编辑: 捷安特680 2019-07-11
火锅 hot pot 「鲜」个人火锅自助餐 xin individual hot pot buffet * 包括「鲜」亚洲特色火锅汤底、任选火锅配料和风味热盘 includes xin's signature oriental soup base, selective hot pot ingredients and specialty hot dishes.

W 首尔韩式汤底 W Seoul korean soup base 甜水瓜年糕汤底 sweet squash soup with rice cake 黑芝麻粥底 black sesame porridge 「鲜」 亚洲特色火锅汤底 xin's signature asian soup bases 鱼羊黄豆汤底 xin's signature fish and lamb soybean broth 顶上清汤底 superior broth 四川麻辣汤底 sichuan spicy chilli oil broth 沙参玉竹乌鸡汤底 chinese herbal tonic with black silk chicken 娘惹叻沙汤底 nyonya laksa soup 含有辣椒 contains chili 含有猪肉 contains pork 素菜 vegetarian 如您有任何食物过敏或特殊要求,请通知我们.我们将尽力迎合您的口味. please let us know of any special requirements or food allergies, and we will try to accommodate. 所有价格均以澳门币计算.另加 10%服务费. all prices in MOP and subject to 10% service charge. W 首尔韩风烧烤 W Seoul Korean barbeque 洛衫矶烤牛肋骨 LA - style kal bi. 188mop 酱油鸡 soy marinade chicken. 138mop 韩国泡菜 kimchi 韩式传统辣泡菜 korean cabbage kimchi 白泡菜 white kimchi 腌萝卜 turnip kak du ki 腌青瓜 cucumber 青椰菜泡菜 spring cabbage kimchi 含有辣椒 contains chili 含有猪肉 contains pork 素菜 vegetarian 如您有任何食物过敏或特殊要求,请通知我们.我们将尽力迎合您的口味. please let us know of any special requirements or food allergies, and we will try to accommodate. 所有价格均以澳门币计算.另加 10%服务费. all prices in MOP and subject to 10% service charge. W 首尔韩风火锅套餐 W Seoul Korean hot dishes hot pot 套餐包括自助火锅 Inclusive of hot pot 豆芽清汤 bean sprout clear soup 紫菜青口汤 mussel and seaweed soup 鱼肉汤 fish paste soup 泡菜汤 kimchi jigae 韩国大酱汤 bean paste jigae 香辣炒年糕 spicy rice cake "ttuk bok ki" 韩国炒牛肉 bul go gi 柴鱼汤 pollak soup 含有辣椒 contains chili 含有猪肉 contains pork 素菜 vegetarian 如您有任何食物过敏或特殊要求,请通知我们.我们将尽力迎合您的口味. please let us know of any special requirements or food allergies, and we will try to accommodate. 所有价格均以澳门币计算.另加 10%服务费. all prices in MOP and subject to 10% service charge. W 首尔韩式甜品 W Seoul Korean desserts 甜米露 rice punch 水正果茶 spicy cinnamon ginger punch 韩国茶果 sweet & soy rice cake 香煎糯米红豆饼 pan fried red bean paste cake 五味子沙冰 omiza sorbet 辣椒朱古力雪糕 red chilli choco ice cream 香脆韩果子 a fried cake C yak gwa 含有辣椒 contains chili 含有猪肉 contains pork 素菜 vegetarian 如您有任何食物过敏或特殊要求,请通知我们.我们将尽力迎合您的口味. please let us know of any special requirements or food allergies, and we will try to accommodate. 所有价格均以澳门币计算.另加 10%服务费. all prices in MOP and subject to 10% service charge.
