编辑: star薰衣草 2019-07-06
渔农自然体理, Agriα』他J18, Fi纳e的esand Con询问'ation Depa耐nent 一港廿一雷叫一浓浓白键 3这种事色奋诠同余宰割.

只看在$港§主liI} be.J ?套书剂,方司在烧肉售嚣. AgriculturE?, FishE?riE?s and ConsE?rvation O E?partME?nt is rE?sponsiblE? for rE?gistration of PE?sticidE?s. Onlv rE?gistE?rE?d PE?sticidE?s shall bE? sold in Hong Kong. 巴结甸余客观会在檬签上11;


: " 'PXXX" ~ "2PXXX" be.J i主穗铸蚁. QE?gistration No. "IPXXX" or "2PXXX" is shoωn on thE? labE?1of rE?gistE?rE?d PE?sticidE?s. a)1PXXX 一第I部除奋剂 Part

1 pesticides: q 可供一般家庭直接使用 , 如臭丸、蚂蚁 甲由药饵 、 蚊香、驱蚊贴等 . Ready for use in general household situation e.g. mothballs, ant and roach bait, mosquito coils & mosquito patches, etc. .?' b) 2PXXX 一第

11 部除奋剂 Pa内11 pesticides: 其他非第 I 部的除曹剂,包括农药、除草剂、灭蚊油 、 船底防污漆及用於环境卫生 、 草地及国艺保养的除害剂 . AII other pesticides not included in Part 1. e.g. agricultural pesticides, herbicides, larvicidal oil, antifouling paint and pesticides for use in environmental hygiene, tu 斤and ornamental management. lu割 须为窝窝壳的除宰割盼嫂,方司销入、制涛、 1其应 单位售宪余客观.制手: Avalid PE'sticidE'sLicE'ncE' is rE'QuirE'dto iMPort, ManufacturE;

~, supplv, and sal@ p@sticid@s. For E'xa斗plE's: 经营第 I 部除曹剂的药房、家居用自店 、 超级 市场或供应商. Oispensary, household shop, supermarket or supplier trading Pa付1pesticides. 经营第

11 部除曹剂的菜种行、花店或供应商. Agricultural company, floral shop or supplier trading Pa付11 pesticides. 1其售宪的余宰割必须的看法碌的 φ 请文檬铐. P@sticid@s for sal@ Must hav@ prop@r bilinguallab@ls. 表领育蜍宰割 3年司话为之得管商品E 谘询余宰割

91 经营 其导绪. No p@rson shall b@ in poss@ssion of or trading unr@gist@r@d p@sticid@s unl@ss a P@sticid@s P@rMit is obtain@d. 被割l?i学法制第

60 重《退出 011进制~ I 每m渗出 §港的.学宰割诣 1战,必须@领迫害./也Oi年司话. ?@for@ @nt@ring/l@aυing Hong Kong, an iMPortl@xport lic@nc@ should b@ obtain@d for @ach ship们@nt of p@sticid@s und@r th@ 工们port and Export Ordinanc@ (Cap.60). ENQUIRIES 渔觉自然理书植物及除富 .J监理科 Plant and Pesticides Regulatory Division Agric叫ture , Fisheries and Conservation Department 九龙长沙湾道303号长 沙湾政府合署

5 楼5/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices,

303 Cheung Sha Wan Road , Kowloon. 电话/Tel. : (852)

2150 7007 图文传真/Fax : (852)

23142622 电邮/E-mail : pestlic1@afcd.gov.hk 网页/Web-site : http://www.afcd.gov.hk
