编辑: 人间点评 2019-07-10
1 施媛媛 SHI Yuanyuan 个人简介 所在单位:复旦大学旅游系 职务: 青年副研究员 研究方向:文化与社会心理学、旅游心理学 主讲课程: 跨文化沟通、管理心理学 办公地址:复旦大学光华楼西主楼

2010 室 办公

电话: 021-

65643253 E-mail: shiyy@fudan.

edu.cn / shi.yy.rain@gmail.com 个人网页:https://sites.google.com/view/cultureself 工作经历 2018/09 至今 复旦大学旅游系 青年副研究员 2016/09 - 2018/09 香港中文大学社会科学院 博士后 教育经历 2011/09 C 2016/07 中国科学院心理研究所 社会与工程心理学研究室 心理学博士 2014/10 C 2015/09 英国南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)自我认同中心 联合培养博士生 2007/09 C 2011/06 武汉大学哲学学院 哲学基地班 哲学学士,心理学学士(双学位) 研究与教学兴趣 研究与教学兴趣广泛,已参与的研究涉及到文化心理学、社会心理学、人格、社会认知、心理健康、消费 者行为学、组织行为学等多个领域.目前主要的研究课题是全球化与社会变迁、多元文化管理,致力于使 用问卷调查、行为实验、内隐测验、脑电、大数据等多种研究方法,从微观、中观、宏观层面探索全球化 与文化变迁对个体、群体和社会的影响,及其在旅游、跨文化管理、市场营销等多领域的应用. 学术论文 书籍&

章节 ? Chiu, Chi-Yue, Dongmei Li, Shi, Yuanyuan (book, in preparation). Culture Mixing and Globalization: A Scientific Perspective. Routledge. ? Chiu, Chi-Yue, Shi, Yuanyuan, Kwan, Letty Y-Y (invited book chapter, in press). The story of culture in psychology and the return journey to normology: comments on the global relevance of Asian indigenous psychologies. In Yeh Kuang-Hui (Ed.) Asian Indigenous Psychologies in Global Context.

2 ? Chiu, Chi-Yue, Shi, Yuanyuan (invited book chapter, in preparation). Cultural Competence: Skills for a Psychology of All People. In Kenneth Keith (Ed.) Cross-Cultural Psychology: Contemporary Themes &

Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell. ? Chiu, Chi-Yue, Shi, Yuanyuan, Kwan, Letty Y-Y (invited book chapter, in preparation). Experimental Studies of Cultural Dynamics. In Byron G. Adams and Michael Bender (Eds.), Methods Make It or Break It: The Role of Assessment in Culture and Psychology. ? 施媛媛,张红川 (in press). 重视谦虚的当代价值:文化心理学视角下的谦虚与身心健康, 社会心理 学评论 已发表论文 ? Shi, Yuanyuan, Luo, Yu L.L., Yang, Ziyan, Liu, Yunzhi, &

Bao, Hanwushuang. (2018). Do Narcissists Enjoy Visiting Social Networking Sites? It Depends on How Adaptive They Are. Frontiers in Psychology,

9 ,

1739 ? Shi, Yuanyuan, Luo, Yu L.L., Liu, Yunzhi, &

Yang, Ziyan. (2018). Affective Experience on Social Networking Sites Predicts Psychological Well-Being Off-Line. Psychological Report. doi: 10.1177/0033294118789039 ? Shi, Yuanyuan, Sedikides, Constantine, Liu, Yunzhi, Yang, Ziyan &

Cai, Huajian. (2017) Disowning the Self: The Cultural Value of Modesty Can Attenuate Self-Positivity. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70,1023-1032. ? Zhao, Na, Shi, Yuanyuan, Xin, Ziqiang, &

Zhang, Jianxin. (2017). The impact of traditionality/modernity on identification- and calculus-based trust. International Journal of Psychology. ? Gu, Rruolei, Yang, Jing, Shi, Yuanyuan, Luo, Yi, Luo, Yu L.L., &

Cai, Huajian. (2016). Be Strong Enough to Say No: Self-Affirmation Increases Rejection to Unfair Offers. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1824. ? Shi, Yuanyuan, Shi, Jing, Luo, Yu L.L., &
