编辑: 此身滑稽 2019-09-19
2016年3月修订版 6QEBUFE .

BSDI ? ? ? ? ? θ ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? K N O W M O R E A B O U T G A S S A F E T Y 使用瓶装石油气的 安全措施 Safe Use of LPG Cylinders 使用瓶装石油气的 安全措施 Safe Use of LPG Cylinders 不可储存超过

130 升(约50 公斤 ), 以最少数量为佳. 使用 完毕后应交回分销商. Keep to a minimum amount and not more than

130 litres (about 50kg). Return used cylinders to distributor. 安妥调压器 , 确保无 泄漏. 不用时关掣. Install regulator properly and ensure no leakage. Turn off after use. 保持直立 , 勿近火源. Keep upright and away from ?ame. 经常检查胶 喉,并在到 期前更换. Check rubber tubing regularly and replaced prior to expiration. 气体泄漏 如发觉或怀疑有气体泄漏 , 在确定本身安全的情况下 , 必须马上采取下列行动 : (a) 弄熄所有明火. (b) 不要使用电话或开关任何电掣. (c) 尽量打开所有门窗 , 让气体消散. (d) 不要触摸气体用具 , 以免不慎启动点火开关.关掉 调压器开关 , 以截断气体供应. 如情况许可 , 应把 调压器拔离石油气瓶. (e) 若漏气情况严重或对有关情况不肯定 , 应立即离开 有关单位并通知邻居疏散 , 但不要按任何门铃. 利用楼梯离开建筑物 , 拨999 通知消防处 , 以及致 电气体供应公司 , 通知紧急服务人员到来处理. (f) 在未采取一切必要步骤以防气体再度外泄之前 , 切 勿重新接上石油气瓶. (g) 所有室内气体装置包括石油气瓶及炉具 , 必须由气 体供应公司检查 , 以确定安全后 , 才可再次使用. Gas Leak If you smell or suspect a gas leak, you must take the following actions immediately if safe to do so. (a) Extinguish all naked ?ames. (b) Do not use the telephone or operate any electrical switches. (c) Open all windows and doors wide to disperse the gas. (d) Do not touch the gas appliances in case you accidentally operate the ignition switch. Instead, turn off the gas supply at the pressure regulator switch. Disconnect the regulator from the cylinder if possible. (e) If the gas leak is serious, or if you are unsure for any reason, leave the premises at once and notify your neighbours to evacuate, but do not press any doorbells. Leave the building by the stairs, dial

999 and notify the Fire Services Department, and call your gas supply company'

s emergency number. (f) Do not re-connect the gas cylinder until all necessary steps have been taken to prevent gas from escaping again. (g) Your gas installation, including gas cylinder and appliances, shall not be used again until it has been checked for safety by your gas supply company. 用毕或弃置的石油气瓶 石油气瓶使用完毕后 , 应尽快交回石油气分销商 , 不应 摆放在公众地方. 如发现弃置或无人看管的石油气瓶 , 应致电

24 小时紧 急热线通知有关的注册气体供应公司收回. Used or Abandoned LPG Cylinders Used cylinders should be returned to your LPG distributor as soon as possible, and should not be left unattended in a public place. If you notice any unattended or abandoned cylinders, you can telephone the 24-hour emergency hotlines of respective registered gas supply company to collect them. ?????????? Printed by the Government Logistics Department

24 小时紧急热线及查询电话 注册气体供应公司设有

24 小时紧急热线及查询电话 , 以接收有关气体泄漏及无人看管 / 弃置石油气瓶的报 告.各公司提供的服务热线及查询电话号码如下 : 24-Hour Emergency Hotlines and Enquiry Telephone Number The 24-hour service hotlines and enquiry telephone number provided by registered gas supply companies for receiving reports of gas leaks and unattended/abandoned LPG cylinders and general enquiries are as follows: 牌子

24 小时紧急 查询电话 热线 Brand Name 24-hr Hotline Enquiry No. 加德士 / 半岛 Caltex / Peninsula 协和 Concord 中石化 Sinopec 标准 Esso 美孚 Mobil 蚬壳 / 盾牌 Shell / BP 新海 NewOcean 如需进一步资料 , 请向你的气体供应公司查询.你亦可 致电

1823 与机电工程署联络或浏览机电工程署网页 : http://www.emsd.gov.hk. For further information, please contact your gas supply company. You may also contact the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department on

1823 or visit the EMSD homepage at http://www.emsd.gov.hk.

6196 1450

2588 7640

2333 4215

2311 6788

2322 2000

800 933

696 800

933 696

2435 4511

2495 3518

2433 2111

2137 6200

2891 8961

6672 3328

2435 8388 气体装置定期安全检查 为安全着想, 住户应安排M配合注册气体供应公司M注册气体工程承办商为其居所的气体装置每隔不多 於18 个月作定期安全检查,以确保这些装置状况良好. Regular Safety Inspection of Gas Installations For safety reasons, householders should arrange/facilitate the regular safety inspection of their gas installations at an interval of not more than

18 months by registered gas supply company/registered gas contractor to ensure such installations are in order. 石油气的特性 在本港使用的石油气 , 是丁烷气和丙烷气的混合气 , 并 无毒性 , 比空气重 , 会在地面积聚.石油气经压缩后以 液态存在方便搬运的气瓶内 , 供作多种用途. LPG Characteristics LPG in Hong Kong is a mixture of butane gas and propane gas. It is non-toxic, heavier than air, and will tend to accumulate at ?oor level. LPG is pressurised and stored in liquid form in portable cylinders for a variety of purposes. 石油气瓶的储存 除非有根灏踩趵璧奶囟ㄐ砜 , 否则在任何 时间储存总标称容水量超过

130 升(约是标称重量

50 公斤 ) 的石油气 ( 包括空瓶 ), 均属违例. 下表列出一些普通型号石油气瓶的最高许可储存数目 , 以供参考. Storage of LPG Cylinders Unless speci?cally approved in accordance with the Gas Safety Ordinance, storing LPG cylinders (including empty cylinders) with a total nominal water capacity of over

130 使用瓶装石油气时 1. 检查气瓶及调压器 , 是否有损坏或漏气. 2. 只可使用由有关的气体供应公司所提供的调压器 , 并要保护调压器免受损坏.应在到期前通知气体供 应公司或注册气体工程承办商安排更换. 3. 使用后须将调压器开关关闭.若有一段长时间不会 使用 , 应将调压器拆除. 4. 经常检查胶喉接驳位可有脱、有否损坏或漏气. 若发现有任何毛病或胶喉将到期 , 便应通知注册气 体承办商更换胶喉. 5. 气体用具必须远离易燃物品. 6. 不可让气体用具在无人经常看管的情况下燃点. When using LPG Cylinders 1. Check the cylinder and regulator for damage and leaks. 2. Use only the pressure regulator provided by the respective gas supply c o m p a n y, a n d p r o t e c t the regulator from damage. Ask the gas supply company or registered gas contractor to arrange replacement when it is to expired. 3. Turn off the regulator switch after use. Disconnect the regulator if not going to use for prolonged periods. 存放及处理气瓶的一般须知 1. 小心处理 , 以免损坏. 2. 将气瓶垂直放置在通风良好和容易到 达的地方. 3. 要远离热源及火源 , 更换气瓶时 , 这 点尤为重要. 4. 不可在地面以下地方、排水沟附近或地 库内使用或存放瓶装石油气. General Keeping and Handling of Cylinders 1. Handle with care to avoid damage. 2. Store cylinders upright in a well-ventilated and readily 标准石油气重量 ( 公斤 ) Nominal LPG Weight (kg) 许可瓶数 ( 个)Permitted no. of cylinders

2 27

5 10

8 6 10-10.5

5 12-13.5

4 15-16

3 21-22

2 45-50

1 4. Frequently check rubber tubing for loose connections, damage and leaks. Ask your registered gas contractor to change it if you notice any defects or to be expired. 5. Keep ?ammable materials away from gas appliances. 6. Do not leave gas appliances turned on without constant supervision. 更换石油气瓶的安全措施 1. 熄灭附近所有火种 , 不可吸烟. 2. 关掉气体用具. 3. 关掉并拆除调压器 , 然后 更换用罄的石油气瓶. 4. 小心地将调压器稳 固接驳 , 然后检查 气瓶接驳位是否有 漏气的气味 / 声音. 5. 开启调压器 , 然后检查气 体炉具是否操作正常. Safe Exchange of LPG cylinders 1. Extinguish all nearby ?ames, and do not smoke. 2. Switch off gas appliances. 3. Switch off and disconnect the pressure regulator. Then replace the used LPG cylinder. 4. Carefully and ?rmly re-connect the pressure regulator, and check that there is no smell/sound of gas leaking from the cylinder connection. 5. Switch on the pressure regulator, and check your gas appliances for proper operation. 安全须知 Safety Tips litres (approximately

50 kg nominal weight) at any time is an offence. For general reference, the following table shows the maximum number of cylinders permitted for some common sizes of LPG cylinders:- accessible location. 3. Keep away from heat and flames, especially when exchanging cylinders. 4. Do not use or keep LPG cylinders below ground level or adjacent to drains, and basements. 再造纸印制 Printed on recycled paper ........
