编辑: 思念那么浓 2019-08-09
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27 海事劳工符合声明-第I部分 Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance - Part I (注:本声明必须附于船舶的海事劳工证书之后) (Note: This Declaration must be attached to the ship'

s Maritime Labour Certificate) 本声明由中华人民共和国海事局签发 This Declaration is issued by Maritime Safety Administration of the People'

s Republic of China 中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部、交通运输部共同监管 Under the supervision of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and Ministry of Transport of the People'

s Republic of China 就《2006年海事劳工公约》的规定而言,下述船舶 With respect to the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, the following referenced ship: 船名Name of Ship 国际海事组织编号 IMO Number 总吨Gross Tonnage 与公约标准A5.

1.3保持一致: is maintained in accordance with Standard A5.1.3 of the Convention: 下面的签字者代表上述主管当局声明: The undersigned declares, on behalf of the abovementioned competent authority, that: (a) 《海事劳工公约》的规定已充分体现在下述国家要求之中;

(a) the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention are fully embodied in the national requirements referred to below;

(b) 这些国家要求收录在下文所述的国家规定中;


(b) these national requirements are contained in the national provisions referenced below;

explanations concerning the content of those provisions are provided where necessary;

(c) 根据第六条第3款和第4款的任何实质上等效的细节在下述部分提供;

(c) the details of any substantial equivalencies under Article VI, paragraphs

3 and 4, are provided in the section provided for this purpose below;

(d) 主管机关根据标题三所准予的任何免除在下文专门部分明确指出;

(d) any exemptions granted by the competent authority in accordance with Title

3 are clearly indicated in the section provided for this purpose below;

and (e) 在有关要求中还提及了国家立法中对任何船舶类型的具体要求. (e) any ship-type specific requirements under national legislation are also referenced under the requirements concerned. 中华人民共和国The People'

s Republic of China 格式 Form: DMLC-I(CHN) 编号 No.:

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27 1.最低年龄(规则 1.1) 1. Minimum age (Regulation 1.1) 1.1《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定:禁止用人单位招用未满

16 周岁的未成年人. 1.1 According to the Labour Law of the People'

s Republic of China, employers are prohibited from recruiting persons under the age of 16. 1.2《中华人民共和国船员条例》规定:申请船员注册,应当具备下列条件:年满

18 周岁(在船实习、见习 人员年满

16 周岁) ,但不超过

60 周岁.未经船员注册不得上船工作. 1.2 According to the Regulations of the People'

s Republic of China on Seafarers, the minimum age for seafarer registration shall be

18 (16 as for a trainee or cadet ) , and the maximum age shall be

60 . No one is permitted to work on board a ship without seafarer registration. 1.3《中华人民共和国未成年人保护法》规定:任何组织或者个人按照国家有关规定招用已满

16 周岁未满

18 周岁的未成年人的,应当执行国家在工种、劳动时间、劳动强度和保护措施等方面的规定,不得安排其从事 过重、有毒、有害等危害未成年人身心健康的劳动或者危险作业. 1.3 According to the Law of the People'

s Republic of China on Protection of Minors, when recruiting people over the age of

16 but under 18, employers shall comply with relevant national provisions on the types of jobs, working hours, intensity of work and protective measures, etc., and shall not assign them any work which is likely to jeopardize their physical and mental health, such as over-strenuous, poisonous or harmful work, etc. 1.4《禁止使用童工规定》规定:国家机关、社会团体、企事业单位、民办非企业单位或者个体工商户均不 得招用不满

16 岁的未成年人. 1.4 According to the Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labour, government agencies, social organizations, enterprises and institutional entities, privately operated non-enterprise entities and individual businesses are prohibited from employing minors under

16 years old. 1.5《中华人民共和国海员船上工作和生活条件管理办法》规定:船东不得安排未成年海员从事以下范围的 实习和见习工作: 1.5 According to the Regulations on Seafarers'

Working and Living Conditions on Board of the People'

s Republic of China (referred to below as Condition Regulations ), shipowners shall not arrange the following practices or trainings for seafarers under the age of 18. 1.5.1 搬运重物作业;

1.5.1 the lifting, moving or carrying of heavy loads or objects;

1.5.2 进入锅炉、液舱和隔离舱;

1.5.2 entry into boilers, tanks and cofferdams;

1.5.3 置身于有害的噪音和振动中;

1.5.3 exposure to harmful noise and vibration;

1.5.4 操作起重机械或其他动力设备或器械,或向操作此类机械的人员发信号;

1.5.4 operating hoisting and other power machinery, or sending signals to operators of such machinery;

1.5.5 操作系泊中拖缆或锚泊设备;

1.5.5 handling mooring or tow lines or anchoring equipment;

1.5.6 索具作业;

1.5.6 rigging;

1.5.7 恶劣天气中在高处或甲板上工作;

1.5.7 work aloft or on deck in heavy weather;

1.5.8 电器设备维护;

1.5.8 maintainanceof electrical equipment;

1.5.9 接触有潜在危害的物质,或诸如危险或有毒物质等有害的物理试剂及受到电离辐射;

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27 1.5.9 exposure to potentially harmful materials or harmful physical agents such as dangerous or toxic substances and ionizing radiations;

1.5.10 清洗厨房机械;

1.5.10 cleaning of catering machinery;

and 1.5.11 操控小艇. 1.5.11 operating of rescue boat and life boat. 1.6《中华人民共和国海员船上工作和生活条件管理办法》规定:船东不得安排未成年海员在夜间工作,但 是根据国家海事管理机构规定的符合 STCW 公约的船上见习或者实习要求开展的夜航训练除外. 1.6 According to the Condition Regulations, shipowners shall not arrange any seafarers under age of

18 to work at night, except for the night navigation training for the purpose of training stipulated by the maritime authority in accordance with the requirements of STCW. 1.7《中华人民共和国海员船上工作和生活条件管理办法》规定:夜间,是指当地时间从

21 点开始的不少于 连续

9 个小时的时间段. 1.7 According to the Condition Regulations, night means a period of at least nine consecutive hours starting from

9 p.m. local time. 2. 健康证明(规则 1.2) 2. Medical Certificate (Regulation 1.2) 2.1 《中华人民共和国船员条例》规定:申请船员注册(指经船员注册取得船员服务簿的人员,包括船长、 高级船员和普通船员)应符合船员健康要求. 2.1 According to the Regulations of the People'

s Republic of China on Seafarers, the applicant for seafarer registration shall satisfy the health requirements for seafarers (those who will acquire identity documents through seafarer registration, including masters, officers and ratings). 2.2 《中华人民共和国船员条例》规定:申请船员适任证书须符合船员任职岗位健康要求. 2.2 According to the Regulations of the People'

s Republic of China on Seafarers, the applicant for Certificate of Competency for seafarers shall satisfy the health requirements of the post. 2.3 《中华人民共和国海船船员健康证明管理办法》规定:海船船员在船工作期间应持有有效的健康证明. 2.3 According to the Regulations on the Seafarers'

Medical Certificate of the People'

s Republic of China, seafarers shall hold a valid medical certificate during their work on board. 2.4 《海船船员证书制作细则》规定,船员健康证明应采用中英文对照格式. 2.4 The medical certificate for seafarers should be in Chinese and English as prescribed by the Rules for the Making of Seafarers'

Medical Certificates. 2.5 国家海事管理机构制定实施了海船船员健康体检机构的资质准入标准,并发布了具备海船船员健康体检 机构资质及其所属主检医师的名单. 2.5 The maritime authority has developed qualification standards of medical examination institution for seafarers, and published the lists of qualified medical examination institutions and medical practitioners. 2.6 《中华人民共和国海船船员健康证明管理办法》规定:健康证明的有效期不超过

2 年;

申请健康证明的 海船船员年龄小于

18 周岁,则健康证明有效期不超过

1 年;


65 周岁生日. 2.6 According to the Regulations on the Seafarers'

Medical Certificate of the People'

s Republic of China, a medical certificate is valid for a ........
