编辑: ACcyL 2019-07-18
课程大纲 电子商务 课程编号:02816080 授课对象:学术研究生 学分:2 任课教师:邱凌云 课程类型:选修 开课学期:2015 年秋 先修课程: 任课教师简历(500 字左右) : 邱凌云,现任北京大学光华管理学院管理科学与信息系统系副教授.

主讲"电子 商务与网络营销"、"E-Business"等MBA 课程,研究专长为电子商务、网络 消费者行为、 人机交互设计、 决策支持系统等. 他曾在 Journal of Management Information Systems、Decision Support Systems、 International Journal of Human-Computer studies 、 ACM Transaction on Computer-Human Interaction、 《清华大学学报》 、 《营销科学学报》 、 《信息系统学报》等国内外知 名学术期刊上发表多篇论文.他现在还担任北京大学光华管理学院创新创业中心 副主任、北京大学商务智能研究中心副主任. 邱凌云老师在上海交通大学先后获得工学学士和工学硕士学位,之后在加拿大不 列颠哥伦比亚大学获得信息系统硕士和博士学位.他曾在上海交通大学安泰管理学院任教,2006 年加入 北京大学光华管理学院管理科学与信息系统系. 任课教师联系方式: 电子邮件:qiu@gsm.pku.edu.cn,

电话:62757557, 办公室:光华新楼

357 室 助教姓名及联系方式: 辅导、答疑时间:


1 Learning Goal

1 Graduates will be thoroughly familiar with the specialized knowledge and theories required for the completion of academic research. 1.1 Objective

1 Graduates will have a deep understanding of basic knowledge and theories in their specialized area. 1.2 Objective

2 Graduates will be familiar with the latest academic findings in their specialized area and will be knowledgeable about related areas. 1.3 Objective

3 Graduates will be familiar with research methodologies in their specialized area, and will be able to apply them effectively.

2 Learning Goal

2 Graduates will be creative scholars, who are able to write and publish high-quality graduation dissertation and research papers. 2.1 Objective

1 Graduates will write and publish high-quality graduation dissertation and research papers 2.2 Objective

2 Graduates will be critical thinkers and innovative problems solvers.

3 Learning Goal

3 Graduates will have a broad vision of globalization and will be able to communicate and cooperate with international scholars 3.1 Objective

1 Graduates will have excellent oral and written communication skills 3.2 Objective

2 Graduates will be able to conduct efficient academic communication in at least one foreign language

4 Learning Goal

4 Graduates will be aware of academic ethics and will have a sense of social responsibility. 4.1 Objective

1 Graduates will have a sense of social responsibility. 4.2 Objective

2 Graduates will be aware of potential ethical issues in their academic career. 4.3 Objective

3 Graduates will demonstrate concern for social issues.

二、课程概述 本课程将重点介绍与电子商务相关的商业模式和支撑技术,通过小组讨论和案例 分析等多种形式梳理各类型企业通过互联网扩展业务时的战略选择和特点.此外,我们还将总结与电子商 务有关的前沿研究课题, 通过阅读并讨论重点相关文献, 帮助学生了解电子商务领域相关研究的主要类别、 主题和研究方法,为未来进行本领域的研究打下坚实基础.

三、课程目标 通过学习本课程,学生将: ? 了解电子商务的基本商业模式和技术 ? 了解不同类型的电子商务的发展战略 ? 了解当前国内外电子商务研究的主要方向 ? 结合所在专业,提出一个与电子商务相关的研究问题
