编辑: 烂衣小孩 2019-07-16

funpecrp.com.br Genetics and Molecular Research

13 (4): 9196-9201 (2014) Sequence variation and molecular evolution of BMP4 genes D.J. Zhang1,5 *, J.H. Wu2,3 *, G. Husile4 , H.L. Sun2,3 and W.G. Zhang4

1 College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China

2 Inner Mongolia Prataculture Research Center, Chinese Academy of Science, Hohhot, China

3 Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural & Animal Husbandry Sciences, Hohhot, China

4 College of Animal Science, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, China

5 College of Forestry, Agricultural University of Hebei, Hebei, China *These authors contributed equally to this study. Corresponding authors: W.G. Zhang E-mail: zhangwg508@126.com Genet. Mol. Res.

13 (4): 9196-9201 (2014) Received June 11,

2013 Accepted October 25,

2013 Published November 7,

2014 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.4238/2014.November.7.6 ABSTRACT. Bone morphogenetic protein

4 (BMP4) regulates skeletogenesis, osteoblastic differentiation, and the induction of hair follicles. Its protein-coding region contains a signal peptide, prodomain (which regulates post-translational synthesis), and a mature domain (which mediates gene function). Previous studies considered this gene to be conserved. By reanalyzing the coding region of BMP4 in

16 mammalian species, we found that the mature domain is conserved in mammals. A comparison of the putative amino acid sequence demonstrates that BMP4 is relatively conserved. Two domains in BMP4 are connected by a random coil.The protein conformation differs between the Muridae family and other species, which might be associated with the body type of the former group. Key words: BMP4;

Mature domain region;

