编辑: sunny爹 2019-07-09
The Lie of Capital 资本的谎言 Questioning the grand narratives of land grabbing 拷问国际土地攫取的宏大叙事 The little narratives 小叙事 ? Land grabbing is being done by foreign governments 土地攫取 是外国政府所为 ? Land grabbing is occurring because of food insecurity after worldwide food crisis in 2007-2008 之所以会出现土地攫取是因为 2007-2008年世界粮食危机之后爆发的粮食安全问题 ? Land grabbing is occurring where the land is not being used anyway 土地攫取发生在土地未作任何利用的地方 ? Land grabbing is taking place in countries where there is weak governance 土地攫取发生在治理不力的国家 ? Land grabbing results in dispossession when the people do not have secure land tenure rights 如果人们没有明确的土地产权,土地 攫取会导致土地剥夺 The grand narrative 宏大叙事 ? Large scale land acquisitions are important investments.

They can revive agriculture, develop the countryside, and move rural populations out of poverty. 大规模的土地征占 是重要的投资.它们可以重振农业、发展乡村,使农村人口摆脱贫 困. ? If controlled properly, large scale land acquisitions can increase our food security. They can give us energy security. They can protect and heal the environment. 如果控制得 当,大规模的土地征占可以提高粮食安全、确保能源安全、保护和 疗治环境. What'

s missing from these narratives? 这些叙事中遗漏了什么? ? Some narratives hide reality. 某些叙事掩盖了社会现实 ? They redirect our focus, they deflect criticism. 转移我们的焦点、避开批评 ? Or, they make something that is happening to appear as if it was inevitable ( going to happen anyway no matter what we do to prevent it ). 使正在发生的事情看似不可避免( 无论我们如何规避,事情总 会发生 ) ? These little lies contain a grain of truth… 小谎言 中也有一丝真理 ? … but they hide a complex reality. 但终归它们掩盖了复杂的社会现实 ? Other narratives make fiction. 其他叙事纯为臆造 ? They are make-believe . 它们是 子虚乌有 之事 ? These big lies try to make us believe a thing that has no clear basis in reality. 这些 弥天大谎 企图让我们相信一件并无清晰现实根基的事情 The lie in the narratives about land grabbing 叙事中关于土地攫取的谎言 ? The little lies are not telling us the real causes of land grabbing. 小谎言 并未告诉我们土地攫取的 真实原因 ? The big lies are not telling us the real consequences of land grabbing. 大谎言 并未 告诉我们土地攫取的真实后果 Overview 纵览 ? Background 背景 ? Analytical Approach 分析视角 ? Challenging the little narratives 挑战小叙事 ? Questioning the grand narratives 质疑宏大叙事 ? Dilemmas 困局 Background 背景 ? Convergence of global crises 全球危机的聚合 ? Land grabbing occurring in recent years in the context of numerous global crises 土地攫取是在近年来众多全球性危机的背景下出现的 ? energy, environment, climate, financial, food 能源、环境、气候、金融、粮食 ? Rise in big (trans)national land deals 大宗国内(跨国)土地交易的兴起 ? Various estimates of the amount of land changing hands: 关于土地交易数量的不 同估计 ? from

45 million hectares since 2007/8 (World Bank) 自2007/8年起4500万公顷(世界银行) ? to

227 million since year

2000 (Oxfam) 自2000年起2.27亿公顷(乐施会) ? Known as the global land rush or global land grab 被称为 全球土地 淘金 或者 全球土地攫取 ? Trend is likely to continue 这种趋势可能会持续 ? World Bank in
