编辑: XR30273052 2019-07-09
焚化灰渣作为水泥生料对卜特兰水泥影响之研究 研究生:郭容忍 指导教授:黄志彬、袁如馨博士 国立交通大学环境工程研究所 摘要焚化处理俨然已成台湾未来都市废弃物处理之主流,目前台湾对於焚化灰渣 仍以掩埋处理为主,相对於其他先进国家积极开发灰渣资源化,台湾在这方面稍 嫌落后.

近年来水泥产业在废弃物处理上扮演重要角色,考量飞灰与底渣在主要 化学成份 CaO、SiO

2、Al2O3 及Fe2O3 与水泥主要成份相似,飞灰与底渣可作为水 泥之原料;

利用水泥窑高温烧结方式烧成水泥熟料且将重金属固封於水泥矿物 中,使灰渣达无害化. 研究显示焚化灰渣含大量氯盐、硫化物、P2O5 与重金属,会造成旋窑堵塞与 影响水泥品质.本研究以水洗(L/S=

10、15 min)搭配醋酸酸洗(L/S=

20、醋酸 浓度 0.1 M、30 min)方式进行,可有效减少焚化灰渣氯盐及少部分 SO3.处理后 之飞灰与底渣氯含量为

5749 ppm 及2876 ppm,针对本研究所采集之灰渣样品, 若将生料中总氯含量控制在

100 ppm,则飞灰与底渣最大添加量为 1.75%及3.5%.生料经混合、造粒、烧结后,即为水泥熟料,其中熟料矿物分析与未添加 灰渣之水泥熟料相比并无太大差异.水泥品质检验显示添加飞灰与底渣会稍微降 低水泥易磨性与抗压强度,且有延缓凝结时间之现象发生.整体来说,除凝结时 间受烧成过当之影响,造成初凝与终凝有缓凝超过标准之现象外,其余均符合 CNS 61Ⅱ型水泥规. 关键词:飞灰、底渣、卜特兰水泥、熟料 Recycling of MSWI Ash as a Raw Material for Portland Cement Student : Jung-Jen Kuo Advisors : Chihpin Huang and Jill Ruhsing Pan Institute of Environment Engineering National Chiao Tung University Abstract In Taiwan, landfill disposal and solidification are two major strategies for MSWI ash disposal. However, MSWI ash is rich in heavy metals and salts, which may cause serious environmental problem if without proper treatment. Recently, cement industry has played an important role in the disposal of solid wastes because it can utilize various kinds of wastes as fuels or raw materials. In addition, the heavy metals can be safely captured in the cement clinker. In this study, the feasibility of incorporating MSWI fly ash and bottom ash into cement clinker was evaluated. Sintering process was attempted to simulate the cement making. The goal of this study is to find a practical way to dispose the MSWI ash. The chemical property of the incineration ash was analyzed. The MSWI ash was washed with water and acid to remove the chlorides in order to prevent the clogging and the rusting of the cement kiln. The greatest chloride removal was achieved by a

15 min water washing at L/S=10 followed by a

30 min wash with 0.1 M acetic acid at L/S=20. After the pre-treatment, various amount of the ash was added to replace the clay component of the cement raw material. The effect of its addition on sintering condition and the quality of the Portland cement were evaluated. The maximum percentage of fly ash and bottom ash could be added were 1.75 and 3.50, respectively. The results showed that the compressive strength of the clinker with fly ash and bottom ash addition was similar to that of the blank sample. However, the setting time of the masonry was much longer. All cement products conformed to the Chinese National Standard of second degree Portland cement, with one exception that the setting time of the clinker was much longer. Keyword:Fly ash, Bottom ash, Recycling, Clinker 志谢两年前的夏天,我怀著喜悦与学习的心情来到了交大,两年后的这个夏天, 我怀念著研究生涯的点点滴滴.两年说长不长,说短不短,但却是我得到最多经 验与历练的两年,首先感谢吾师黄志彬与袁如馨教授,对学生在学术研究上悉心 指导与生活上的照顾.口试期间,承蒙台大李公哲教授与中央王鲲生教授对学生 论文提出的指正与建议. 一本论文的完成并非单靠个人之力可顺利完成,需众人力量的协助.在此感 谢台泥李荣发副主任、郭鸿泽先生与实验室叔叔、大哥及花姨对学生在实验分析 与生活上的照顾.在新竹求学过程中,感谢实验室博士班阿甘、小江、茂松、庆国、志麟学长,硕士班学长姐又瑞、圣寰、弘任、士闵、昌隆,芬兰、敏儒在学 业与实验上的指导.在辛苦研究过程中,感谢同学佳欣、柏廷、肇毅、嘉蔚、靖 宜的互相扶持,感谢学弟妹韦弘、宏杰、欣慧、育俊、旭娟在诸多杂事上的帮助. 另外,大学同学小厉、凤文、小助、胁迫我要加入的家成,还有好友王琦、登曼、 薏菁、进里、百莹,谢谢你们的加油与鼓励. 最后,谢谢一直在背后默默支持我的爸爸、妈妈、弟弟、琪茹及大姐凤贞, 你们给了我无尽爱与关怀,让我可以克服所有困难.仅以此篇论文献给对我有所 帮助的人,一同分享这份人生成长的喜悦. 郭容忍
