编辑: You—灰機 2019-07-16
敬罗家塾 敬罗家塾位於大埔大埔头村 ,是该村邓族的宗祠及家塾.

新界邓族祖籍江西,后迁居锦田,再分支到龙跃头、厦村、 大埔及屏山等地.邓元亮房一支於十三世纪时迁居至大埔 头,建立水围村.水围村四角均建有炮楼,围内村屋排列井 然. 二十世纪初,因兴建九广铁路, 水围村被分割为水围及 大埔头两村.大埔头村曾筑有一座三层高的更楼,作为守 卫之用,但於1980年代拆卸. 敬罗家塾确实的建造年份已无从稽考,但迕裣啻,它 是在明朝 (1368C1644年) 时由第十三代邓氏族人玄云、 梅溪、念峰所建,以纪念第十代先祖敬罗公.敬罗公更获 尊称为大埔头邓族流光堂第一代先祖. 敬罗家塾原作书室之用,就读子弟一度多达四十人 , 以传统 「卜卜斋」形式教学.敬罗家塾的左边阁楼曾用作老师及 未婚子弟宿舍.除作教学用途外,书塾亦是族人聚会和举 行传统节庆活动的地方.家塾也曾作启智学校校舍,随著 该校於1953年迁出 ,家塾复作祠堂用途. 敬罗家塾是中国传统的三进两院式建筑,装饰典雅朴实. 正脊及墙头饰有几何图案的灰塑,而屋内的檐口板则以花 草图案为点缀.门前建有两个鼓台,鼓台上各有两支花岗 岩石柱承托屋顶.书塾中进正厅有一座雕刻精致的神龛, 於1932年特地从广州订制,分六层安放神主 ,供奉的先祖 由元亮公至敬罗公. 家塾正门石额 「敬罗家塾」 四字乃 著名书法家邓尔雅先生 (1884C 1954年) 的手笔.邓先生的父亲邓 蓉镜是东莞邓氏后人 , 於清朝同治 十年 (1871年) 考获「翰林院庶吉 士」 .刻有其功名的牌匾,现仍悬 挂在锦田清乐邓公祠和永隆围的 门楼上. 敬罗家塾於1998年8月21日列为法定古.全面修复工程 於1998年底展开,2001年1月竣工 . 工程由香港政府资助, 并由古物古办事处及建筑署监督. King Law Ka Shuk Situated in Tai Po Tau Tsuen in Tai Po, King Law Ka Shuk is the ancestral hall and study hall of the Tang clan in the village. The local Tang clan was originated from Jiangxi province, who moved to settle in Kam Tin and later branched out to Lung Yeuk Tau, Ha Tsuen, Tai Po and Ping Shan, etc. A branch of the lineage of Tang Yuen Leung settled in Tai Po Tau in the 13th century and founded a village named Shui Wai. Batteries were erected at the four corners of the village while houses were built orderly. Following the construction of the Kowloon-Canton Railway at the early 20th century, the village was separated into Shui Wai and Tai Po Tau Tsuen. A three-storey watchtower was built in Tai Po Tau Tsuen for defensive purpose, but was demolished in the 1980s. The exact year of construction of the ancestral hall cannot be ascertained. However, according to the villagers, it was built by members of their 13th generation ancestor of the clan, namely Tang Yuen Wan, Tang Mui Kai and Tang Nim Fung during the Ming dynasty (1368―1644) to commemorate their 10th generation ancestor Tang King Law, who was also respected as the 1st generation ancestor of Lau Kwong Tong of the Tang clan in Tai Po Tau. King Law Ka Shuk was originally used as a study hall, accommodating up to

40 students. It adopted the teaching method used in the traditional Chinese private schools known as Bok Bok Chai , which consisted of only one class of students that were of different ages and standards. The cockloft on the left was once the dormitory for teachers and single students. Apart from being a study hall, King Law Ka Shuk was also the place for holding clan meetings and traditional festive functions. It was later used as the premises of Kai Chi School until its relocation in 1953. Since then, King Law Ka Shuk has served solely as an ancestral hall. King Law Ka Shuk is a traditional Chinese three-hall, two- courtyard building. Its design is functional with elegant ornamental features. Its roof ridges and wall friezes are mainly decorated with geometric plaster mouldings whereas the internal eave boards are patterned with leafy and floral motifs. The study hall is fronted by two drum terraces, each with two granite columns supporting the roof. Placed in the main chamber of the study hall is a beautifully carved six-level altar, which was specially made in Guangzhou in
