编辑: 思念那么浓 2019-09-30
Let' s do! 网学 网学 w w w .

p e p . c o m . c n 在谈论自己喜欢的那些名人时,我们经常会遇到哪些词汇呢?一起在 今天的"话题词汇"中寻找答案吧! 看图识词 单词家族 在谈论自己崇拜的名人时,我们会选择哪些语言结构呢?我们又将如何运用它们呢? 快来看看下面的"话题对话" . 在今天的"话题文化"中,让我们一起看看偶像崇拜那点事. 基础篇 拓展篇 本周我们推出的话题 是 "我们崇拜的名人" .在 学习了 Unit

9 When was he born? 后,让我们和 Mike一起谈论 "我 们崇拜的名人" , 看看大家是不是 学会谈论并描述自 己喜欢的那些人和 事? 话题词汇话题对话话题文化Topic English For Grade Eight 2009年12月04日 星期五 第14期 总第167期 互联网出版许可证:新出网证(京)字016 主办单位:人民教育出版社 ・ 人教网 本期责任编辑:孙世欣 ( 网名:Susan) 投稿:sunsx@pep.com.cn E-mail:pep@pep.com.cn 你想 知道活动 的答案吗, 快来 Topic English Corner 看看 吧! 我们在谈论崇拜的名人时,会发现他 们从事各种不同的职业.但很多表示这些职业的名词都是 由一些动词转化而来的,这是怎么回事呢? 在看了上面的内容后,让我们一起看看下面 的这个活动吧! 在谈论自己崇拜的名人时,我们有时会谈论 他们出生的时间、地点、人生故事等. 你的对话编好了吗,快来 Topic English Corner 占座吧! Let' s read! Let' s do! Let' s read! No.

1 become, get 和turn become 常用在书面语里,get 常用于口语中.如:Jack and I met on holiday and became good friends. 杰克和我在假 期中相遇并成为好朋友.Your dinner' s getting cold. 你的饭菜 都凉了.turn 表示 "变成" 时是系动词,后跟表语,强调的是质 的变化.become 表示 "变成" 时也为系动词,后接表语,强调 的是状态变化.如:The trees have turned green. 那些树已经 变绿了.It is becoming warner and warmer. 天气变得越来越暖 和. No.

2 alive, living 和lively alive 是后置形容词,只能作表语和后置定语.living 是通 用形容词,表示 "活着的;

活的",可以作表语和前置定语.如: The fish is still alive / living. 这鱼还活着.He is one of China' s most famous living scientists. 或He is one of China' s most famous scientists alive. 他是当今中国最著名的 科学家之一.lively 表示 "充满活力的;


活泼的", 可作表语和前置定语,如:She is as lively as a bird. 她像鸟儿 一样活泼. No.

3 receive 和accept receive 表示客观上接到什么东西,被动地接受、接收;

accept 表示主观上接受,是主观意愿的行为,如:He received the present, but he didn' t accept. 他收到了礼物,但却没有接 受.I accept it without question. 我毫无疑问地接受了它. 我们在谈论他们的出生信息时,可以说: ― When was … born? ― … was born in … ― Where was … born? ― … was born in … 我们在谈论他们的 life story 时,可以说: ― When did … start to …? ― … in … ― How long did …? 在读完上面的内容后,让我们也试试亲身体验一下. Many word end in "-er" and "-or" , e.g. actor, skater. When we add "-er" or "-or " to the end of a verb, we change the verb (action) into a noun. The noun indicates a person who does that action. (在学英语时你会发现,很多名词以 "-er" 及"or" 为 词尾.在某些动词后面加上 "-er" 或"or",可把动词变成名词, 表示 "……者". ) E.g. "actor"(演员)means "someone who acts"(表演) "skater" (溜冰者) means "someone who skates" (溜冰) 请你根据图片,写出与之匹配的描述运动的动词和描 述职业的名词. 偶像(idol) ?偶像原指宗教(religion)或迷信(superstition)的人敬奉 的用泥、木头等雕塑出来的神像,后泛指盲目崇拜的对象.偶 像崇拜本是一种心态,是心有所属的精神寄托.健康的偶像崇 拜会使人获得精神力量,百折不回,受益终生;

不健康的偶像 崇拜则使人产生不切实际的幻想(illusion) ,导致精神意志的颓 丧,误人一时或一世. 中学生富于幻想,过于紧张单调的学习生活难以满足他们 希望生活多姿多彩的梦想(dream) .于是,他们便喜爱上影星 (movie star) 、歌星(singer) ,有的甚至到了痴迷的程度.他 们往往把偶像某一方面的特点扩大化、理想化,而缺少对其全 面客观的认识. 中学生应学会理性地崇拜偶像,我们需要以所崇拜的人物 为榜样, 来规范自己、 完善自己、 提高自己.在崇拜他人的同时, 我们也要充分认识自己的特点,提高自身素质. ? Young people idolize singers, movie stars, and profes- sional athletes. In addition to fan clubs for individuals, Ameri- cans have fan clubs for movies such as Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings and for bands such as The Beatles. Many teenagers' bedrooms in America will have post- ers on the walls of their favorite movie stars or celebrities (often singers or sports stars). Some teenagers also collect autographs (signatures) of their favorite stars. However, if a star is very famous, it will be very difficult to get his auto- graph, and an autograph may even be worth money. The most common way to find information about a celebrity is to surf the Internet. Many Americans search for fan sites on the Internet or create fan sites. (Fan sites are websites dedicated to a celebrity.) A celebrity usually has one official site and numerous unofficial "fan sites" . There are also thousands of groups discussing their favorite movies, etc., online. Most groups are very easy to join. Non-members can often read the comments written by members, but only members can post their comments. 好了, 本期的 "我 们崇拜的名人"话 题就到这里啦!欢迎 大家登录 Topic Eng- lish Corner 查 阅本期活动的 答案! Name Job Achievement Albert Einstein scientist

1879 1770

1827 George Washington /

1910 1997 scientist

1867 Birth year Death year Won the Nobel Prize for phisics in

1921 Gave his first perfor- mance on piano when he was eight Was elected the first president in 1789;

Was president for ... years Was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in ... Was awarded Nobel Prize for physics ... in

1903 and 1911;

Set up the Curie labora- tory in Paris in

1910 Mother Theresa Ludwing Van Beethoven A: Who is that? B: That' s Albert Einstein. He was a great scientist;

he studied math and physics. A: When was he born? B: Einstein was born in 1879, and he died in 1955. A: Why is he famous? B: Einstein is famous for his ideas about physics, especially his studies of light and gravity. He won the Noble Prize for Physics in 1921. C: Who is that? D: That' s Ludwig van Beethoven. He is a famous composer. C: Where was he born? D: He was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770. He died in 1827. C: When did he become a com- poser? D: Beethoven gave his first perfor- mance on piano when he was eight years old. Later, he studied with famous composers like Mozart(莫扎特)and Hayden(海顿). C: Why is he famous? D: Beethoven is famous because he composed beautiful music although he was deaf. US president A B C E D 1799
