编辑: You—灰機 2019-09-22
公司 Com Olam man of pr Sing List pres FOR Olam Chris nam OLAM 其18 证券 摩根 于20 的公 全球 Olam num busin OLA 和服 棉花 Olam shar OLA Olam Tianj estab locat acqu OLA 立第 司简介? mpany?Introdu m Internationa ager with a po roducts for 23, apore, Olam as one of th ented in Har RTUNE magaz m's modest be s Zook, "Glob e a few.

M 国际(www. 8? 个业务平台为 券交易所上市, 根士丹利新加坡

009、2010 和2公司之一.哈佛 球25 个最佳培育 m has a direct erous custom nesses C inclu AM 在超过70个 服务.我们的全 花和木材产品等 m is a listed co reholders. AM 在新加坡证 m began opera jin. The first le blished a stron ted in Beijing, uired Qingdao AM于

2003、20 一个法人实体 uction? al (www.olam ortfolio of mul

000 consume listed compan he best public rvard Busines zine as one o eginning and y bal Future-The olamgroup.com 为世界 23,000 作为亚太区最 坡自由指数、标2012 年获得福 佛商学院和剑桥 育领导力的公司 sourcing and ers across the uding cocoa, c 个国家设立机构 全球员工团队, 等在各自行业中 ompany in the 证券交易所上市 ating in China egal entity C O ng presence in Tianjin, Dalia Key Foods Li 004年通过设立 体----翱兰(上海 mgroup.com) tiple agricultu ers in the world ny in the SGX cly traded co ss School an of the top

25 young age, Ol e next challen m)是全球领先 多家客户供应 最佳的上市公司 标普全球农业指 福布斯亚洲

50 强 桥大学已将 OLA 司之一.? processing pr e world. Our g coffee, cashew 构,在主要原产 已经在许多业 的领导地位. SGX-ST with 市,淡马锡、三from 2003/04 Olam Shangha n China, with h n, Qingdao, J imited, the De 立在日照、上海 海)商贸有限公 招聘简章 ? ? is a leading ral products a d by

18 platfor X-ST, Olam ha ompanies in t nd Cambridg companies in lam finds men nge for Asian 先的综合的农产 应各类产品.于 司之一,目前市 指数和 DAX 全球 强的公司,并被 AM 的发展作为 resence in mo global team ha w, sesame, ric 产国拥有直接的 业务领域―包括 h Temasek Ho 三菱集团是其主 through its Re ai Limited was head office loc iaozhou, Gua ehydrated Gar 海和天津的代表 公司.自那以后 global integr and food ingre rms. Establish as bagged a p the Asia-Pacif ge University. n the world th ntions in multip n business", " 产品与食品配料 于1989 年成立, 市值位列新加坡 球农金指数的成 被列为该地区年 为案例分析学习 ost major prod as built a leade ce, cotton and 的采购和加工业 括腰果、香料与 oldings and Mi 主要股东. epresentative set up in Octo cated in Shang ngzhou and U lic manufactur 表处在中国经营 后,OLAM在中 ated supply c edients. We su ed in

1989 an place on the F fic region. Ol Olam was hat build grea ple books: "Be Repeatability" 料的供应链管理 总部位于新加 坡40 强,是新加 成分股.OLAM 年度

50 家大市 习的内容.OLA ucing countrie ership position wood product 业务,为全球众 与脱水蔬菜、可tsubishi Corpo Offices in Riz ober 2005. Sin ghai, and regio Urumqi. In Octo ring facility. 营业务,并于20 中国的业务发展 chain and pro upply various d headquarte Forbes Asia Fa lam case stu mentioned in at leaders. De eyond the Cor " by Chris Zo 理商和加工商, 加.OLAM 在新 加坡海峡时报指 M 是新加坡唯一 市值和盈利能力 AM 被财富杂志 es catering to n in many of th ts. 众多位客户提供 可可、咖啡、大oration as its m zhao, Shangha nce then we h onal branch o ober 2007, we 005年10月在中 展壮大,先后设 ocess kinds red in ab

40 udy is n the espite re" by ook to 通过 新加坡 指数、 一一家 力最强 志列为 heir 供产品 大米、 major ai and ave offices e 中国成 设立了 北京、天津、大连、青岛、胶州、广州和乌鲁木齐分公司,总部位于上海.2007年10月并购了脱水大蒜生 产企业----青岛凯益食品有限公司. ? In 2017, the top

100 food companies in the world - Olam ranked 26th 2017? 全球食品企业百强榜翱兰位列第

26 名.? ? ? ? 职位要求? Position?Requirement? 招聘职位:管理培训生? Position?name:Business?Trainee(简称 BT)? 人数:2 名? ? 职位要求:Position?requirement? ? 实习项目为期

1 年,在此期间,BT 将有机会学习奥兰现有国内、国外业务的第一手原料购 买/采购和销售经验.? Program:?It?will?be?a?oneyear?program,?during?which?both?the?BUSINESS?TTRAINEE's?will?work? with?Olam's?existing?business?in?China?or?overseas?to?get?a?firsthand?experience?in?primary? buying/sourcing?&?distribution.? ? ? 任职资格:? Qualification:? ?

25 周岁以上? Age?25+? ? 研究生学历? MBA?Background? ? 专业:农业相关? Specialty:Agriculture+?related? ? 有工作经验者优先? Work?Experience?Prior?work?experience?preferred,?but?not?mandatory.? ? 学习能力强、上进心强、有抱负? Fast?leaner,?selfmotivated?and?ambitious? ? 能适应出差,国内外学习和培训需要经常出差? Willing?to?relocate?&?travel?extensively.? ? 流利的英语听说读写能力、普通话和维语? ? LanguageCandidate?should?be?fluent?in?speaking,?reading?&?writing?English?&?Mandarin? and?Ughur?as?well.? ? 办公技能:熟练 Microsoft?XL,?Power?Point? Soft?Skills?Proficiency?in?Microsoft?XL,?Power?point?is?a?must.? ? 常住地:新疆? Domicile?Xinjiang?province.? ? 薪酬待遇:? Salary&?Compensation? ? ? 月薪:6000?8000K? Monthly?salary:?6K8K? ? ? 工资每年普调一次,依据当年集团业绩、同行业薪酬水平以及消费指数.? Salary?will?be?increased?once?every?year,?basis?on?the?company?performance,?salary?level? in?the?same?product?area?and?the?consume?index.? ? ? 每年

1 次的绩效考核年终奖金,综合当年集团业绩及个人综合表现评定.? Yearly?bonus?will?be?finalized?basis?on?the?company?performance?and?personal?general? assessment.? ? ? ? 入职第一天,即签订正式聘用合同.? On?boarding?day,?formal?contract?will?be?effective.? ? ? 社会保险和住房公积金按照合同工资支付.? You?will?have?the?social?insurance?and?housing?fund?basis?on?actual?contract?salary.? ? ? 假期:年假、病假、婚假、产假、陪产假、法定节假日、双休规定完全按照国家规 定执行? Leave:?Annual?leave,?sick?leave,?marriage?leave,?maternity?leave,?paternity?leave,? weekends?are?processed?as?China?law.? ? ? 年假:第一年全年年假

10 天,以后每年增加一天,直至

15 天.? Annual?Leave:?An?employee?shall?be?eligible?for?10?days?of?annual?leave?in?the?first?year.? It?shall?increase?by?additional?one?day?every?year,?subject?to?a?maximum?of?15?days.? ? ? ? 交通费、通讯费,按照实际需求及公司标准予以报销.? Traffic、communication?expense?will?be?paid?basis?on?actual?cost?and?company?standard.? ? 晋升空间:? Promotion?Space:? ? ? 项目结束:?

1 年实习项目结束,Business?Trainee 将接受集团综合评估,确定是否可 以继续朝产品经理方向发展.? Project?end:? ? There?would?be?a?comprehensive?appraisal?after?1?year's?training?project? that?will?decide?candidate?continuing?to?stay?for?further?development?towards?product? manager.? ? ? 目前奥兰现有 Business?trainee? 成功晋升为产品经理的,均为海外背景,农业相关专 业,在经历了 12 年的国内外专业培训和实践,都在自己所负责的产品业务上发挥 着重要的作用.? ? Currently,?there?are?business?managers?who?promoted;

?all?have?overseas?education? background?or?agriculture?background.?Firstly?they?had?12?year's?internal&?external? training?and?practice?programs,?later?and?now,?they?had?been?taking?important?role?in? their?individual?product?and?business.? ? 欢迎有创新、 敢挑战、 求上进的研究生加入 Olam, 请发送简历至 selina.sun@olamnet.com? 或 者致电 86?136?0630?9668? If? you? dare? to? innovate,? challenge? and? aspirant,? welcome? you? to? join? Olam,? please? send? your? resume?to?selina.sun@olamnet.com?or?call?me?by?86?136?0630?9668? ? ? 以上所有解释权归翱兰(上海)商贸有限公司人力资源及行政部.? All? the? above? explanations? are? given? to? the? Human? Resource? department? of? Olam? Shanghai? Limited.? ? ? ?

2018 年4月10 日?
