编辑: You—灰機 2019-07-10
遵义会议前中共中央高层权力的转移: 对毛泽东领导权威形成的历史考察 王海光 (中共中央党校 中共党史教研部, 北京 100091) 摘要:斯大林和共产国际鉴于中共中央屡屡出现的 路线错误 , 以留苏学生担纲改组了中共最高领导 层.

以博古为首的临时中央, 是 国际路线 不折不扣的执行者.第五次反 围剿 的失败, 使 国际路线 的 正确性受到怀疑 , 国际派 内部也顿生罅隙.毛泽东在长征途中争取了 国际派 成员张闻天、 王稼祥的支 持, 在政治局中结成 小三人团 .红军湘江惨败后, 中央最高 三人团 的威信直落谷底, 出现严重的信任危 机.在红军存亡之际, 毛泽东提出新的进军路线, 得到多数人的赞同.周恩来继张、 王之后, 转向毛泽东一边, 瓦解了最高 三人团 的最后抵抗.由此, 中央的实际权力开始转到了 小三人团 的手里, 为遵义会议的召开 和改组中央领导机构, 做好了组织上的铺垫. 关键词:遵义会议;





红军长征 中图分类号:K264.

39 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-605X(2011)01-0072-11 The central power transformation before Zunyi Meeting: historical studies on Mao Tse - tung'

s leading authority taking shape WANG Hai - guang (Department of CPC History, The Central Communist Party School, Beijing 100091, China) Abstract:Considering the frequent wrong courses in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,Stalin and Communist International exploited students who studied in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to reorganize the highest executive level of CPC. Bo Gu as the leader of the temporary central authorities was the total performer of international course . The failure of the fifth against encircle and suppress raised people'

s distrust this course. Meanwhile,the interior in- ternational groups emerged a crack as well. Mao Tse - tung winned over the support from members of international groups such as Zhang Wen- tian and Wang Jia- xiang in the way of Long March and these three people made up a little three persons alli- ance in political bureau. Following the crushing defeat in Xiangjiang River,the prestige of the upmost three persons alli- ance decreased in a hurry and the crisis of confidence appeared. At the moment of life and death, Mao proposed a new march route that gain support of great majority. Besides Zhang and Wang,Chou En - lai turned to support Mao therefore the three persons alliance disintegrated quickly. From this,the real power of the Central Committee began turning to the little three persons alliance that laied the groundwork for summoning Zunyi Meeting and restructuring central plural executive. Key words:Zunyi Meeting;

Mao Tse - tung;

Chou En - lai;

Zhang Wen - tian;

Bo Gu;

the Long March of the Red Army 大革命失败后, 斯大林和共产国际撤换了中共中央 总书记陈独秀, 重新改组了中共领导机构.然而, 按照莫 斯科意志改组的中共中央, 却接连出现了瞿秋白的 左 倾盲动主义 和李立三的 左倾冒险主义 .特别在 立 三路线 中, 工人出身的总书记向忠发不听共产国际劝 阻, 执意坚持 全国总暴动 的方针, 竟然还要苏联出兵

2 7 配合中国革命.这不能不让莫斯科大为光火.知识分子 干部不可靠, 工农干部又不堪重用.此后, 斯大林和共产 国际不再相信中国党的本土干部, 转而寄望于莫斯科培养 的一批年青的留苏学生, 扶助他们来掌握中共的最高领导 权, 以便不折不扣地贯彻共产国际的意志.
