编辑: 木头飞艇 2019-07-09

9 点30 送到那里

9 点45 分再来接我 -[Whispers] 9:45 sharp. -Call Natalie at Glorious Foods, tell her no for the 40th time. -9 点45 分正点. -打电话给'



40 遍不行 No, I don'

t want dacquoise. I want tortes filled with warm rhubarb compote. 我不要杏仁蛋白饼. 我要大黄水果蛋糕 Then call my ex-husband and remind him the parent-teacher conference is at Dalton tonight. 再打电话给我前夫,提醒他今晚的家长会在达尔顿 Then call my husband, ask him to meet me for dinner at that place I went to with Massimo. 打给我丈夫,让他在我和马西莫去过的地方碰面吃晚餐 Tell Richard I saw the pictures that he sent for that feature on the female paratroopers… 告诉理查德我看过他送来的女伞兵的照片 and they'

re all so deeply unattractive. 他们实在太难看了 Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper? 就不能找个可人又苗条的女伞兵? -No. -Am I reaching for the stars here? Not really. -当然能-我能接触星辰吗?当然不可能 Also, I need to see all the things that Nigel has pulled for Gwyneth'

s second cover try. 还有,我要看奈杰尔给格温妮丝挑的第二次封面试镜的衣服 I wonder if she'

s lost any of that weight yet. Who'

s that? 不知她瘦了多少.她是谁? Nobody. Um, uh… 谁都不是,呃Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and I was preinterviewing her. 人力资源部送她来做助理,我刚给她面试 But she'

s hopeless and totally wrong for it. 她根本不行,完全不适应这里 Clearly I'

m going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me… 显然我要自己来选,你上两次选的人 were completely inadequate. 全都不合格 So send her in. That'

s all. 让她进来.就这样 Right. 好的 -She wants to see you. -Oh! She does? -她要见你 -哦,是吗? Move! 快点 -This is foul. Don'

t let her see it. Go! -That'

s… 这太土了.别让她看见 快去!-那个 [Sighs] Who are you? 你是谁? Uh, my name is Andy Sachs. 呃,我叫安迪・塞克斯 I recently graduated from Northwestern University. 刚从西北大学毕业 And what are you doing here?[Clears Throat] 那你在这里做什么? Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant. 我可以做你的助理 And, um… 还有,呃Yeah, I came to New York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere… 我来纽约立志成为记者,发了不少简历 and then finally got a call from Elias-Clarke… 终于艾丽雅斯・克拉克给了我一个电话 and met with Sherry up at Human Resources. 让我和人力资源部的谢瑞见面 Basically, it'

s this or Auto Universe. 反正, 不是这里就是《机动世界》 -So you don'

t read Runway? -Uh, no. -那你不看《天桥》? -呃,不看 And before today, you had never heard of me. 直到今天才知道我这个人 No. 是的 And you have no style or sense of fashion. 你对时尚也没品味和见解 Well, um, I think that depends on what you'

re… 这个,我认为这看个人 No, no. That wasrt a question. 不,不.我没在问你 Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern. 我曾经是西北日报的主编 I also, um, won a national competition for college journalists… 我,还赢过全国大学记者竞赛 with my series on thejanitors'

union, which exposed the exploitation… 连续街陋了校工团体的不法剥削 That'

s all. 行了 [Scoffs] Yeah. You know, okay. 好吧,我知道了 You'
