编辑: sunny爹 2019-07-14
Through-hole Display 使用说明

1 www.

everlight.com RDSMD 2017.2 Soldering Condition

2 www.everlight.com Preheat Temperature

100 °C Time

60 seconds max. Other Bath Temperature

260 °C Bath Time

5 seconds max. DIP Soldering

1 time All parameters are maximum body case temperature values and cannot be considered as a soldering profile. The body case temperature was measured by soldering a thermal couple to the soldering point of LEDs. 禁止在高温下加工. Processing under high temperature is forbidden. 建议客户在经波峰焊后加装风扇,以利散热,需等LED冷却 后(最好为室温后),再进行下一工序加工. It is recommended to install a fan in the exit of the wave solder machine to cool down the temperature. Wait until the LED fully cooled down(Better to be room temperature), then to the next Soldering Instructions

3 www.everlight.com cooled down(Better to be room temperature), then to the next process 焊锡位置距胶体/反射盖距离最小为3mm Leave at least 3mm between epoxy/reflector and solder position. 禁止使用於回流焊 Reflow soldering is NOT available. 避免在高温下碰触其胶体与PIN脚,以防止应力拉扯断第 Soldering Instructions

4 www.everlight.com 避免在高温下碰触其胶体与PIN脚,以防止应力拉扯断第 二焊点. Avoid touching epoxy and PIN under high temperature to prevent the second welding point being stressed to crack
