编辑: ZCYTheFirst 2019-09-28
环保报告 Environmental Report

64 迎接环保挑战 Rising to the Environmental Challenge The Force is committed to enhancing members'

environmental awareness through education and publicity, and to encouraging their participation in conserving the environment.

The Force also collaborates with appropriate organisations to promote environmental management in all aspects of its operations. This includes compliance with relevant green legislation and codes of practice as well as the Clean Air Charter. 警的目标是透过教育及宣传提高人员 的环保意识,鼓励他们参与保护环境的 工作.警并与有关机构合作,推广环保 管理措施,包括遵行《清新空气约章》 、 有关的环保法例及实务守则. 环保管理 警鼓励人员对环境持负责的态度,在执行 工作时,有效地运用资源、减少消耗和防止 污染.环保管理督导委员会下的环保工作 小组於十月成立,由警察政务秘书担任主 席,在警推行节约能源及环保措施.在总 区及警区层面,环保管理分别由环保经理在 主要单位层面推行,及由环保纠察在办公室 层面进行. 减少消耗 警持续努力减少用纸量.各级人员已经常实 行减少用纸的措施,如电子邮件通讯、把多页 内容缩印在一页和重用信封等.警也鼓励 总部及总区的单位进行无纸张会议.年内,警 采购环保物品如再造墨/碳粉盒、充电池和 再造纸.而警察机动部纪念品售卖部亦鼓 励员工及顾客自备购物袋.在二零一零年,17 个警察建筑物参加了环境保护署举办的 「工 商业废物源头分数计划」 ,并获颁证书. Green Management The Force encourages an environmentally responsible attitude in the efficient use of resources, waste minimisation and prevention of pollution within the organisation. The Working Group for Environmental Conservation, chaired by the Police Civil Secretary, was set up under the Steering Committee on Green Management in October

2010 to facilitate the implementation of energy saving and environmental conservation measures in the Force. At regional and district levels, green management is led by green managers at major formation level and green wardens at office level. Waste Minimisation The Force continues to emphasise the minimisation of paper consumption. Measures such as communication by electronic means, printing multi-pages on a single sheet, reusing of envelopes and paperless conferences have become common practice at all levels. During the year, the Force purchased green products such as recycled ink/toner cartridges, rechargeable batteries and recycled paper. Posters were also mounted in the Police Tactical Unit Souvenir Shop to encourage staff and customers to bring their own reusable bags. In 2010,

17 police premises joined the Programme on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste organised by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD), and were awarded relevant certificates. 总督察Andy Naylor (右) 获环境局局长邱腾华颁发 香港公益金绿 「识」 点子比赛冠军奖项. Chief Inspector Andy Naylor (right) receives the championship award in the Community Chest Green Tips Competition

2010 from the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Edward Yau.

65 Energy Conservation The conservation of energy is a high priority in the Force. Energy-efficient light tubes are now widely used for such installations as exit signs, lift lobbies and station fence at Tin Sum Police Station. Other housekeeping measures include reducing the water temperature for gas boilers, turning off additional chillers during winter, and shortening the operational hours of lifts. In 2010, to reduce the necessity for maximum air conditioning, members of staff were encouraged to use venetian blinds to adjust the penetration of sunlight in different seasons. Solar control window films were installed in Police premises with a high window-to-wall ratio, such as Arsenal House and the New Territories South Regional Headquarters building. To monitor electricity consumption in the Police Headquarters building, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) provided floor-by- floor consumption data of office lighting and equipment on a monthly basis. Formations with upsurges in electricity consumption were reminded to take appropriate measures to check their electricity usage. Promoting Environmental Awareness among Staff During the year, the Force regularly publicised useful tips on green management in internal publications and via the intranet. Members of staff were encouraged to attend seminars organised by EMSD regarding energy- saving measures in order to share their experiences with other organisations in the public and private sectors. Some formations, such as Marine Region, organised green competitions, tours and workshops to enhance staff awareness of environmental conservation. The Force believes that an environmentally friendly and quality working environment is of the highest importance. During the year, a green roof garden was set up at Central District Headquarters. To encourage staff and their family members to participate in green activities, a competition on cultivation was launched at Oasis, the Force'

s first green rooftop at Cheung Sha Wan Police Station, in September 2010. 节约能源 警高度重视节约能源,并在出口指示牌、 升降机大堂和田心警署围栏广泛使用节能 光管.其他内务环保管理措施包括减低气体 锅炉的水温,在冬季关掉额外的制冷机,以 及缩短升降机的运作时间. 为减少空调的负荷量,警鼓励人员使用百 叶帘防晒,以配合不同的季节和隔热,并在 窗与墙的比例偏高的警察建筑物,例如警政 大楼及新界南总区总部大楼,安装防晒隔热 玻璃窗膜.为监察警察总部大楼的用电量, 机电工程署每月会提供各层办公室照明灯 及设备的用电量,提醒用电量急增的单位采 取适当措施控制其用电量. 提高员工环保意识 为了提高员工的环保意识,警在内部刊物 和内联网登载环保管理的实用提示.警也 鼓励员工出席机电工程署举办的节能措施 座谈会,与公私营机构交流经验.一些单位 (如水警总区) 曾举办环保比赛、环保旅游及 研讨会,以提高员工对保护环境的意识. 警深信环保及优质工作环境是十分重要. 年内,在中区总部设立天台花园.为鼓励员 工及家人参加绿化活动,警於九月在位於 长沙湾警署的首个绿化天台 「绿茵」 举办种 植比赛. 香港仔警署的小型花园,有助推广环保生活的概念. The mini-garden at Aberdeen Police Station promotes the concept of green living. 警成员在长沙湾警署天台花园 「绿茵」 种植出丰富的农产品. Force members enjoy healthy produce from the Oasis, a green rooftop at Cheung Sha Wan Police Station. 环保报告 Environmental Report

66 警察政务秘书陈黄纫兰 (右三) 代表警接受优质室内空气质素 「卓越级」 及 「良 好级」 证书. Police Civil Secretary, Mrs Chan Wong Yan-lan (third from right), receives the Indoor Air Quality (Excellent Class) Certificates and (Good Class) Certificates on behalf of the Force. 在新警察建筑物进行的环保措施 新警察建筑物继续以环保为重点.新建成的 屯门湖康警察宿舍已加入多项环保设施,包 括绿化天台、雨水收集灌溉系统及节能照明 系统.新中区总部於七月启用,着重环境的 可持续发展,设施包括天台花园、低压照明 设备、用户感应器及灰色涂层玻璃,以减低 热力渗透. 为了使环保概念成为新警察建筑物不可或 缺的一部分,将於二零一一年七月在榕树湾 兴建的南丫岛警岗会采用多项环保措施,包 括在天台及入口采用绿化环境设计;

使用节 能光管、 LED灯及房间用户感应器,以及采用 太阳能板为淋浴设施提供热水. 参与有关机构的活动 警与机电工程署紧密合作,不断寻找机会 节约能源.迄今,机电工程署已完成逾20个 警察建筑物的能源审核,找出 「能源管理机 会」 ,并已经或着手进行有关工作.在警察总 部大楼应用可再生能源,将会是机电工程署 另一个研究.警会於二零一一年把现 时沿着警察总部至夏花园的围墙所装设 的挂墙街灯改为太阳能街灯. 为支持警的策略方针,提高警人员对社 会责任的意识,观塘警区进行 「旧玩具捐赠 计划」 ,把收集所得的旧玩具送赠少数族裔 家庭.香港警察学院也与匡智会合作,收集 旧玻璃瓶循环再造.警继续推广与救世军 合办的 「旧衣回收运动」 ,并参加世界自然 基金会在三月二十七日举办的 「地球一小时 2010」 熄灯活动. Green Initiatives in New Police Buildings Environmental friendliness is also a prominent theme in new police premises. The newly constructed Tuen Mun Wu Hong Police Quarters has a number of green features including green roofing, a rainwater collection plant irrigation system and an energy saving illumination system. The new Central Police District Headquarters, operational since July 2010, emphasises sustainability in the form of green roofing, low- voltage lighting, occupancy sensors and grey-tinted glazing to reduce heat penetration. To make greening an integral part of new Police buildings, the new Lamma Police Post to be constructed in July

2011 at Yung Shue Wan will adopt a number of greening initiatives. These include a green landscape desig........
