编辑: 捷安特680 2019-07-12
新型毒品滥用目前在世界范围内广泛蔓延, 我 国新型毒品滥用与海洛因流行共存并逐渐占据优 势地位[1] .

新型毒品能刺激人的性欲, 降低人对性 冲动的克制力, 更容易发生多性伴、 群交、 无保护性 交等高危性行为, 增加感染或传播性病艾滋病的风 险[2] .研究发现使用新型毒品的人群中梅毒、 艾滋 病等的感染率更高[3-5] .性传播目前已成为我国主 要的艾滋病传播途径, 女性性工作者 (FSW) 是艾滋 病/性病由高危人群向普通人群传播的重要桥梁, 需 要重点干预.为了解我国不同地区 FSW 人群中新 型毒品的使用情况及其与梅毒感染的关系, 本研究 在我国5个城市开展了流行病学调查. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.0254-6450.2014.11.010 作者单位:

210042 南京, 中国医学科学院皮肤病研究所 中国疾病预 防控制中心性病控制中心 通信作者: 龚向东, Email: gxdchina@163.com ・ 现场调查 ・ 中国5城市女性性工作者使用新型毒品 及梅毒感染调查 李婧 蒋宁 岳晓丽 龚向东 【摘要】 目的 了解中国不同地区女性性工作者 (FSW) 人群新型毒品使用情况及其对梅毒 感染的影响.方法 5个调查城市 (长春、 兰州、 武汉、 杭州、 广州) 分别绘制FSW人群活动场所分 布图, 并将场所分层按比例抽取FSW, 进行问卷调查和梅毒血清学检测.采用logistic回归模型分 析梅毒感染和新型毒品使用的相关因素.结果 共招募1 630名FSW, 其中120人(7.4%) 过去12 个月曾使用过新型毒品, 梅毒感染率为5.4% (88/1 630) .FSW使用新型毒品组梅毒感染率为6.7% (8/120) , 与未使用新型毒品组感染率 (5.3%, 80/1 509) 的差异无统计学意义.多因素logistic逐步 回归分析结果显示调查地点、 户口所在地、 婚姻状况、 受教育程度、 过去12个月有性病症状、 过去 12个月曾注射吸毒与使用新型毒品相关.结论 FSW中新型毒品使用率较高, 需更多研究探讨 使用新型毒品对艾滋病/性病传播的影响. 【关键词】 女性性工作者;


梅毒 Club drug use and its association with syphilis infection among female sex workers Li Jing, Jiang Ning, Yue Xiaoli, Gong Xiangdong. Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Dermatology/ National Center for STD Control, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nanjing 210042, China Corresponding author: Gong Xiangdong, Email: gxdchina@163.com 【Abstract】 Objective To understand the prevalence rates of club drug use and how it associated with syphilis infection among female sex workers(FSWs)in different areas of China so as to provide reference for developing intervention programs. Methods In each of the study site, different kinds of venues where FSWs solicited clients were mapped and grouped into three strata. The number of FSWs at each venue was enumerated. A stratified proportional sampling design was adopted to recruit FSWs. Questionnaire survey was conducted to gather data on demographic information, club drug use and sexual behaviors. Blood samples were taken and tested for syphilis. Factors associated with syphilis infection and club drug use were assessed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression models. Results Results of the

1 630 participants,

120 (7.4%)used club drugs in the past

12 months, and 5.4% (88/1 630)tested positive for syphilis. Syphilis positive rate was not significantly different between FSWs who used club drugs and those who did not. Data from multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that club drug use was associated with following factors as sites of the study, hometown of the FSWs, marital status, education level, having had STD symptoms or history of injecting drugs in the past
