编辑: hys520855 2019-07-15
海口海事法院海事审判白皮书Haikou Maritime Court White Paper on Trials ( ) 2016-2018 中华人民共和国海口海事法院 Haikou Maritime Court of PRC

2019 .

6 (中英文对照本) 海口海事法院海事审判白皮书Haikou Maritime Court White Paper on Trials ( ) 2016-2018 (中英文对照本) 前言进入

21 世纪,海洋在推动国家经济发展和促进对外开放、 交流、合作中的作用更加重要,在维护国家主权、安全、发展 利益中的地位更加突出,在推进国家生态文明建设中的角色更 加显著,在国际政治、经济、军事、科技竞争中的战略地位明 显上升,走向海洋几乎已成为世界所有强国共同的国家战略. 随着海洋强国战略、 一带一路 建设、自贸区(港)建设等重 大国家战略的实施,海事审判在维护国家海洋权益、保护海洋 生态环境、规范海洋开发利用等方面肩负着更加重大的职责使 命.海事法院必须进一步提高政治站位、扛起职责担当,积极 主动服务和融入国家重大战略, 做好新一轮改革开放的先行者、 开拓者和贡献者.

2016 年以来,海口海事法院审判工作取得新的进展,同时 也发现一些需要关注、解决的问题和风险.本白皮书介绍了海 口海事法院 2016-2018 年依法履行海事审判职能的主要情况, 通报涉海工程建设纠纷、海域使用引发的行政纠纷、船员劳务 合同纠纷、涉邮轮游艇纠纷四类案件审理过程中发现的问题并 针对性地提出对策建议,同时选取有代表性的案例进行发布, 以期为海洋开发、利用、保护及海洋产业发展提供有益参考. Preface In the twenty-first century, ocean has become more important in boosting the national economy and in promoting the opening up, exchange and cooperation with other nations, and it also plays a more significant role in safeguarding the sovereignty, security, and development interests of the State and in achieving national ecological progress. The strategic importance of ocean in international politics, economy, military affairs, and technology competition has been elevated. An ocean orientation has been adopted as the national strategy by almost all great powers in the world. Following the implementation of the major national strategies such as the Marine Power Strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative, and construction of free trade zones (ports), maritime judiciary has shouldered greater duties and responsibilities in protecting the maritime rights and interests the State, preserving marine ecological environment, and regulating the exploitation and utilization of ocean resources. Maritime courts shall strengthen their political consciousness and fulfill their duties by serving and fully involving themselves in the national strategies, and play a pioneering role in making contributions in the latest round of reform and opening up. Since 2016, Haikou Maritime Court has made new gains in case hearing, but there are many problems and risks that await our attention and solutions. This Report gives a brief introduction to the maritime trials conducted by Haikou Maritime Court according to law during 2016-2018, discusses the problems emerging during the trial of four types of cases, including crew service contract dispute, sea-related engineering construction dispute, administrative dispute arising from the use of sea areas, and dispute related to cruises and yachts, and proposes suggestions and solutions to these issues. The Court also selects some typical cases for disclosure, hoping that they may serve as helpful guidance in the exploitation, utilization and protection of the ocean and the development of the marine industry. ? ? 目录
