编辑: You—灰機 2019-09-16
DC-OL 介电常数传感器 Dielectric Constant Sensor 北京赛斯维测控技术有限公司 TEL:010-84775646 FAX:010-58949029 E-MAIL: sales@sensorway.

cn WEB:www.sensorway.cn 概述 DC-OL 介电常数在线检测传感器设计用于检测油 液等各种非导电液体的介电常数值, 介电常数可以综合 反映润滑油等油液品质性能,反映由于进水、酸化、氧化、添加剂失效、磨损颗粒等因素导致的油液综合理化 指标的变化,判断油液是否可以继续使用,将传统的定 期换油转变为按需换油,从而延长油液使用周期,降低 换油成本. 产品特点 ? 用户可根据自身设备并结合智能运算分析油品变化趋势;

? 监测油液润滑性能,及时启动油液处理机制,有效降低设备磨损;

? 实现按期换油到按需换油转变,降低油液使用成本和人工检测取样及分析成本;

? 避免人工检测过程中的二次污染;

? 有效检测水和酸等物质含量引起的油品变化;

? 实时在线检测油液润滑性能,帮助用户确定换油时间;

? 帮助客户建立设备油品状态数据库,对设备进行健康管理;

? 可长期安装于设备上,不影响设备运行. 技术参数 ? 工作温度:-40~+105℃;

? 工作电压:12VDC~30VDC;

? 输出: 介电常数值;

温度值 ? 介电常数:1~10;

Pt1000 ? 介电常数精度: ±0.01(绝对精度);

? 连接螺纹:M24*1.5mm;


螺纹也可根 据用户需求定制 ? 数字信号输出:RS485;

? 模拟信号输出: 4~20mA;

0~5V ;

? 重量:150g . 应用领域 ? 工业和制造领域;

? 热电厂、核电厂、风力发电;

? 航空航天、船舶、铁路、汽车;

? 水利、冶金、石化等行业. 外形尺寸: DC-OL 介电常数传感器 Dielectric Constant Sensor 北京赛斯维测控技术有限公司 TEL:010-84775646 FAX:010-58949029 E-MAIL: sales@sensorway.cn WEB:www.sensorway.cn 订购信息 北京赛斯维测控技术有限公司 地址:北京市朝阳区望京西路48号金隅国际D座302


电话:010-84775646/8 传真:010-58949029

邮箱:sales@sensorway.cn 免责声明 The information in this sheet has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate;

however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the purchaser of such devices any license under the patent rights to the manufacturer. Sensorway reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein. Sensorway makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its product for any particular purpose, nor does Sensorway assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Typical parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operation parameters must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Sensorway does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
