编辑: 梦三石 2019-07-09
BBC LEARNING ENGLISH Q and A of the Week 你问我答 Parting Phrases 常用告别语 ? 关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件.

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2015 bbcukchina.com/learningenglish Page

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3 Helen 大家好,我是 Helen,欢迎收听 BBC 英语教学的《你问我答》节目.首先要感谢听众 和网友的参与使这一互动栏目越来越好.今天新浪微博一位署名"小Song 还很 Young"的网友提出了以下问题: Question 请问 take good care of 可以用什么短语或者用法替代?感觉这个短语要被用烂了. Helen 谢谢"小Song 还很Young".你这中英文搭配的名字很有创意,中文的意思就是小宋 仍很年轻,是吧? 你对 take good care of 这个短语已经听厌倦了,对吗? 那我们就来 看一看英语中的道别语还有哪些,可以根据不同语境变换使用. 第一个可替换短语就是 look after,意思也是照顾,照料.比如,你想对一个人说,别 担心, 你去度假吧,我会照顾 Lucy (你的小宠物狗) 的: Examples Don't worry about Lucy, I will be looking after her while you are on holiday. Don't worry about Lucy, I will take care of her while you are on holiday. Helen 这里的 look after 和take care of 所表达的意思是一样的, 但是要注意三个小环节:介词 搭配不同,不要搞混.第二,你可以在 take care of 这个短语中加上形容词 good , take good care of 以加强语气,但是 look after 就不行.第三,最常用的道别语其实就两个 词take care.只有在加上宾语的时候才需要跟介词 of.请听以下例句: Example Don't worry about Lucy, I will be looking after her. You take care and have a good trip. Helen 接下来我们看看其它 一些常用的告别语并通过对话来体会他们的用法. Q&A of the Week ?British Broadcasting Corporation

2015 bbcukchina.com/learningenglish Page

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3 Helen 请大家设想第一个情景:你的家人或朋友生病了,你去探望,离开的时候你可能会叮 嘱他们说:"多保重 take good care of (yourself)".这种语境下你可以说:"外面 冷,不要出来啦,多保暖,好好休息". Example A: It's rather cold outside, don't come out. B: Thanks for coming. A: My pleasure. Rest up and keep warm. I'm sure you will be alright in a few days. B: I will. Drive safely. Helen 这段对话里没有使用 take care of 或look after,而是用了rest up 好好休息, keep warm 注意保暖和 drive safely 开车注意安全.再听一遍: Example A: It's rather cold outside, don't come out. B: Thanks for coming. A: My pleasure. Rest up and keep warm. I'm sure you will be alright in a few days. B: I will. Drive safely. Helen 下面请大家设想第二个情景 - 朋友正在装修新房,每天搞到大半夜,累得腰酸腿疼连 连叫苦.这时你就可以劝劝他说: Example A:Come on - Rome was not built in a day. Take it easy. B: But my parents are coming soon and I want them to see the finished house. A: That would be nice but they would be more worried to see you ill. So don't overdo it. B: Alright. Thanks. Helen Take it easy 和don't overdo something 也是英语里常常出现的善意劝告,意思是慢慢 来,别太累了.罗马不是一天就造成了的,意思是不要想一口吃个大胖子.再听一 遍: Example A:Come on - Rome was not built in a day. Take it easy. B: But my parents are coming soon and I want them to see the finished house. A: That would be nice but they would be more worried to see you ill. So don't overdo it. B: Alright. Thanks. Q&A of the Week ?British Broadcasting Corporation
