编辑: You—灰機 2019-07-12
射频导纳物位开关 RF Admittance Level Switch 北京赛斯维测控技术有限公司 TEL:010-84775646 FAX:010-58949029 E-MAIL: sales@sensorway.

cn WEB:www.sensorway.cn 概述 射频电容物位控制器是基于射频(美国 PRINCO)技术研究而成的,防 粘附、 更可靠, 适用性更广的物位控制器: 将一高频无线电波施加在探头上, 当物料位置发生变化时,仪表的探头和容器壁以及被测物料形成导纳值相应 发生变化,这一变化被电路检测后通过仪表内的变化,并转换成相关的信号 输出供远程控制或报警使用.仪表独特的电路设计(利用等电位原理),可 以使测量电路彻底消除探头上物料的堆积对测量的影响,从而正确反映出实 际的物位而不是粘附在探头堆积的物料. 产品特点 ? 通用性强: 可应用于各种导电和非导电介质的测量, 例如液体、 粘稠物、 颗粒、粉末、飞灰. ? 可抗粘附:采用抗粘附电路,可以消除因物料粘附而产生的虚假信号. ? 探头可拆:控制器与探头之间没有电缆连接,随时可以将控制器拆除更 换维修,不影响进出物料. ? 耐高低温:适用于-184℃至280℃的工作环境,另可提供适用于更高温度的陶瓷探头. ? 输出形式:采用双刀双掷的继电器信号输出,同时有状态灯显示输出状态,并有

0 至30 秒的延时功能. 产品参数 ? 电源电压:220VAC/24VAC/24VDC ? 功率:4W ? 继电器输出:5A/240VAC,两组常开、常闭触点 ? 灵敏度:0.3pf-750pf ? 探头材质:SUS304/SUS316/Teflon ? 环境温度:-40-80 ? 延迟时间:0-30 秒可调 ? 工作温度:-180-250(超高温可达 1000) ? 连接螺纹:NPT1''(特殊规格可定制) 外形尺寸 射频导纳物位开关 RF Admittance Level Switch 北京赛斯维测控技术有限公司 TEL:010-84775646 FAX:010-58949029 E-MAIL: sales@sensorway.cn WEB:www.sensorway.cn 订购信息 北京赛斯维测控技术有限公司 地址:北京市朝阳区望京西路48号金隅国际D座302


电话:010-84775646/8 传真:010-58949029

邮箱:sales@sensorway.cn 免责声明 The information in this sheet has been carefully reviewed and is believed to be accurate;

however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Furthermore, this information does not convey to the purchaser of such devices any license under the patent rights to the manufacturer. Sensorway reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any product herein. Sensorway makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its product for any particular purpose, nor does Sensorway assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Typical parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operation parameters must be validated for each customer application by customer's technical experts. Sensorway does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.
