编辑: 施信荣 2019-07-14

三、阅读理解题 Passage1 21. 【答案】 D. 解析: 考查细节理解题. 根据文章第五段 especially in Istanbul'

s busiest touristic district Beyoglu known with its night life 可知,Beyoglu 是以夜晚生活著称的.故选 D. 22.【答案】C.解析:考查细节理解题.根据文章第六段 My sales will hit bottom with a

70 percent decline. We are considering to change the sector 可知,由于酒精限制法的颁布,许多店主考虑放弃酒精销 售,改做其它生意.故选 C. 23.【答案】 B. 解析: 考查推理题. 根据文章第六段 My sales will hit bottom with a

70 percent decline 可知 B 是正确选项. 24. 【答案】 A. 解析: 考查推理题. 根据文章 Under the law, alcohol companies are not allowed to promote their brands and logos, and shop owners are not allowed to promote any alcohol companies'

logos or brands. While shop owners said that they have to obey the law because of the high penalty, they also express concerns about business. 可知 A 是正确选项. Passage2 试题分析:文章介绍正确选择的重要性,如何做出正确的选择,什么是最好的选择. 25. 【答案】 A. 解析: 考查细节理解题. 从第三段的句子 When hunger strikes, we can reach for a healthy, nutritious snack, or we can choose the sugar high of junk food,可知当饥饿来袭,人们往往会选择健康的, 有营养的零食或是高糖的垃圾食品,故选 A. 26.【答案】D.解析:考查细节理解题.从第五段的句子 This foundation is to choose based onwhat'

s best for all,可知我们做选择的时候,应该基于对所有的人都好的选择,故选 D. 学员专用 请勿外泄

3 中公教育学员培训资料 报名专线:400-6300-999 27.【答案】C.解析:考查细节推断题.从第七段的句子 What matters is not the choice you make, but rather the intention behind your choice.,可知重要的是选择背后的意图,故选 C. 28.【答案】B.解析:考查细节推断题.从最后一段的句子 let us remember to include ourselves as we do our best tochoose what'

s best for all,可知最好的选择包括给自己留些时间,故选 B.

四、阅读表达题 29. The park is huge.或Animals may attack people. 30. People killed them for their horns. 31. Staying away from the animals and giving them proper food. 32. By checking their seal

五、综合题 33.【答案要点】 学习策略指学生为了有效地学习语言和使用语言而采取的各种行动和步骤.英语学习策略包括认知 策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略等.认知策略是指学生为了完成具体学习任务而采取的步骤和方 法;


