编辑: jingluoshutong 2019-08-10
应对指南 停电 个人与家庭 停电或断电的原因可能是风暴灾害、水灾和大风,或由建筑物倒塌或爆炸等不可预见的事件造成.

炎热天 气下,在用电量达到顶峰时也可能发生. 包括交通运输和医疗服务在内的许多服务均可因停电而被打乱. 了解高风险人群. 最可能受停电影响的人包括: ? 依赖用电设备维持生命的人. 如果您或家庭成员 使用维持生命的设备,请致电 212-243-1900 联系 Con Edison 以在停电时获得优先关注. ? 住所中没有取暖设备(停电发生在寒冷天气)或没有 正常运行的空调(停电发生在炎热天气)的人以及: ?

65 岁以上 ? 患有慢性疾病,如心脏病、呼吸系统疾病、 糖尿病或肥胖 ? 患有严重精神疾病或发育障碍 ? 服用影响身体正常体温维持能力的药物的 人. 联系您的医生获取有关您正在服用的 药物的信息和建议 ? 吸毒或酗酒 ? 与社会隔绝、活动受限或无法离开住所的人 通用指南 ? 从可靠来源获取健康信息 (如nyc.gov、cdc.gov 和311). ? 注册 Notify NYC(纽约资 讯)以获取关于紧急事件的 信息. ? 如您本人或认识的任何人感 到不知所措或需要帮助,请 访问 lifenet.nyc 以获取以您 所用语言提供的免费帮助. ? 如遇紧急情况,请随时拨打 911. 确保食物和水的安全. ? 保留几乎无需烹饪与无需冷藏的食物. ? 尽可能保持冰箱门和冷冻室的门处于关闭状态,以防止食物变质. ? 将牛奶、奶酪、肉和其它易腐食物放入冷冻室. 如果冷冻室仅有部分被装满,请将 所有物品堆靠层叠在一起. ? 如果冰箱门保持关闭状态,食物将保冷四小时,而在装满的冷冻室中,食物可保冷两 天(食物在部分装满的冷冻室可保冷一天). ? 将冰箱中所有气味、颜色或质地异常的食物全部丢弃. 如有怀疑,立即扔掉. ? 如果当地政府宣布自来水不安全,请饮用瓶装水. 防止一氧化碳中毒. ? 确保您家中有可正常工作的一氧化碳检测器和烟雾报警器. 如果您的大楼业主未提供一氧化 碳检测器和烟雾报警器,请拨打 311. ? 有关如何检测一氧化碳检测器的更多信息,请访问 http://www.nyc.gov/health 并搜 索"Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning"(防止一氧化碳中毒). ? 切勿使用燃气灶或烤箱取暖. 在纽约市,使用煤油取暖器和丙烷小型取暖器是违法行为. ? 如果您闻到异常气味或一氧化碳检测器报警,请打开窗户,然后走出室外并拨打 911. ? 在相关人员宣布您的住所安全之前,请勿返回住所内. ? 请勿使用蜡烛、火柴或其它明火检查漏气的管线. ? 请在室外使用发电机,并使其远离门、窗和通风口. 请务必严格遵从制造商的说明. 伸出援手. ? 在确保自身安全的情况下,查看可能有风险的邻居、朋友和亲人的情况. ? 有关如何在酷热或寒冷天气中确保安全的更多信息,请访问 http://www.nyc.gov/health 并搜 索"Extreme Heat Response Guide for Individuals & Families"(个人与家庭的酷热天气应对 指南)或"Cold Weather Response Guide for Individuals & Families"(个人与家庭的寒冷天 气应对指南). CO 如果停电还将持续,请准备从该地区疏散. 如果您得到通知需要从该地疏散: ? 拿起您的"应急包",其中应备有重要文档、身份证明、药物、瓶装水、不易腐烂的食物、急 救箱和装电池的手电筒及收音机. 获取更多相关信息,请访问 http://www.nyc.gov 并搜索"Go Bag"(应急包). ? 与住在疏散区以外的朋友或家人待在一起. 如果您没有其它可去的庇护所,请前往疏散中 心. 拨打

311 查找离您最近的疏散中心并获取有关前往疏散中心交通方式的信息. ? 请注意,所有纽约市庇护所均允许 携带合法的宠物和服务性动物. 务必随身携带宠物狗准养 证、食物、拴狗绳、笼子和药物. 注意避免受伤. ? 如可能请避免通过黑暗的楼梯. 必要时请使用手电筒. ? 切勿触碰或走近断落的电线. ? 因为交通信号灯可能已无法正常运作,因此在室外步行、骑自行车或开车时请小心. RESPONSE GUIDE POWER OUTAGE INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES Power outages or blackouts can result from storm damage, flooding and high winds, or from unforeseen incidents such as a building collapse or an explosion. They can also happen during hot weather when power usage is at its peak. Many services, including transportation and healthcare services, can be disrupted during a power outage. Know who is at risk. People most likely to be affected by power outages include: ? People who rely on life-sustaining equipment that requires electricity. If you or a member of your family uses life-sustaining equipment, contact Con Edison at 212-243-1900 to receive priority attention during a power outage. ? People who live in homes without heat (if the outage occurs during cold days) or who do not have a working air conditioner (if the outage occurs during hot days) AND: ? Are

65 or older ? Suffer from chronic medical problems such as heart disease, breathing problems, diabetes or obesity ? Have serious mental illness or developmental disabilities ? Take medications that affect the body's ability to maintain a normal temperature. Check with your doctor for information and advice about any medicines you may be taking. ? Use drugs or drink heavily ? Are socially isolated, have limited mobility or are unable to leave the house GENERAL GUIDELINES ? Get health information from credible sources (nyc.gov, cdc.gov and 311). ? Sign up for Notify NYC for information about emergency events. ? If you or anyone you know feels overwhelmed or needs help coping, visit lifenet.nyc for free help in your language. ? In an emergency, always call 911. Keep food and water safe. ? Keep foods that need little to no cooking and no refrigeration. ? Keep refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to prevent food from spoiling. ? Move milk, cheese, meats and other perishables into the freezer compartment. If the freezer is only partially full, keep all items close together and stacked on top of each other. ? If doors remain closed, food in the refrigerator will stay cold for four hours, and food in a full freezer will stay cold for two days (one day for a half-full freezer). ? Throw away any refrigerated food that has an unusual odor, color or texture. If in doubt, throw it out. ? Use bottled water if tap water is declared unsafe by local authorities. Prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. ? Make sure you have a working carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm in your home. If your building owner does not provide a carbon monoxide detector and smoke alarm, call 311. ? For more information on how to test your carbon monoxide detector, visit http://www.nyc.gov/health and search "Prevent Carbon Monoxide Poisoning." ? Never use gas stoves or ovens to heat your home. Kerosene heaters and propane space heaters are illegal in New York City. ? If you smell gas or your carbon monoxide detector goes off, open the windows, then go outside and call 911. ? Do not re-enter until your home is declared safe. ? Do not use candles, matches or other open flames to check for leaking gas lines. ? Use generators outdoors and away from doors, windows and vents. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions. Reach out. ? Check on neighbors, friends and relatives who may be at risk if it is safe to do so. ? For more information about how to stay safe during extreme heat or cold weather, visit http://www.nyc.gov/health and search "Extreme Heat Response Guide for Individuals & Families" or "Cold Weather Response Guide for Individuals & Families." CO If there is an extended power outage, prepare to evacuate. If you are told to evacuate: ? Grab your "Go Bag" with your important documents, identification, medication, bottled water, nonperishable food, a first aid kit and a battery-operated flashlight and radio. Go to http://www.nyc.gov and search "Go Bag" for more information. ? Stay with friends or family who live outside the evacuation zones. If you have no other shelter, go to an evacuation center. Call

311 to find your nearest evacuation center and for information about transportation options. ? Note that legal pets and service animals are allowed in all NYC shelters. Be sure to bring your pet's dog license, food, leash, cage and medication. Take care to avoid injuries. ? Avoid dark staircases if possible. Use flashlights when needed. ? Never touch or go near fallen wires. ? Be careful when walking, biking or driving outside as traffic lights may not be working.
