否,原因为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿Prevention of monopoly in TV business # (8) 梁耀忠议员(书面答覆),电视广播有限公司最近透过全资拥有的附属公司向政府申请收费电视广播牌照,并以提供40个频道,包括6个自制节目频道为最终目标.就此,政府可否告知本会,当局在审批收费电视牌照申请时,会否就申请者在获得新牌后,其在电视广播市场的整体占有率,以及在节目制作、节目提供和网络服务供应等方面有否占优势作考虑;


若否,原因为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿Incidents involve air traffic safety # (9) 何锺泰议员(书面答覆),在赤角新机场发生的涉及航空安全问题的事故,超过在旧机场发生的?倍有多,而当?大部分与航空交通管制?员发出的指示有关.就此,政府可否告知本会:(?)自新机场启用以来,共发生多少宗涉及航空安全的事故,以及该等事故的详情;




若会,详情为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿检讨采用非专业检控主任负责在裁判署进行检控的政策#(10) Dr Hon David LI (Written reply) At the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year

2000 held on

17 January this year, the Chief Justice called on the Government to review the present practice, which started over

20 years ago when Hong Kong was short of professional lawyers, in which the bulk of the prosecution at magistracies is conducted by lay court prosecutors trained by the Department of Justice. In this connection, will the Government inform this Council: (a) of the entry qualifications required for the post of lay prosecutor;

(b) of the training provided to lay prosecutors before they take on prosecution duties;

and (c) whether the Department has plans to recruit new prosecutors this year? 初初初初稿稿稿稿Safety issues of potentially dangerous facilities in the vicinity of schools # (11) 张文光议员(书面答覆)政府可否告知本会:(?)现时有否法例或指引,订明学校或拟建学校的?点邻近土?的许可用途,包括某些建筑物及设施不得设於学校某段距离之内;








在该等补救措施落实前,当局就有关设施?旦发生事故时学校应采取的应变措施向学校发出的指引为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿Prosecution instituted against kindergarten operators # (12) 刘慧卿议员(书面答覆)当局在去年11月10日告知本会,教育署会要求证实多收费用的幼稚园向家长退回多收的费用.但,青扬幼稚园及青扬(罗福)幼稚园至今尚未向家长退回於1997-98学年多收的费用.就此,行政机关可否告知本会:(?)是否知悉?述两所幼稚园於1997-98学年多收费用的详情为何;




若没有计划,原因为何?初初初初稿稿稿稿#(13) 刘江华议员(书面答覆)政府可否告知本会:(?)是否知悉,现时本港各种驾驶执照的考试费用及学车?士平均付出的学习驾驶费用,与其他欧美先进国家比较为何;


及(?)当局就该等投诉所采取的跟进行动为何?(13) Hon LAU Kong-wah (Written Reply) Will the Government inform this Council: (a) whether it knows how Hong Kong'

s current level of fees for taking driving tests of various driving licences and the average tuition fees paid by learner drivers compare to the corresponding figures of other advanced countries in Europe and America;

(b) of the number of complaints it received about driving tests over the past three years, with a breakdown by the subject of such complaints;

and (c) of the follow-up actions it has taken on these complaints? 初初初初稿稿稿稿Problem of low water pressure in some PRH estates # (14) 李华明议员(书面答覆),现时不少公共租住屋( 公屋 )楼宇(尤其是楼龄10年或以?的楼宇)的顶层单位食水水压偏低,甚至水压太低使煤气热水炉不能运作,对该等单位的住户造成不便.就此,政府可否告知本会:(?)哪些类型的公屋楼宇有顶层单位水压低於有关标准的问题;

