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.. 程京 2007-08-23 程京 教授,博士生导师

1963 年7月出生.1989-1992年就读于英国Strathclyde大学并获司法生物学博士学位.先后在英国 Strathclyde大学、 Aberdeen大学、美国Pennsylvania大学从事博士后研究.1996-2000年任Pennsylvania大 学病理及实验室医学系 Research Assistant Professor,美国Nanogen公司Staff Scientist、Principal Scientist、Principal Investigator和美国AVIVA Biosciences公司Chief Technology Officer. 1999年至今,先后任清华大学教授、博士生导师、生物芯片研究与开发中心主任,教育部"长江学者"计划特聘 教授,生物芯片北京国家工程研究中心主任.2004年至今兼任清华大学学术委员会委员、IET Nanobiotechnology 杂志编委和Human Mutation 杂志通讯编辑、"十一?五"科技部863计划生物和医药技术领 域专家. 实验室的主要研究方向: 主要从事基因芯片、蛋白芯片、细胞芯片和芯片实验室以及配套仪器的研究开发及其在疾病诊断、食品安全检 测和药物开发中的应用研究. 目前实验室承担国家863"生物医学关键仪器和试剂"重点项目. 代表性论文 # Shi, L., Reid, L.H., Jones, W.D., Shippy, R., Warrington, J.A., Baker, S.C., Collins, P.J., de Longueville, F., Kawasaki, E.S., Lee, K.Y., Luo, Y., Sun, Y.A., Willey, J.C., Setterquist, R.A., Fischer, G.M., Tong, W., Dragan, Y.P., Dix, D.J., Frueh, F.W., Goodsaid, F.M., Herman, D., Jensen, R.V., Johnson, C.D., Lobenhofer, E.K., Puri, R.K., Scherf, U., Thierry-Mieg, J., Wang, C., Wilson, M., Wolber, P.K., Zhang, L., Amur, S., Bao, W., Barbacioru, C.C., Lucas, A.B., Bertholet, V., Boysen, C., Bromley, B., Brown, D., Brunner, A., Canales, R., Cao, X.M., Cebula, T.A., Chen, J.J., Cheng, J., et al. (2006).The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements. Nature Biotechnology, 24:1151-1161. # Xiao, H., Liang, D., Liu, G., Guo, M., Xing, W. and Cheng, J. (2006). Initial study of two- phase laminar flow extraction chip for sample preparation for gas chromatography. Lab on a chip, 6:1067-1072. # Guo, Y., Guo, H., Zhang, L., Xie, H., Zhao, X., Wang, F., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Ma, S., Tao, J., Wang, W., Zhou, Y., Yang, W. and Cheng, J. (2005). Genomic analysis of anti-HBV activity by siRNA and lamivudine in stable HBV-producing cell. Journal of Virology, 79: 14392-14403. # Shao, W., Wei, H., Qiao, J., Zhao, Y., Sun, Y., Zhou, Y. and Cheng, J. (2005). Parallel profiling of active transcription factors using an oligonucleotide array-based transcription factor assay (OATFA). Journal of Proteome Research, 4: 1451-1456. # Du, H., Wu, M., Yang, W., Yuan, G., Sun, Y., Lu, Y., Zhao, S., Du, Q., Wang, F., Yan, S., Pan, M., Lu, Y., Wang, S. and Cheng, J. (2005). Development of miniaturized competitive immunoassays on a protein chip as a screening tool for drugs. Clinical Chemistry, 51: 368-375. # Cheng, J., Sheldon, E.L., Wu, L., Uribe, A., Gerrue, L.O., Heller, M.J. and O?Connell, J.P. (1998). Preparation and hybridization analysis of DNA/RNA from E. coli on microfabricated bioelectronic chips. Nature Biotechnology, 16: 541-546. 联系地址: 清华大学医学院

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