编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2019-07-10

将?予评阅将?予评阅..PP-DSE- MUSIC 1BC4

4 本页积分 写於边界以外的答案,将?予评阅.请在此贴上电脑条码 5. 选段

5 为粤剧片段.选段将播放三次,?选段并回答下?问题.曲词如下: 第1?仿似?桥会,无语暗情通,敢信一夜相思?处同. 第2?拨?斜窥惊?恐,?怡玉树正?风. 第3?独惜琴韵未随花月送,怎?咫尺尤如隔万重. (a) 圈出下?第

1 ?曲词中的衬字. (3 分) 仿似?桥会,无语暗情通,敢信一夜相思?处同.(b) 下?哪个组合能正确地显示第

3 ?中曲词与叮板的关系? (1 分) 写於写於边界以外组合: 边界以外组合 A: X 、 、 N X 、 、 N 曲词:

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 的答案的答案组合 B: X N 、 N X 、 、 N 曲词:

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 , , 将?予评阅将?予评阅组合 C: X 、 、 N X N 、 N 曲词:

1 2

3 4

5 6

7 (c) 指出选段采用的?种旋??器,并解释选段采用这些?器的一个原因. (3 分) . . ?器 1: ?器 2: 原因: PP-DSE- MUSIC 1BC5

5 本页积分 写於边界以外的答案,将?予评阅.续后页6. 选段

6 为一首皮?士?早期的摇滚?曲 Hound Dog . 选段将播放?次,?选段并 回答下?问题.歌词如下: ?? 歌词

1 You ain'

t nothin'

but a hound dog, cryin'

all the time.

2 You ain'

t nothin'

but a hound dog, cryin'

all the time.

3 Well, you ain'

t never caught a rabbit and you ain'

t no friend of mine.

4 Well they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie.

5 Yeah they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie.

6 Well, you ain'

t never caught a rabbit and you ain'

t no friend of mine.

1 You ain'

t nothin'

but a hound dog, cryin'

all the time.

2 You ain'

t nothin'

but a hound dog, cryin'

all the time.

3 Well, you ain'

t never caught a rabbit and you ain'

t no friend of mine.

4 Well they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie.

5 Yeah they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie.

6 Well, you ain'

t never caught a rabbit and you ain'

t no friend of mine. 写於写於4Well they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie.

5 Yeah they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 边界以外边界以外6Well, you ain'

t never caught a rabbit and you ain'

t no friend of mine.

1 You ain'

t nothin'

but a hound dog, cryin'

all the time.

2 You ain'

t nothin'

but a hound dog, cryin'

all the time. 的答案的答案3Well, you ain'

t never caught a rabbit and you ain'

t no friend of mine. , , (a) 第1至3?歌词配上?一个十二小节的?调?型.解释歌词与这个?型之间的 关系. (3 分) 将?予评阅将?予评阅..(b) ?举?个原因,?明这首?曲为?麽使二十世纪五十?代的?兴奋. (2 分) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1BC6

6 本页积分 写於边界以外的答案,将?予评阅.7. 选段

7 是许冠杰的一首??曲. 选段将播放?次,?选段并回答下?问题.歌词如 下: ?? 歌词

1 夜雨声叹忆爱恨难明2?何卿已一去??影3情缘一朝化空心挂?4?愁夜雨点声?愿5夜雨声倍感往事无情6夜传?暗低唱悲怨声7难忘双飞燕依稀往事8愁肠断我涌襟珠?罄9谁?悯苦相思归泡影10 千般愁向秋天悲怨命11 愁城困独孤单悲?清12 鸳鸯难望再??凝凝写於写於边界以外边界以外(a) 用?马?目字写出第

3 ?歌词完结时运用的和弦. (1 分) 的答案的答案(b) 描述及?明歌词节奏或节拍配置手法的?个特点. (4 分) , , 将?予评阅将?予评阅..(c) 运用适当的术语和符号,在下?空格内显示这首歌曲的曲式. (3 分) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1BC7
