编辑: 252276522 2019-07-08
1 永续发展实验坊

2019 Sustainability Hackathon

2019 报名表 Application Form 1.

称谓 Title: 先生 Mr 女士 Ms 2. 中文全名: 3. Full name in English: 4. 电邮地址 Email address: 5. 联络电话 Contact No.: 6. 出生日期 Date of birth: 7. 机构 Organisation: 8. 职位 Title: 9. 您有友一同参加永续发展实验坊吗?Do you have teammates joining this hackathon with you? 没有,但我愿意与其他参加者组.No, but I am up for collaborating with other participants. 没有.我希望单独参加.No. I want to participate individually. 有.Yes. 全的人数 Number of persons in your team: ______ 10. 请列出您全部友的姓名.Please list out the names of all your teammates. 若以短片形式回答第 11-12 及14-16 项,请提供短片的连结 If you answer questions 11-12 and 14-16 in video form, please provide the video link here: 11. 是甚麽驱使您参加永续发展实验坊?(100 字以内) Why do you want to participate in this hackathon? (Within

100 words) 12. 您的相关技能和经验(50 字以内)Your relevant skills and experience (Within

50 words)

2 13. 您对乡郊永续发展哪个最感兴趣?Which area of rural sustainability are you most interested in? 农业可持续发展 Sustainable agricultural development 以乡郊永续发展为主题的教学 Teaching and learning on the theme of rural sustainability 公平使用乡郊地区的自然和文化资源 Fair use of natural and cultural resources in rural areas 14. 请就以上所选的乡郊永续发展分享您的想法.(200 字以内) Share your thoughts on the area of rural sustainability you have chosen above. (Within

200 words) 15. 简介您曾参与的一个最具创意的项目.(50 字以内) Briefly describe the most creative project you were involved. (Within

50 words) 16. 您是否有特别的饮食要求?Do you have any special dietary requests? 17. 您从什麽途径得知这个永续发展实验坊活动?How did you hear about this hackathon? 电邮 Email 网页 Website 朋友或家人 Friends or family 社交媒体 Social media 学院活动 Academy events 学院毕业生 Academy graduates 免费报纸 Free newspaper 雅虎 Yahoo 谷歌 Google 其他 Others: 本表格所收集的个人资料仅供策动永续发展坊安排是次永续发展实验坊之用.除非得到您的同意,您所提供的个人资料将不 会向任何第三方透露.The personal data collected will be used by the Policy for Sustainability Lab for processing the captioned purposes only. All personal data you provided will not be disclosed to any third parties unless with your prior consent. 个人资料收集声明 Personal Information Collection Statement: http://www.socsc.hku.hk/ic.html
