编辑: 霜天盈月祭 2019-07-16

一、沿革 台湾地区邮政业务源於刘铭传任台湾巡抚时, 在清光绪14年(西元1888年)2月21日发布告示 「台湾邮政条款十六条」,并设立台湾邮政总局, 於3月22日正式开办邮政业务.

清光绪21年(西元1895年)甲午战后,日本统 治台湾,施行邮便条例、邮便法,邮政业务由野战 邮便局逐步转移至交通局办理. 现代邮政创办於清光绪22年(西元1896年)3 月20日,初期系海关兼办.清宣统3年(西元1911 年)邮政脱离海关,成立邮政总局.民国19年(西元1930年)邮政储金汇业总局成立.民国24年(西元1935年)邮政法公布,邮政储金汇业总局隶属 於邮政总局,同时开办简易人寿保险业务.民国35 年(西元1946年)台湾邮电管理局成立.民国38年 (西元1949年)邮政总局自大陆迁台,成立台湾邮 政管理局.民国69年(西元1980年)台湾邮政管理 局因业务发展需要,改制为台湾北、中、南三区邮 政管理局. 由於受社会快速变迁,资讯科技日新月异,以 及经济自由化、国际化等因素的影响,邮政总局为 因应民营递送业抢夺都会区邮件,以及金融、寿险 业者激烈的市场竞争,并突破邮政经营限制,爰配 合政府确定国营及邮储寿三业合营等政策原则下, 於民国91年(西元2002年)7月完成邮政法修正, 并於民国92年(西元2003年)1月1日改制成立由交 通部持有100%股权之国营「中华邮政股份有限公 司」.改制前邮政总局之资产、负债由本公司概括 承受,其所营业务亦由本公司延续经营. 民国96年(西元2007年)2月9日,本公司配合 政府政策改名为「台湾邮政股份有限公司」.由於 邮政四法之修法程序迄未完成,致更名后之公司名 称与法定名称不符,故民国97年(西元2008年)8 月1日,本公司再依法回复法定名称为「中华邮政 I. History On February 21,

1888 (the 14th year of Emperor Guang-syu, Cing Dynasty), Taiwan Governor Liu Ming- chuan announced the Taiwan Postal Act, which contained sixteen articles and established the Taiwan Directorate General of Posts on March

22 of the same year. In 1895, after the Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese government, which had taken over rule of Taiwan, enforced the Postal Regulations and Postal Act. The postal services were slowly transferred from the ?eld post of?ces to the Department of Transportation. Modern postal service in China was formally established on March 20,

1896 (the 22nd Year of Emperor Guang-syu, Cing Dynasty) by the Customs House. In

1911 (the 3rd Year of Emperor Syuan-tong, Cing Dynasty), the postal service severed its relationship with the Customs House and became the Directorate General of Posts. In 1930, the Directorate General of Postal Remittances and Savings Banks was established. In 1935, when the Postal Act was proclaimed, banks came under the jurisdiction of the Directorate General of Posts. Simple life insurance plans were offered the same year. In

1946 Taiwan Posts and Telecommunications Administrations was established. In

1949 the Directorate moved from the Mainland to Taiwan, and the Taiwan Postal Administration (TPA) was established. In 1980, responding to the needs of its business development, the TPA was split into the northern, central and southern regional head of?ces. With rapid social change and development of information technology and in light of the trends toward economic liberalization and globalization, the loss of urban market share to private delivery service operators, and the fierce competition faced in its banking and life insurance businesses, the Directorate General of Posts― so as to overcome its operational limitations, and to conform with government policies that it remain state- run corporations and that its postal, banking and life insurance operations remain together―revised the Postal Act in July 2002. On January 1, 2003, the Directorate General of Posts was corporatized to become Chunghwa Post, which was 100% owned by the MOTC. The assets and liabilities as well as the businesses of the Directorate General of Posts were transferred to the new entity. On February 9, 2007, in accordance with government policy, Chunghwa Post changed its name to Taiwan Post Co., Ltd. Due to the fact that the required legal procedures for the amendment of four Postal Acts had not completed, the changed name and the legalized one did not match. Therefore, the Company restored its original III.Company Profile Taiwan Post Annual Report
