编辑: ok2015 2019-07-06
缪昌文 等:基于毛细管负压技术测试混凝土最早期的自干燥效应 ・

517 ・ 第35 卷第

4 期 电气石/树脂复合材料对柴油锅炉油耗及排污的影响 李奋平,梁金生,孟军平,丁燕,梁广川,薛刚,刘立华 (河北工业大学能源与环保材料研究所,天津 300130) 摘要:将电气石微粉与树脂复合制成电气石/树脂复合材料,研究复合材料辐射的远红外线对柴油表面张力的影响,并在 RBS・VHC1.

5 型燃油锅炉 台架实验机上进行节能和污染物排放的测试.结果表明:复合材料辐射的远红外线与柴油分子作用产生共振,使C―H,C―C 键的振动增强,削弱 了分子间的作用,使柴油表面张力降低.室内条件下,中位粒径为 4.0 μm 的电气石粉体在电气石/树脂复合材料中的质量分数为 40%时,制备的复合 材料与柴油作用

50 min,表面张力由初始值 27.198 mN/m 降为 26.524 mN/m.在燃油锅炉台架实验机上使用,可节省柴油 2.87%,同时使烟气中 CO, NO 的质量浓度降低率分别达 15.9%和14.5%. 关键词:复合材料;






油耗 中图分类号:TD985 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0454C5648(2007)04C0517C05 EFFECT OF TOURMALINE/RESIN COMPOSITE MATERIALS ON THE COMBUSTION OF DIESEL OIL FOR OIL-BURNING BOILER LI Fenping,LIANG Jinsheng,MENG Junping,DING Yan,LIANG Guangchuan,XUE Gang,LIU Lihua (Institute of Power Source and Ecomaterials Science, Heibei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China) Abstract: Tourmaline/resin composite materials were prepared using fine tourmaline powder and resin. The effect of far infrared radiation of composite materials on the surface tension of diesel fuel was investigated. The oil consumption and air pollutant emission of the RBS・VHC1.5 oil-burning boiler operated with these materials were tested. The results show that the far-infrared radiation from tourmaline/resin composite materials resonates with the diesel oil molecules, and the C―H, C―C bonds are weakened through this resonance, which decrease the surface tension of diesel oil. The surface tension of diesel oil is reduced from 27.198 mN/m to 26.524 mN/m, when the composite materials containing 40% in mass tourmaline with a median diameter 4.0 μm are used. The oil-saving rate of the boiler with the tourmaline/resin composite materials applied is 2.87%, and the rates of CO and NO reduction in the exhaust gas are 15.9% and 14.5%, respectively. Key words: composite;



diesel oil;



oil consumption 能源与环保问题关系着社会的进步,人类的生 存与发展,已引起全社会的重视.燃料的不完全燃 烧既浪费能源,又污染环境[1] .目前,节约能源、减 少废气排放已成为各国科学家研究的热点之一[2C4] . 红外线是电磁波谱的一部分,波长为 2.5~50 μm 的红外线可增强分子中原子和基团的振动及分 子的转动,从而增加被照射分子的内能[5] .基于此 原理,魏美玲等[6] 制备了常温远红外陶瓷燃油活化 器,节油率为 2%~5%,但陶瓷的制备工艺复杂、 陶瓷表面易受油中重金属污染,不便清洗和再生, 长期使用存在诸多不便.电气石是一种由 Al,Na, Ca,Mg,B 和Fe 等元素组成的含水和氟等的环状 硅酸盐异电极性晶体矿物,因其特殊的晶体结构具 有显著的压电性、热电性和红外辐射特性[7] ,利用 电气石的天然远红外辐射功能的节油技术已有研 究[4,7C8] .Xu 等[9] 用电气石、稀土制备的复合材料对 汽油具有助燃功能且能够降低柴油的闪点、粘度、 表面张力[10] . 收稿日期:2006C10C31. 修改稿收到日期:2006C12C22. 基金项目:天津市科技发展计划(06YFGZGX02400)资助项目. 第一作者:李奋平(1981~),男,硕士研究生. 通讯作者:梁金生(1964~),男,博士,研究员. Received date: 2006C10C31. Approved date: 2006C12C22. First author: LI Fenping (1981―), male, graduate student for master degree. E-mail: lfp_1981@sina.com Correspondent author: LIANG Jinsheng (1964―), male, doctor, professor. E-mail: liang_jinsheng@sina.com 第35 卷第
