编辑: liubingb 2019-07-08
1 A Healthy Pregnancy Below are some things you can do to take care of yourself and your baby.

Appointments and Classes ? Make an appointment as soon as you think you are pregnant to start prenatal care. ? Go to your regular prenatal check ups, even when you feel well. At the end of your pregnancy, your check ups will be every

1 to

2 weeks. ? Go to classes to help prepare you for labor and delivery, breastfeeding and baby care. Take your partner or other support person with you. ? Check if you have insurance for pregnancy and baby benefits. ? Ask for an interpreter and financial help if needed. Food and Drinks ? Eat balanced meals that include whole grain breads, cereals, fruits, vegetables, milk, and meat and other proteins. Avoid fried and high sugar foods. ? Drink

6 to

8 glasses of water each day. ? Try eating smaller meals more often. ? Avoid or limit food and drinks with caffeine to

1 to

2 cups each day. Caffeine is in chocolate, colas, teas and coffee. ? Limit your intake of artificial sweeteners, including diet sodas, to

2 to

3 servings each day. Nutrasweet and Equal (aspartame) and Splenda (sucralose) in small amounts are okay, but do not use any saccharin (Sweet '

N Low). ? Avoid meats and eggs that are not fully cooked. Eat dairy products that have been pasteurized, including milk and cheese. Uncooked foods may have bacteria in them that can cause serious illness in pregnant women and increase the risk of miscarriage. A Healthy Pregnancy. Simplified Chinese.

1 妊娠健康 以下是有助于您照顾好自己和您的胎儿的一些事宜. 产前保健和培训班 ? 知道自己怀孕后,应尽快预约医生,开始产前保健. ? 即使感觉很好,也要定期作产前检查.在妊娠的末期,每隔

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2 周检查 一次. ? 上培训班,为分娩、母乳喂养和看护宝宝作准备.与伴侣或其他照顾您的 人一起去上培训班. ? 确认保险是否包括妊娠和婴儿福利. ? 必要时,请求提供传译员,申请财务援助. 饮食 ? 均衡饮食,饮食须包括全麦面包、麦片、水果、蔬菜、牛奶和肉类以及其 他高蛋白食品.忌食油炸和高糖食物. ? 每日饮水 6至8杯. ? 尝试少食多餐. ? 避免或限用含咖啡因的饮食,含咖啡因饮料以每日

1 至2杯为限.朱古 力、可乐、茶及咖啡内含有咖啡因. ? 限食人工甜味剂(包括健怡苏打水,每日以

2 至3份为限).可少量摄取 Nutrasweet、Equal(阿斯巴甜)和Splenda(蔗糖素),但绝对禁用糖精 (Sweet '

N Low). ? 避免食用未充分煮熟的肉类和鸡蛋.食用经灭菌处理的奶制品,包括牛奶 和奶酪.未煮熟的食物可能含有细菌,从而导致妊娠妇女感染严重疾 病,增加流产风险.

2 ? Avoid unheated hot dogs and lunch meats from the deli counter or at restaurants. These are okay to eat if they have been heated through until steaming. Cook hot dogs in boiling water or microwave deli meat for at least

30 seconds on high for food safety. ? The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program is available to provide free nutritious food and health information for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and children. Go to www.fns.usda.gov/wic to find the toll-free phone number for your state or in Ohio call 1-800-755-4769. Weight Gain Total weight gain depends on your pre-pregnant weight, eating habits, exercise and your metabolism. The average weight gain during pregnancy for a normal weight female is

25 to

35 pounds. You should gain

2 to

4 pounds in the first

3 months and about ? to
