编辑: ddzhikoi 2019-09-26
目录 CONTENTS 页数 Page 概况 General observations

3 统计表 Tables 1.

食肆收益价值及购货额 1. Restaurant receipts and purchases in value

7 2. 食肆收益数量 2. Restaurant receipts in volume

8 3. 食肆总收益数量变动情况 3. Movement of total restaurant receipts in volume

9 统计图 Charts 1. 食肆总收益价值指数 1. Value index of total restaurant receipts

10 2. 食肆总收益数量指数 2. Volume index of total restaurant receipts

10 统计调查方法 Survey methodology 1. 统计调查的涵盖围 1. Survey coverage

11 2. 样本设计 2. Sample design

11 3. 资料搜集 3. Data collection

11 附录 Appendix

12 购买途径及订阅表格 Purchase channels and subscription form

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3 - 概况General observations 1. 根乘恋氖杖爰肮夯醵畎醇就臣频鞑,二零零四年第四季 的食肆总收益价值为

138 亿元,较二零零 三年第四季上升 8.9% . 二零零四年第四季 的食肆购货总值为

47 亿元,较二零零三 年同期上升 11.1%. 1. According to the Quarterly Survey of Restaurant Receipts and Purchases, the value of total receipts for the restaurants sector was $13.8 billion in the fourth quarter of 2004, up by 8.9% compared with the fourth quarter of 2003. Over the same period, the value of total purchases of restaurants also increased, by 11.1% to $ 4.7 billion. 2. 扣除价格变动的影响后,二零 零四年第四季与二零零三年同期比较,食 肆的总收益以数量计上升 8.3%. 2. After discounting the effect of price changes, total restaurant receipts rose by 8.3% in volume in the fourth quarter of

2004 as compared to a year earlier. 3. 按食肆类别分析,与二零零三 年同期比较,二零零四年第四季酒吧的总 收益,以价值计上升 10.7%,以数量计则 上升 8.2%. 3. Analysed by type of restaurant, total receipts of bars increased by 10.7% in value or 8.2% in volume in the fourth quarter of

2004 as compared to a year earlier. 4. 同期间,中式餐馆的总收益, 以价值计上升 10.3%,以数量计则上升 9.8%.非中式餐馆的总收益亦上升,以价 值计上升 8.7%,以数量计则上升 8.6%. 4. Over the same period, total receipts of Chinese restaurants increased by 10.3% in value or 9.8% in volume, while total receipts of non-Chinese restaurants increased by 8.7% in value or 8.6% in volume. 5. 与二零零三年同期比较,二零 零四年第四季快餐店的总收益,以价值计 上升 5.9%,以数量计则上升 4.7%. 5. Total receipts of fast food shops increased by 5.9% in value or 4.7% in volume in the fourth quarter of

2004 as compared to a year earlier. 6. 至於杂类饮食场所的总收益,以价值计上升 1.6%,以数量计则上升 0.1%. 6. As for miscellaneous eating and drinking places, total receipts increased by 1.6% in value or 0.1% in volume. 7. 二零零四年第四季与二零零 四年第三季比较,经季节性调整的食肆总 收益数量上升 0.8%. 7. On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, the volume of total restaurant receipts increased by 0.8% in the fourth quarter of 2004. -

4 - 8. 由二零零二年第一季起,本报 告亦载列现行统计季度与上年同季均有 营业的食肆其总收益的按年变动百分率 *.二零零四年第四季与上年同季比较, 该按年变动百分率为上升 1.3%. 8. As from the first quarter of 2002, the year-on-year rate of change* of total restaurant receipts for restaurants that operated both in the current reference quarter and the same quarter of the preceding year is also included in this report. Comparing the fourth quarter of

2004 with the same quarter of 2003, the rate was 1.3%. 9. 二零零四年全年的食肆总收 益价值为

530 亿元,与二零零三年比较, 以价值计上升 10.1%,以数量计则上升 10.0%.食肆购货总值为

180 亿元,较二 零零三年上升 10.8%. 9. For

2004 as a whole, the value of total receipts for the restaurants sector was $53.0 billion. This represented an increase of 10.1% in value, or 10.0% in volume, over 2003. Over the same period, the value of total purchases of restaurants increased by 10.8% to $18.0 billion. 10. 按食肆类别分析,二零零四年 中式餐馆的总收益增长最大,以价值及数 量计均上升 11.8%. 10. Analysed by type of restaurant, total receipts of Chinese restaurants had the largest growth, by 11.8% in both value and volume in 2004. 11. 同时,非中式餐馆的总收益以 价值计上升 8.8%,以数量计则上升 9.0%. 而杂类饮食场所的总收益,以价值计上升 8.5%,以数量计则上升 9.2%. 11. Concurrently, total receipts of non-Chinese restaurants rose by 8.8% in value or 9.0% in volume, while total receipts of miscellaneous eating and drinking places increased by 8.5% in value or 9.2% in volume. 注释: Note: * 按「食肆的收入及购货额按季统计调查」的设计,每季度约有三分之二的食肆样本与上年同季的样本重叠.这变动百分率是根中型臣萍径扔肷夏晖揪芯滴竦闹氐径嗨.由於在这重叠样本中的部分食肆在现行季度可能已停止营业,故有关的食肆数目肯定少於整个统计调查样本的三分之二.因此基於数范鹊目悸,这百分率只涵盖一年前有营业的食肆的整体数字,而不再作食肆类别的细分.*Under the design of the Quarterly Survey of Restaurant Receipts and Purchases, about two-thirds of the restaurants sampled in a reference quarter overlap with those sampled for the same quarter of the preceding year. The rate is thus compiled on the basis of those restaurants in the overlapping portion of the sample that were enumerated as in business operation both i........
